Description, characteristics and features of growing the best varieties of carrots

Yellow carrots, or white, or even another variety, which one to choose? This is a very important question for both experienced gardeners and beginners. After all, the best varieties of carrots will provide vegetables of excellent taste and quality for the whole winter.

There are a wide variety of carrots on the modern seed market. But how to choose the best varieties, and how not to get lost in all the variety of types and varieties of such a healing vegetable?

From early childhood, we all know that it is the carrot that is a very useful and even healing root vegetable. It saturates the body with vitamins, fights anemia, improves vision, and brings great benefits to the human body as a whole.

The popularity and demand for carrots has led to the fact that breeders have created and continue to create a huge number of varieties of carrots, but which ones are better for eating, and how to distinguish them from forage varieties? Let's figure it out.

a brief description of

So what exactly is a carrot? This is a root vegetable, well known to every hostess and every gardener, it is simply irreplaceable in the kitchen. Ripening dates can be early, middle and late. Carrots are loved not only by people, but also by animals, so there are also fodder varieties.

If earlier we were accustomed to such a fruit of an exceptionally bright orange color, now the carrot is red, maybe yellow, there is a white root crop, and even black.

A good variety of carrots does not depend on its color. The best variety is determined not by color, but by taste, by yield, and by how well it is stored.

Now let's look at the abundance of the best varieties in order. The best varieties of carrots are present in our market with a huge variety of species.

Varietal varieties

The best varieties of carrots have one thing in common: they all belong to the Shantane type.

Red Core carrots are one of the most famous and demanded varieties. This is a sowing carrot, in terms of ripening it belongs to the early varieties. This is the highest-yielding beauty, bright orange color. Roots are short, cone-shaped, very uniform, neat, grow up to 10-16 cm in length. The core is the same color as the whole vegetable. The crop can be harvested 70-80 days after planting. The fruits are endowed with excellent taste, they are sweet, aromatic and juicy. This variety is not suitable for long-term conservation and wintering, this feature distinguishes it from late ripening fruits. The vegetable must be consumed and processed during the summer and autumn period.

carrot varieties

Boltex carrots also belong to the Shantane type. This is an innovative and improved variety, in terms of ripening it refers to the average ripening of the vegetable.It is a small and neat root vegetable, it grows in length up to 10-16 cm. Fruits are uniform, rich in bright orange hue, the middle is the same color as the whole fruit. Such a valuable vegetable is very sweet, juicy and aromatic. It can be consumed raw or processed successfully. The ripening period becomes 115-120 days, the weight of one fruit becomes about 130 grams. This variety has a very high yield.

Samson carrot. It is also a sowing carrot, which has earned the love and respect of summer residents and hostesses due to its unpretentious care and high taste standards. This variety was invented by Dutch breeders. Mid-season, perfectly withstands the entire winter - spring season. Ripening occurs in 110-120 days, it is recommended to eat both fresh and fried, boiled, stewed.

Such a beauty can be called a giant, the longest fruits can grow up to 30 cm and weigh 200 grams. A very high yielding variety.

The Carini carrot belongs to the medium-late Shantane variety. Roots of bright color of the setting sun, small and neat size, weighs about 150 grams. Very decent yield and unpretentious care make such an orange beauty a favorite of gardeners. Stores well. Possesses a pronounced sweet taste, juicy, perfectly preserved during the winter-spring season. This is a delicious fresh treat, as well as in the form of juices and all kinds of stewed and fried foods.

carrots in the ground

Vita Longa carrots are also a favorite of gardeners. The mid-season variety gives quite acceptable yield on any type of soil, is extremely unpretentious in care, and tolerates drought well. The taste is very sweet and aromatic, does not crack, the pulp is dense and juicy, it is well stored throughout the winter and spring. Fruits are of medium size, conical in shape.

Moscow winter carrot belongs to the medium-ripening varieties, it has proved itself worthy in the Russian market. The motley beauty of orange color reaches small sizes, homogeneous and dense, conical in shape, does not require any special wisdom in care, is drought-resistant, gives a decent yield.

Moscow winter carrots are very sweet and aromatic, thanks to these qualities, they confidently hold a leading position in the sales market.

