Characteristics and description of the Nantes carrot variety, ripening time and cultivation

Probably not everyone knows, but there are quite a few varieties of carrots. In addition to the usual, domestic ones, imported ones often began to appear, for example, Nantes 4 carrots. And in each region there are so many of their own varieties that it is simply impossible to count them. If we mean a classic variety, we can confidently say that we are talking about such a variety as "Nantes carrot", it is about it that we will talk today, consider its description.

What is this grade

Each of us knows this carrot. Its characteristics are as follows: it has a bright orange color, and its length is approximately 11 to 17 cm. It contains quite a lot of carotene, about 16 grams is its main feature. From one square meter planted with Nantes carrots, you can get an approximate yield of about six and a half kilograms.

Its composition is diverse with vitamins and nutrients, for example, C, PP, B1, B2, K, folic acid and, of course, various essential oils, iron, iodine, phosphorus, and so on. This variety of carrots is an excellent remedy for diseases that affect the heart, kidneys and liver, and it is also effective for anemia. It is actively used in the manufacture of baby food, as well as a variety of cosmetics.

Varieties of Nantes carrots

As already mentioned, there are many varieties of Nantes carrots, while they have their own characteristics, which we will now consider.

Nantes 4

It is this species that has gained immense popularity among garden lovers. The variety ripens quickly, already 3 months after sowing, and in some cases 4, the formation of the fruit begins. As for the yield, from 1 square meter, which is planted with this species, you can get about 6.5 kilograms of harvest, and this is not the limit. The fruit can be stored for a long time and can be eaten raw or for other purposes.

In terms of taste, Nantes carrots 4 are the best.

Its appearance is a separate topic. This variety can be called a standard, this is how an ideal carrot should look like. Its shape is a cylinder with a tapered tail. In length, the fruit can reach 16 cm, and the weight of 1 carrot ranges from 70 to 160 grams.

carrot variety Nantes 4

To get really good Nantes carrots, it is important to choose the right soil, as it is very demanding in this regard. Light soil is best suited, using it, you will get an excellent harvest.

Improved Nantes

This type of carrot is similar to the Nantes family. By the way, one of its features is that it rises quite early.The root crop takes about 90 to 100 days to form. The length of the fruit can reach up to 20 cm in length, and the weight of this species reaches up to 150 grams.

It is the Nantes improved carrot variety that is famous for its juicy and sweet fruits. Most often it is grown for the production of juices, it also contains a huge amount of useful substance - carotene.

carrot seeds Nantes improved

Nantes red

This species can also be attributed to the early ones, since the approximate terms of its vegetation range from 80 to 100 days. Fruits, after ripening, have the shape of a cylinder, and their color is beautiful, red-orange. The approximate length of the fruit is 16 cm. The carrot thickness (diameter) can be 6 cm. The approximate weight of the Nantes red fruit is from 90 to 160 grams. This variety stands out for being juicy, crunchy and very sweet in taste.

By the way, it is this variety that is not afraid of diseases, which quite often affect and spoil the carrot harvest after ripening. The fruits can be stored for a long time, while the taste remains the same. This is a very good feature, especially for those who intend to store raw fruits for a long time, using them, for example, for food or for cooking. It is worth noting its resistance to color, which is also important.

carrot seeds Nantes red

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

These varieties have no disadvantages, but they have a lot of advantages:

  1. Good yield.
  2. It can be stored for a long time and does not deteriorate.
  3. Versatile in application.
  4. Excellent taste.

Of the small things, it is worth mentioning that the variety requires good soil, loves the sun and requires frequent watering.

Nantes carrots in the garden

Planting and leaving

A big mistake most gardeners make is that they rush and plant carrots too early, right after the snow thaws. But it must be borne in mind that the seeds simply will not see the light until the temperature of the earth reaches 20 degrees, until that moment they will lie in the ground. You need a distance of about 30 cm between the rows. If you follow this rule and do not save on land, you will get a high yield. Sow seeds, preferably to a depth of 1-2 cm, no more.

When they are already in the ground, you need to mulch the grooves using loose soil. Most gardeners cover their carrots with something when sowing the Nantes 4. This is done to maintain sufficient soil temperature, retain moisture, and so that moisture does not evaporate from the surface.

Already after 10-14 days, the first shoots will appear, they should be watered directly through agrofibre.

When shoots appear, then you no longer need to cover the sowing. The next stage is watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil. In order for it to receive oxygen, you need to try to make the grooves as wide as possible. If in some places the carrots have sprung up heap, now is the best time to start gradually thinning them. Then you need to keep moisture in the garden, for this they throw grass and hay there. If the humidity is uniform, it will prevent cracking of the root crops, as well as the formation of an irregular shape. Next, the roots are thinned out so that the minimum distance between them is from 6 to 10 cm. Be sure to watch that carrots do not grow in pairs, otherwise they will intertwine.

How long to water the carrots

Daily watering can be stopped when heap ripeness occurs, and you make the final thinning. Further, there will be enough irrigation, with a schedule - 2 times a week. It is believed that one watering, but high-quality, will bring more harvest than several, but a little bit. Regarding moisture retention already mentioned, you need to use grass and hay. Remember that this type of carrot prefers not only moisture, but also oxygen. So, if necessary, you will have to re-loosen, shed, and also mulch the bed.

Diseases and how to prevent them

Nantes carrots are prone to black, white or bacterial rot. These diseases destroy the already harvested crop, first plaque forms on the fruits, and then rot. This can be avoided by picking fruits when it is warm outside, then carefully preparing all conditions for further storage.

By the way, there is such a parasite as the carrot fly. To avoid it, it is necessary to sprinkle the seedlings thoroughly with such preparations as "Stefesin", "Bayleton", "Karatan" or "Volaton", while be careful not to accidentally poison yourself.

bayleton carrot product

Storage recommendations

Of course, this variety does not experience storage problems, and this is great, but there are still certain rules used by professional gardeners that are worth listening to. Firstly, it is recommended to rinse the fruit, and in several waters, and then dry it thoroughly.

Before storage, you need to cut off the tops, and lightly touching the carrots. This will prevent re-germination in winter. Root vegetables must be cleaned, dried, folded into plastic bags and lowered into the cellar for further storage.


Nantes carrots are the best variety, they are absolutely superior to all other varieties, and if you take care of them properly, you can get a decent harvest. At the same time, it is enough to simply follow certain sowing rules, take good care of and store them correctly. It is worth noting that this variety is not afraid of diseases that usually infect carrots. It can be stored for a long time and not lose its taste.

  1. Alla Gennadievna
    3.03.2018 09:16

    For many years we have been planting carrots of this variety, we love them for their wonderful sweet taste, juiciness and a real storehouse of vitamins. Recently started using a bioactivator of growth BioGrow and the harvest is simply amazing in abundance. Now children eat raw carrots every day, and they also have enough for salads and preparations. We especially fell in love with the Nantes red variety, it is perfectly stored in our cellar.

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