Description of the variety of cucumbers Swallow, features of cultivation and care

The Lastochka F1 variety was bred relatively recently, but positive feedback on its characteristics was not long in coming. Compared to the Competitor, Nezhensky, Far East, which many gardeners grow under the film and in the garden, the yield of this hybrid is almost 2 times higher.

The first cucumbers of Swallows ripen 35 days after pollination, delight with excellent taste and delicate aroma. Fresh fruits are very beneficial for the body, since the liquid from which they are composed removes toxins and toxins. Zelentsy are rich in microelements, beta-carotene, vitamins of groups C, A, B. They are used in salads, and pickled and pickled cucumbers cannot be refused.

Fruit type

Swallow is grown in Ukraine, Moldova, in the central regions of Russia. In the northern part of the country, the yield of the variety decreases slightly. In the southern regions, the hybrid is sown directly into open ground when the ground temperature rises to 12 degrees. Flowers are pollinated by bees. Up to three dozen cucumbers ripen on one bush, possessing:

  • cylindrical;
  • surface with large tubercles;
  • saturated green;
  • thin skin;
  • delicate taste;
  • beautiful pattern.

cucumbers Swallow

In order not to wait for the first fruits, which grow up to 12 cm in length and weigh about 100 g, you can pick small cucumbers that look like gherkins.

Hybrid characteristics

Summer residents plant the plant in a film greenhouse, farmers grow it in the fields. In each node of the bush, 3 ovaries are formed, up to 12 kg of strong fruits with black thorns are harvested from a square meter.

Hybrid Swallow normally tolerates sudden changes in weather, is not affected by:

delicate taste

In order for a vegetable crop to reward with a harvest, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​its features, to comply with the requirements for planting and care. The swallow, like other cucumbers, loves warmth, but this hybrid is adapted to the conditions of different regions and feels fine outdoors.

small cucumbers

When are they planted?

Cucumbers are sown when the temperature of the upper layer of the earth rises to 12 degrees. This usually happens in mid-May, in the middle lane the plant is planted in the first decade of June. In cold and damp soil, sprouts simply will not appear. At temperatures above 30 degrees, the culture slows down development. Seeds are placed in 20 ml soil, up to 6 bushes are placed per square meter.

The roots of cucumbers are located close to the surface, the ground cannot be loosened near them. To prevent the hybrid from getting sick, you should not plant it on the site where melons, carrots or beans used to grow. The culture takes root well in slightly darkened places.

slows down development

Watering features

In order for the Swallow hybrid to develop and bear fruit, it is necessary to create the correct moisture regime. If the soil is dry:

  1. Flowers are showered.
  2. The leaves darken.
  3. The ovary is not formed.

With excessive watering in the ground, the amount of oxygen decreases, the plant turns pale, and there will be few cucumbers.

correct mode

With sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity, the fruits begin to taste bitter. After rain, before the flowers appear, watering is stopped, then the greens will be tied together.

How to increase the yield?

Hybrid Swallow, like other varieties of cucumbers, needs feeding. To help the roots absorb nutrients faster, small canals are made around them. After planting, the soil is fertilized with potassium and phosphorus. These trace elements contribute to the formation of cucumbers. To make them more, the first ovary is cut off.

needs feeding

When the plant reaches 40 cm in height, stepchildren are removed. During flowering, the lower leaves are removed, the top is pinched. Ringing of the stems, alternating plantings of the hybrid with varietal cucumbers helps to increase the yield.

With proper care, the Swallow will delight you with crispy and tasty fruits that are suitable for salads and pickles.

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