Why cucumbers grow poorly in open ground and in a greenhouse, what to do

To find out why cucumbers grow poorly in a greenhouse, you need to know the basic rules for caring for a vegetable crop. It means that some point was missed or recommendations were not followed.

Why do cucumbers die in a greenhouse

If the grower noticed that the cucumbers of their favorite variety began to develop slowly, the color of the leaves changed, the fruits are small, you need to radically change the care. There are several main reasons why cucumbers may not grow in greenhouse conditions.

  1. Why cucumbers develop poorly in the greenhouse is facilitated by an incorrect, too dense planting of seedlings. This leads to the fact that the cucumbers stop growing and even die. Therefore, you need to plant cucumbers correctly. The distance between the cucumber beds should be approximately 70 cm. The spacing between seedlings in rows should not be less than 55 cm.

If you plant cucumbers close to each other, then the green leaves will block the access of air and light to the lower parts of the plant. An excess of evaporated moisture will remain at the root zone, which contributes to the development of infections and the appearance of decay. The root system is intertwined and lagging behind in development.

rotten fruit

  1. When choosing seeds, you need to pay attention to which varieties belong - self-pollinated or insect-pollinated. The first option is best suited for a greenhouse. If insect-pollinated varieties are planted, then it is necessary to ensure free access of insects during flowering. If this does not happen, then the development stops. You can attract pollinating insects with the help of sweet syrup, which is sprayed with green mass. Otherwise, there will be no crop in the greenhouse.
  2. Cucumbers love warmth. Seedling seedlings are very sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore, in order for the plants to not stop developing, a warm climate should be maintained at all times. The normal temperature regime at night is +19 degrees, and in the daytime - +26. If the air temperature in greenhouse conditions is higher than +35 degrees, then the plant may die altogether. At the same time, the air humidity level should not exceed 80%. Cucumbers do not grow in the greenhouse even when the temperature drops.
  3. Cucumbers are also afraid of drafts. Ventilation of the room must be carried out correctly. It is recommended to open the window only on one side. Only one door can be opened.
  4. Why cucumbers do not develop depends largely on compliance with the correct watering regime. Castings dry and turn yellow as a result of rare, poor watering, while the fruits will form bitter.

bush bay

Conversely, over-watering causes the root to rot and the fungal infection spreads. In order for the fruits to grow good, it is best to water the cucumbers in the greenhouse every 2-3 days.

During the ripening of the fruits, it is recommended to reduce the frequency of watering. In this case, the plant will direct all its forces to the formation of fruits, and not to the growth of tops and leaves.

  1. The death of cucumbers in the greenhouse is often caused by pests and infections. The most common pests include the melon aphid and the greenhouse whitefly. The most common infectious diseases, why cucumbers die, are gray rot and powdery mildew. The main signs of the appearance of such problems on the cucumber garden is the blanching of the leaves, they can turn yellow, curl, spots appear on them. Fruits do not go well and form irregularly shaped

green cucumbers

It should be borne in mind that it is very difficult for cucumbers to tolerate a transplant, therefore it is better to immediately sow it in a vegetable garden or on closed beds, or grow at home in peat pots.

What to do if cucumbers grow poorly in a greenhouse

The main reasons why cucumbers do not grow in open ground or in a sheltered room is the choice of low-quality planting material, as well as ignoring the disinfection stage.

Before planting, seeds must be properly selected, disinfected and germinated. If the seeds were improperly prepared, then the sprouts that appear will grow slowly and will begin to bear fruit much later.

dry ovary

Cucumbers grow slowly due to non-compliance with sowing rules. In this case, even well-selected seeds will not give the desired result. You need to plant cucumber seeds in a well-heated ground. Vegetable crops do not develop well in cold ground. The depressions are not made too deep, about 2.5 cm. If you make the hole deeper, the seedlings will lag behind in growth, and the fruits will ripen later. In addition, there is an increased risk that seedlings will not appear at all.

If cucumbers grow slowly in a greenhouse, attention should be paid to the composition of the soil and its quality. The soil in the greenhouse plays an important role in the development of cucumbers. If it has not changed for 3-4 years, the supply of nutrients is depleted, bacteria and fungi colonize. Therefore, it is necessary to renew the topsoil annually.

empty bloom

Another factor why cucumbers can stop in their development is the wrong regime for introducing organic or mineral components.

Cucumbers can grow poorly and slowly due to lack of nutrients in the soil. You need to fertilize at least four times during the entire growing season. Fertilizers are applied for the first time two weeks after transplanting the seedlings into the greenhouse. By this time, the plant has adapted and established itself. Next time, you need to take time to fertilize before flowering. The third and fourth feeding coincides with the period of the beginning of mass fruiting.

grow poorly

An aqueous solution based on bird droppings or cow dung will help to fill the lack of nutrients in the soil. A mixture of wood ash, lime and copper sulfate is also often used.

The very first thing to do when cucumbers are not growing is to change the rules of care. It is imperative to normalize the mode of watering, weeding and forming a bush. Water for irrigation should be warm, settled. Do not use a hose for watering, as the jet under pressure washes the soil, exposing the roots of the cucumbers.

hoe on the ground

Why cucumbers are not poured

Cucumbers, especially during fruiting, are very responsive to nighttime temperature drops. Therefore, in order for the fruits to begin to pour well, you need to observe the normal temperature regime - within +20 degrees. Cucumber fruits do not grow in the case when the temperature does not exceed +11 degrees for several days. Cucumbers are poorly poured in the greenhouse, the shape is deformed, and the taste becomes bitter. The plant is afraid of the cold. At a temperature of +4 degrees, it completely dies.

cucumbers are not poured

You need to harvest the ripe crop in time.If you overexpose the fruits on the bush, new ovaries will not form or will not have time to fill. Harvesting is recommended every two days. In addition to timely harvesting, it is required to remove diseased and damaged leaves on time. Healthy, strong leaves should not be touched, as they feed the fruit pouring under them.

Gardeners may also face such a problem when the ovaries begin to disappear. The main reason is the abundance of green mass. Therefore, you need to get rid of excess leaves in time.

employee checks

Why do cucumbers turn yellow and burn in a greenhouse

Causes of yellowing of cucumber leaves there is a shortage or excess of trace elements, hot air, cold water used for irrigation, pests and diseases.

If the cucumbers are burnt, then you can try to revive them.

the bushes are burning

  • If only the leaves are damaged, but the stem remains intact, they must be removed from the stem. Then you need to moisten the soil with warm water and create a shade with coolness for 2-3 days.
  • If the leaves dry and burn, top dressing will help restore the plant. A drug such as Azotovit helps. To make a solution, you need to dilute 10 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water. After fertilizing, it is imperative to ventilate the greenhouse and slightly loosen the soil so that oxygen better penetrates the root system.
  • Sometimes an overabundance of nutrients can cause the leaves to turn yellow and dry out. For example, if you overdo it with wood ash, then a nitrogen deficiency develops in the soil. In this case, we will reanimate in the following way: we prepare a weak solution of urea and spray the beds. If the yellowness does not begin to subside within a week, then the plant is sprayed with potassium monophosphate at night.
  • Advice: “We have been growing cucumbers in greenhouse conditions for several years now. Cucumbers love sprinkling, especially in hot weather. Once every 7 days, watering is combined with complex fertilizers. I really like such drugs as Kemira, Nitroammofosk, Solution. They easily revive plants in case of wilting or infection. "

started to turn yellow

If none of the above steps helped, then you can plant the seeds again. You should only choose early ripening varieties in order to have time to enjoy cucumbers.

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