Description of the Tchaikovsky cucumber variety, its characteristics and yield

Cucumber Tchaikovsky f1 is the brainchild of Dutch breeders with a lot of good qualities. In 2009, the Raik Tsvan agricultural company introduced a new species of Kibriya. Despite the efforts of the authors, the variety never became ideal for demanding farmers. Therefore, it was decided to improve the hybrid. In 2013, a new variety of cucumbers called Tchaikovsky was released.

Feature and Description

Parthenocarpic, early maturing variety. From the day the shoots appear until the beginning of fruiting, about 40 days pass. The stems of the plant are both compact and powerful: they easily support the weight of the fruit. The leaf plates on the central cucumber lash are medium in size. Type of ovary bundle: at least 3 cucumbers are formed at one point.

sheet plates

Description of cucumbers:

  • The fruit is cylindrical in shape.
  • The tubercles, which moderately cover the surface, have short, sharp spines.
  • The color of cucumbers is dark green with yellow blotches at the stalk.
  • The pulp is pleasant, sweetish, crispy. There is no genetic bitterness.
  • The length of ripe cucumbers reaches 10-12 cm, and the weight varies from 60 to 80 g.

The main advantage, without which the characteristic of the variety loses some of its attractiveness, is its high yield. With proper care, 50 tons of cucumbers can be harvested from 1 ha. There is one drawback - the inability to collect seeds on your own.

cucumber Tchaikovsky

The variety is tolerant to temperature extremes. In the case of late planting, the hybrid can bear fruit before the arrival of cold weather. The hybrid is resistant to most cucumber diseases. Resistance to peronosporosis, white rot, anthracnose is average.

In the south, the variety can be grown in a garden bed, and in the central and northern parts of the country in film shelters.

cylindrical fruits

Features of growing and care

To obtain seedlings, seeds are sealed in cassettes or cups filled with a loose substrate. Seedling cucumbers are grown in the northern regions. Use for planting in open ground, the cucumber is planted after the ground warms up to +15 ⁰С. Since the majority of Dutch companies disinfect planting material before selling, pre-sowing preparation is not carried out.

Unlike tomatoes and peppers, it is better to choose semi-shaded areas for planting cucumbers. If there is such a place in the garden, corn or sunflowers are planted around the cucumber beds.

the variety is tolerant

To provide cucumbers with the required amount of macro- and microelements, organic or mineral fertilizers are introduced in autumn for digging. If the garden bed was not fertilized before winter, humus or a complex mixture is poured into the furrows before planting in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Planting of cucumbers is carried out according to the scheme 1 × 0.35 m.Thus, for 1 sq. m beds should be 3-4 plants. A denser planting will negatively affect the yield of the crop and the description of the Tchaikovsky f1 cucumber variety will have little resemblance to the grown plants.

planting cucumbers


Like any other cultivated plant, cucumbers of hybrid origin need watering, feeding and weeding. Despite the fact that cucumbers are very fond of water, it is necessary to water the culture in moderation: the soil should be slightly moist, and not swampy. Due to excess moisture, the bushes suffer from root rot and dangerous fungal diseases. Water consumption depends on the age of the plants: 2.5–3 liters of water are added for young plants, and 10 liters for adults. Irrigation water should be slightly warm.

Cucumbers that grow in a fertilized bed are fed 4 times. Most gardeners apply nutrients according to the following scheme:

cultivated plant

  1. After the formation of 2-3 true leaves. Cucumbers are watered with a solution of urea - 1 tbsp. l. granular substance in a bucket of water.
  2. In 2 weeks. Add 500 ml of cow manure to a bucket of water and mix thoroughly. Apply 0.5-1 l of solution under one plant.
  3. During the flowering period. For 10 liters of water add 1 tbsp. l. urea, 2 tbsp. l. ash.
  4. During fruiting. 200 g of ash, 500 ml of chickens are stirred in a bucket of water.

To prevent weeds from compacting the soil and pulling nutrients from the soil, the plants are pulled out immediately after they appear. Loosens the soil after watering and rain.

after the formation


Anastasia, 45 years old: “I love to experiment, so every year I plant new varieties. The Tchaikovsky variety was planted last year. The plants were pleased with the high yield and pleasant taste. Recommend".

I like to experiment

Igor, 51 years old: “A neighbor gave me a cucumber. Since then, for me, the Tchaikovsky variety has been one of the best varieties of cucumbers. The bushes have yielded a generous harvest with the usual care. The whole family eat these cucumbers every summer and make preparations for the winter. "

Have you grown a hybrid called Tchaikovsky? Should you grow this variety? Please leave feedback so that gardeners can see all the pros and cons of this variety of vegetable. Thank.

sweetish pulp

  1. Vera
    5.05.2018 14:43

    The cucumbers are prickly, firm, with a fairly dense skin. I grow them for pickling. They fit perfectly in jars, they turn out to be very tasty both on their own and in an assortment with tomatoes. To accelerate growth and better yield, I have been using an activator since last year BioGrow... The yield increase is 20 percent for sure.

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