Description of the variety of cucumbers Emerald family, features of cultivation and care

The earlier the culture matures, the better. Cucumber Emerald Family is ready for consumption in 1.5 months. In addition, the hybrid is resistant to common diseases, which makes it popular among summer residents.

Characteristics of the variety

For many summer residents, the description of the manufacturer on the packaging is not enough, and they look for information about the type on the pages dedicated to cucumbers. The characteristic and description of the variety helps to avoid mistakes in planting planning and care.

emerald family


  • Parthenocarpic.
  • Indeterminate.
  • Vigorous.
  • Weakly branched.
  • Bouquet-type ovaries, quantity 5 pcs.
  • Female flowers predominate.
  • Ripens within 40-43 days.


  • The shape is cylindrical.
  • The color is dark green with stripes.
  • Length 10-12 cm.
  • Diameter 3.5-4 cm.
  • Weight 120-130 g.
  • The thorns are white.
  • Taste without bitterness.
  • The density is average.
  • Juicy and crispy pulp.

planting planning

These criteria are the basis for a summer resident's choice of a new variety of cucumbers for growing.

Seat selection

Cucumbers love the sun, so there should be a lot of light in the chosen area. Does not tolerate culture and the presence of a draft. Do not forget about crop rotation, alternating different crops on the site, swapping them, ensure that the cucumbers do not get sick and give an excellent harvest.

You need to prepare a bed for plants in the fall. Add humus, dig up the necessary minerals and leave in the winter. In the spring, when preparing for planting the variety of cucumbers, the Emerald Family make holes and add humus and wood ash to them.

crispy flesh

How to grow cucumber seedlings?

Plants planted in this way give a harvest much earlier. For this, the seed is sown 2-3 weeks in advance. Each summer resident calculates the term individually, since the climatic features of the regions are different. It is advisable to plant cucumbers in a permanent place when the threat of return frosts has passed, since the culture is very afraid of frost.

It is necessary to take care of the seedlings, water them in a timely manner, avoiding drying out and waterlogging.

new variety

Cucumbers of any variety have a vulnerable root system; peat pots are used to reduce transplant stress. They decompose in the ground, turning into root fertilizer.

Strong seedlings are a guarantee of a future harvest. In order for the plants of the variety to be resistant and powerful, they maintain a temperature regime of + 20-22 ° C. Daylight hours are 16 hours for the normal formation of cucumbers. If there is a lack of sunlight, it is recommended to install special lamps.

Attention is also paid to feeding.For cucumbers, these are nitrogen-containing complex or plant growth stimulating preparations.

need to look after

Direct planting in the ground

The second cultivation method involves direct seeding into the ground. For this, cucumber seeds are sown directly into prepared holes. Then cover with polyethylene. This will speed up germination and protect against frost. You can remove the covering material only after the emergence of shoots.

This method of planting cucumbers requires less effort than the first, but the fruits should be expected later. Place the holes at a distance of 30 cm from each other and 70 cm between the rows.

stimulating growth

Plant care

Cucumber varieties require a lot of attention. Top dressing is one of the necessary procedures. Organic fertilizers are added every few weeks. They are alternated with complex mineral dressings.

It is important to observe the measure in everything, since oversaturation with organic matter causes a powerful growth of the plant stem and leaves and inhibits the appearance of ovaries.

a lot of attention

Cucumbers love moisture, watered daily early in the morning or after sunset. It's good if the water is warm. Do not allow water to get on the leaves; it is better to organize drip irrigation at the root.

Hilling and loosening will provide air access to the plant roots. It will also retain moisture. Mulching also contributes to this, but it also protects against the appearance of weeds, which draw all the nutrients from the soil. Interfering with the proper development of plants of this variety. Weeds are a carrier of some diseases and a habitat for insect pests.

watering at the root

Variety immunity

Cucumbers Emerald family F1, like all hybrids, are resistant to some diseases. These include:

  • Olive spot.
  • Powdery mildew.

Tolerantly, the variety refers to downy mildew. Timely preventive work is required against other diseases. Cucumbers are treated with chemicals before flowering, after which it is better to use folk methods.

variety immunity


The positive characteristics of any type of cucumber make it popular and famous among summer residents. The fewer the disadvantages of a variety, the faster it becomes popular.


  • Stable fruiting.
  • High yield of 14.6-15.8 kg.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes.
  • Unpretentious care.

stable fruiting

No cons identified.

What do summer residents say about the Emerald Family?

Most people, when choosing a variety of cucumbers, prefer to look for reviews. The personal opinion of those who have already grown it is perceived better, in addition, summer residents find useful recommendations and advice on growing crops.

helpful advice

Ekaterina: “I advise everyone to grow this hybrid, especially those who do not have time to come to the site often. The yield of the variety was amazing, it was grown in a greenhouse. Enough for myself, friends and acquaintances. I advise you not to use for canning, because the taste is not the same. But this is everyone's business. Very unpretentious and undemanding. "

The Emerald Family cucumber is perfect for those summer residents who like to eat fresh fruits in large quantities.

eat the fruits

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