Carrot Cascade is an overseas beauty that came to us from Holland and immediately fell in love with both our consumers and producers. Its ripening time is average, 120 days pass from planting seeds in the ground to harvesting. Reviews about this variety are all positive: gardeners note its excellent taste, good storage, and unpretentiousness in care and cultivation.

The Red Giant carrot came to us from Germany and took root well in our latitudes. This is a late-ripening variety that is not even afraid of frost. The vegetable is quite large, bright orange in color. According to consumer reviews, everyone is very happy with such carrots.

It is this vegetable that makes it possible to enjoy a juicy and sweet root vegetable directly from the garden (after having washed it out) after the first frost. It has a long and excellent shelf life, suitable for consumption raw and processed.

The best varieties of carrots also include the Emperor carrot. This is a sowing carrot of rather impressive size (up to 25 cm in length). The ripening period of such carrots is only 100 days, but its distinctive feature is that at early ripening periods, it has excellent storage abilities. The vegetable ripens early and is stored for a long time, and pleases with its sweet taste and aroma throughout the year. Fruits are deep orange in color with a red tint, cylindrical in shape, rather large in size. The pulp is firm, juicy and sweet, quite unpretentious to grow.

Carrot Gourmet, like all varieties of this vegetable, propagates by seeds. This is a mid-early variety, which has long and confidently held leading positions in the market. Differs in high yield, excellent taste. Such a vegetable has a high carotene content.

It is this variety that is successfully used on an industrial scale for the preparation of baby food and juices. The vegetable is incredibly sweet and flavorful, well transported.

Another very unusual and unique variety is the “No core” carrot. Its main feature is the absence of a core. It also has excellent taste, has a rich orange color. But with cultivation, care and land, everything is not so simple here. Unlike other varieties, planting seeds of this variety must be carried out in a well-fertilized soil. If the soil is not fertilized, then the seed may simply not germinate.

carrots in the garden

Carrot "Mo" is a late-ripening variety that is dug up in the fall after the first frost. A feature of this species is its high yield and good preservation in winter and spring. The taste qualities of this type of medicinal vegetable are also excellent, the root vegetable is sweet and juicy. Great for eating raw and processed.

All of the above carrot seeds are the best varieties for outdoor use.

Beneficial features

Regardless of the timing of ripening, all of the above varieties of tasty and healthy vegetables are the best varieties in existence. You can cook all kinds of salads, vegetable stews, soups, borscht from them. This is an excellent side dish for meat and mushroom dishes. Freshly squeezed juice from this beautiful root vegetable will greatly benefit you and your loved ones.

carrot juice

Carrots are an important ingredient in the diet. Its high sugar content makes it a healthy sweetness that can be consumed even with diabetes. Carotene, which is present in all varieties of this vegetable, without exception, improves vision. And the excellent vitamin composition makes the root vegetable an indispensable drug in the period of spring beriberi, or any other type of depletion of the body. The high fiber content makes the vegetable indispensable in the prevention of various digestive disorders. Even for young children, it is extremely beneficial to simply nibble on a carrot to stimulate tooth growth.

We've looked at the best carrot varieties to eat. But there is also fodder carrots, because animals are not averse to pampering themselves with such a delicacy. Farmers actively use fodder carrots to raise healthy livestock. White carrots, unusual for our eyes, are just the fodder variety of this vegetable. And it has a white color due to the lack of carotene, because it is he who saturates the fruits with a bright orange color.

Animals are successfully fed with white carrots. White carrots, like yellow carrots, are excellent feed for livestock. Yellow indicates low carotene content.

But there are also cultivated varieties of yellow carrots on the market that can be eaten and processed by people. The amount of carotene in it is slightly lower than in bright orange fruits, but it contains such a useful substance for humans as lutein.

Discover your favorite varieties of this wonderful vegetable, then you and your loved ones will always be healthy.

  1. Olga
    6.06.2018 10:49

    My favorite varieties are “Lakomka” and “Red Giant”. Usually I grow them, I can plant a couple more for the experiment. Growth promoter works well for carrots BioGrow - with it the carrots grow large, but remain juicy, and not “wooden”.

    To answer
  2. Anna
    7.07.2018 03:59

    I plant carrots every year and like to experiment with different varieties. Sometimes the harvest was good, and what year it was not particularly. Began to use a bioactivator of growth BioGrow and now I am sure that the harvest will be excellent, and the fruits are large and tasty.

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