Characteristics and description of the Connie cucumber variety, cultivation and care

Horse cucumbers are a unique modern hybrid that has a strong stem and small fruits. They are preferred by those who love small cucumbers. They are ideal for salads and pickling in small jars.

This is one of the well-known varieties of cucumbers that belongs to early fruiting. He is not afraid of cold weather and grows calmly without the presence of greenhouses. Connie cucumbers have an f1 particle, which means a first generation hybrid.

Details of the variety

A description of the cucumber variety is included on the seed bag. This hybrid adapts to any climate and grows in greenhouses and outdoors. The harvest is usually rich, does not require special pollination.

Fruit characteristics:

  • Small, elongated shape, short, do not grow longer than 10 cm;
  • The skin is thin, there are small bubbles, sometimes a small fluff on it;
  • The weight of one vegetable is not more than 100 grams;
  • The color is mostly dark green;
  • The taste is crispy, juicy, sweet.

Conny bushes are of medium length, with small loops on the stem. This species is very fond of moderate humidity, good watering and fertile soil.

connie cucumber seeds

How to achieve a high yield

The cultivation of this variety requires certain rules. If gardeners want high yields, then they should be followed.

One of the main requirements is the landing site. Even if it is a greenhouse, then it should not be located in a lowland, on a site well-lit by the sun. Also, cucumbers do not like when they are planted in the same place.

Every year you need to change the type of plants in the greenhouses. And it should also be noted that after melons and gourds, this variety will bear fruit badly. But after pepper, tomatoes, zucchini, beans, there will be a wonderful harvest.

In order to have more fruits, you must always water, feed, loosen the soil on time. Connie f1 cucumbers are very fond of good, fertilized soil. Before planting in the ground, you must wait for the seed to sprout. During this time, you need to maintain the required temperature, humidity, light, and feed. Mature seedlings with good leaves are then planted in the beds or in the greenhouse.

How to plant seedlings

Cucumber Connie f1 in northern latitudes is planted in the beds only with seedlings. So there are more chances that the fruits will have time to ripen. Land for landing is prepared in advance. First, they dig up the upper soil by 20-30 centimeters, fertilize the holes with needles, peat, hay, put manure or humus on top. From above, they are already covered with loose earth.

If the seedlings are not planted in a greenhouse, then the prepared bed is watered, covered with foil and left for several days. Then sprouts are planted in moist soil with fertilizers. While they are getting used to the new place, it is better not to touch them or water them for a week.

In a greenhouse, seedlings are planted in the form of a checkerboard. To do this, first dig holes, watered with cold water. Then fertilize and plant bushes.

Outdoor shrub maintenance is different from greenhouse maintenance. If you know about all the nuances, then you can always get a high-quality harvest, regardless of weather conditions and climate. Vegetables ripen quickly, already in the middle of summer you can feast on them.

appearance of connie cucumbers

Rules for caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is an art. In addition to the standard watering and feeding of plants, you also need to know about maintaining the desired temperature, moisture, light.

  1. In order for the greenhouse to always have the required temperature, you need to ventilate it by opening windows and doors. If the summer turned out to be very hot and sunny, then you can tint some glass or spray it with dissolved chalk on the walls.
  2. The humidity must be sufficient. In the dry season, be sure to water well and spray the foliage. You can purchase a moisture meter for greenhouses.
  3. Cucumbers love quality watering. You usually need to water in greenhouses twice a week. Watering is carried out at the root, but the water should not be ice-cold.
  4. It is imperative to loosen the soil of these plants. Start the first loosening a month after planting the seedlings. Then - always, as soon as the earth is trampled down. This must be done carefully so as not to harm the roots.
  5. Experienced gardeners put a large bucket or barrel of water in a greenhouse, foliage, grass, and manure are poured there. All this should remain so until the fall. Thus, fermentation in the greenhouse takes place by increasing the carbon.
  6. Good fertilized soil, plant nutrition will provide excellent fruiting.

You need to feed correctly at a certain time. Once planted before flowering, the cucumber loves a fertilizer that promotes growth, assimilation of vitamins and resistance to change of location. This is necessary for the plant to adapt and begin to grow actively without stress.

When flowers begin to appear, then you can feed with superphosphate, potassium, humate, manganese to accelerate fruiting. You can put manure, bird droppings around.

With the appearance of the first fruits, it is necessary to introduce a means to improve the taste, integrity, resistance to adverse conditions. If the plant feeds well, then the vegetables will be tasty and healthy, there will be a lot of them. It is better to feed it in the evening, when the sun's rays will not bake too much. It is important not to increase the dosage of fertilizers, otherwise you can destroy the bushes.

Planting the scions in a greenhouse is not as difficult as caring for them. But if you do everything right, then the cucumbers will grow as it should.

horse cucumber harvest

Potential diseases and pests

The Connie cucumber variety, like other cultivated plants, is susceptible to certain diseases and the attack of harmful insects.

Aphids, butterflies, bedbugs, and caterpillars can overpower plants if no action is taken. For prevention, it is always necessary to produce protection. Spraying with any insect repellent is fine. This should be done at least once a month if they are not there.

When pests begin to ruin the crop, it can be seen with the naked eye. The leaves begin to curl, become covered with viscous mucus, spots. Often they move from weeds to cultivated sprouts. Therefore, weeding is very important.

The most common cucumber disease Is a fungus. Fruits develop stains, rot, dullness. The reason for this may be bad dew, rain, humidity. For prevention, high-quality watering, airing of greenhouses, and regulation of the moisture level in them should be provided.

If dew is a frequent occurrence in the area, it is better not to plant seedlings in open ground. Sometimes the soil itself is contaminated. This can be seen in berries and vegetables. They have white wet spots and they rot quickly.Removing the source of infection is not easy. But you can spray the soil. In the fight against fungus, potassium permanganate, chamomile infusion, boric acid, soda, copper, zinc are excellent.

In practice, there are very few cases when such a variety is sick. Basically, the hybrid is immune to disease.

What gardeners say

There are reviews of experienced and beginner gardeners who have tried this species. Overall, they are pleased with the harvest and the crispy early fruit.

The sun is still baking at the height of summer, and Connie is one of the first in the garden to produce a crop. This is the earliest variety. For this they prefer him.

connie f1 cucumber on the table

Growing it is quite simple, you just need to fertilize and water the soil on time. Small size allows you to salt in small containers, and the crispy unusual taste leaves no one indifferent.

Unlike other species, they never taste bitter, always sweet and aromatic. They ripen very neatly on branches of almost the same length.

Connie's cucumbers are the favorites of summer residents. They can be easily grown in garden beds for crispy, flavorful vegetables. The most important thing is proper care, high-quality fertilization and thorough watering.

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