Description of the cucumber variety Miracle crunch, features of cultivation and care

Cucumber Miracle crunch is an early ripe high-yielding hybrid, which was bred by breeders of the seed company Aelita. With their distinct flavor and crispy flesh, these cucumbers are sure to please even the fastidious gourmets. What is hidden under the "wonderful" name?


The hybrid is a parthenocarpic cucumber species that is able to pollinate without human intervention. With such a feature, the Miracle crunch is perfect for growing both in open and closed ground. From the moment the shoots appear until the fruits ripen, 38–40 days pass. The plant is medium branched, indeterminate. Large leaf plates are colored bright green.

appearance of the cucumber Miracle crunch

During the flowering period, the plant is covered mainly with female flowers. In one sinus, from 1 to 3 fruits are formed. Cucumbers are cylindrical, narrowed downwards. The lumpy surface is covered with short white spines. Thin dark green skin is diluted with white stripes that reach the middle of the fruit.

If the technology of growing the culture is observed, the weight of cucumbers varies in the range of 60–80 g, length - 9–10 cm. The dense crispy pulp is endowed with a pronounced odor. Unlike some types of cucumbers, the Miracle Crunchy variety is not bitter. Productivity of zelents from 1 sq. m. beds - 9-11 kg.

Cucumbers are suitable for fresh consumption and canned vegetables. The hybrid manifests itself especially well after salting, since it retains most of the primary characteristics. The granddaughter and granddaughter will definitely appreciate lightly salted crispy cucumbers.

cucumber seeds Miracle crunch

Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, the characteristic of a cucumber has the following advantages:

  • high productivity;
  • resistance to fungal diseases;
  • short term of fruit ripening;
  • suitability for transportation and keeping quality;
  • good presentation and organoleptic characteristics;

For the description of the cucumber to be confirmed in practice, the culture needs to be properly cared for.

cucumber leaf care

Growing features

There is an opinion among gardeners that parthenocarpic varieties, to which the Miracle crunch f1 cucumber belongs, are not suitable for growing in the garden, since under the influence of temperature jumps, the bushes form curves. Yes, and the species was bred specifically for greenhouses and hotbeds.

Despite all these arguments, seasoned farmers claim that hybrid cucumbers do well with weather surprises and produce a quality crop that is suitable for any purpose.

The seeds of a hybrid culture are planted on the garden bed after the risk of recurrent frosts disappears. Seeds are placed in grooves with a depth of 2-3 cm, covered with moist earth and covered with foil. As soon as sprouts break through to the surface, the shelter is removed from the cucumbers.In the event of a sudden cold snap, the seedlings are covered at night, since a strong frost can destroy the bushes.

cucumber bush

If you want to get a harvest of zelents as soon as possible and save yourself worries about the weather, the seedling method is used to grow cucumbers. For this, the seeds are sown in a container or separate cups. Cucumbers are also grown on the windowsill, providing them with the necessary conditions. After the seedlings are planted in a permanent place, they begin to care for it. For normal growth and formation of the ovary, cucumbers need:

  • Watering. Since they are very demanding on moisture, they water the bushes often and abundantly. The water for moistening should be slightly warm, otherwise rot will appear on the plant due to the temperature shock. Watering is done as the soil dries up. To improve aeration and water permeability, after each watering or heavy rain, the soil between the rows is carefully loosened. Insofar as root system of cucumbers laid close to the surface, it is impossible to process the areas with a hoe near the stem.

cucumbers in the greenhouse

  • Garter. In order for the plant to be well lit, the bushes are formed into one stem and tied to trellises. It is especially important to carry out manipulation on cucumbers that grow in a greenhouse, where every centimeter counts.
  • Top dressing. During the growing season, nutrients are added 3-4 times under the cucumbers. Organic solutions and multicomponent mineral fertilizers are used to feed the crop.

cucumber seeds miracle crunch


Farmers who visit gardening forums speak positively about the variety. Basically, reviews of the Khrustik f1 cucumber confirm the description of the plant. The maximum yield from this type of cucumber can be achieved by pinching and applying balanced dressings.

  1. Sergey Borisovich
    6.06.2018 12:33

    I do not agree with those gardeners who claim that this cucumber has performed poorly in the open field. I had a great harvest last year. True, I fed the stems with BioGrow, maybe there were no problems and that's why. Very tasty lightly salted and pickled.

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