Description and types of perennial onions, recommendations for growing and care

Probably, there is no such summer resident who would not grew onions on the land. In addition to annual varieties, gardeners also grow perennial onions. If you choose the right type of vegetable and follow the rules of cultivation and care, for the season you can provide your family not only with delicious bulbs, but also with herbs. In addition, this activity does not take much time and effort.

Culture properties

There are many varieties of green onions. They differ in taste, appearance, ripening period and cultivation characteristics. Each variety description has its own nuances, which must be adhered to in order to get a good harvest. Because of their attractive appearance, onions are often grown as an ornamental plant. Gardeners value onions for their early ripening ability.

The plant contains amino acids and vitamins that the human body needs. The main purpose of planting green onions is to get greens. Onions improve digestion, have a positive effect on metabolic processes and increase the protective properties of the immune system. The vegetable lowers cholesterol levels and removes toxins from the body.


Perennial onion varieties are distinguished by their ability to withstand low temperatures. Due to this, it is grown in regions where the temperature can drop to -40 ° C. The plant is practically not exposed to parasites and is resistant to many diseases. Regardless of repeated cutting, the crop continues to produce crops for 4-6 years.

perennial onion

The onion forms a false bulb, which continues to release new green feathers under good climatic conditions. A short rest period makes it possible to plant onions in protected ground or indoors.

Popular varieties

Knowing about the merits of the culture, no one will refuse to grow perennial onions. The greens that appeared in early spring are saturated with vitamin C, which the body needs after the winter period. There are over 500 species of onions that used to grow exclusively in the wild. Today the vegetable is successfully grown by people. Any sort of perennial onion takes root on the land without any problems.

tolerate temperatures


One of the most common types of perennial onions. Popularly has a name fist bow or Tatar. The benefit lies in the components that make up:

  • riboflavin;
  • vitamin C;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.

dignity of culture

Tatarka is not a compact species. The bush tends to grow widely and, at the same time, the greens bristle in different directions. In appearance, each feather resembles a pipe. It is rounded along its entire length, but empty inside.

In height, green feathers can reach 60 cm, and the diameter is from 1 to 2 cm. Onions have one unusual feature - reproduction using arrows. From their appearance, the taste of the vegetable changes. To delight loved ones with dishes with the addition of greenery, it is recommended to cut flowers when they first appear.

compact species

Sweet onion

In appearance, the vegetable bears a resemblance to a drooping slime onion. Its leaves are flat, they can grow more than 50 cm in length. Fragrant green onions do not change their taste both at the beginning and at the end of the season, which other species lack. The culture is rich in ascorbic acid but low in fiber.

The feathers grow back quickly at the site of the fall, so the plant continues to produce greens until mid-November. Bulbs of this type are not eaten. Small in size. The bulb is covered with a special shell that helps to survive severe frosts.

sweet onion


Gardeners often ignore this representative of the onion family. Slime or drooping onion has the ability to sprout quickly. Thanks to this, it can be enjoyed in the first days of May. The green feathers are rich in iron and yet have a spicy taste with garlic notes.

The flavor of the slime can vary depending on the season. At the beginning of germination, it is soft and pleasant. At the end of August, the onion feels hard. For this reason, many gardeners refused to grow it, and in vain. The garlic taste of the vegetable helps housewives to use it in preservation. This is a great alternative to garlic.

onion family

Penetrating bow is indicated for people suffering from anemia. Has a high iron content.


This variety of perennial onions is grown for the purpose of preparing restaurant dishes. They eat not only the green part, but also the bulbs. This kind is especially appreciated by chefs who work with French cuisine. New feathers grow quickly at the cut site.


Outwardly, it has a similarity to onions, so it is difficult to distinguish between them. The difference is that shallots have more feathers than onions. Free from the characteristic pungent odor. Therefore, girls often choose it as an additional ingredient in a salad.

Perennial varieties of onions are used as ornamental plants, but this rule does not apply to shallots and it is not a matter of appearance. Not every crop can have a positive effect on a vegetable. If the onion does not like the neighborhood, this will affect its taste - it will completely lose it. This fact is confirmed by people who planted onions with unsuitable crops.



The bow also has other unusual names - speed or chisel. It is used not only for cooking, but also for decorating the garden. The representative of onions grows well in the open field, in the front garden and on the balcony. A distinctive feature is small flowers that look like balls. The color ranges from pale pink to deep purple.

unusual names

Bulb-like flowers appear in late spring and do not disappear until autumn. Perennial chives are used to produce greens on the land. A bulb that is underground is not edible. May not be excavated and remain in the soil until the next season.

In length, feathers reach 45 cm. In diameter, they are about 5 mm. Shredded green empty straws can decorate even the most boring dish. With the beginning of flowering, the vegetable changes its taste, begins to age, and the arrows themselves become tough. Therefore, it is better to use it for food in early spring.


Growing a vegetable

If a person decides to grow perennial onions, it is necessary to determine the territory. It is important to understand that in the next 6 years, the land will be occupied only by onions. The favorable development of the plant is carried out in drained and loose soil. It should be neutral and slightly acidic. Excessive moisture damages onions.

growing vegetables

Preparing beds for culture begins with such events:

  1. In the fall, they dig up the beds.
  2. Fertilizers are applied - phosphorus, potassium or manure.
  3. Weeds are removed in the spring.
  4. Nitrogen fertilization.

Growing and grooming is an important process that should be given due consideration to get a rich harvest of onion feathers. The land plot should not be in direct sunlight. It's good if it's partial shade. The place of cultivation is protected from spring or autumn flooding with water.

digging the beds

On average, perennial onion species have a 2-year development cycle. In the first year, the plant pleases with a small rosette with leaves. On the second, peduncles, fruits and seeds appear. Flowers die off at the end of the season, and the onion develops thanks to the regenerating buds that are in the root system. Transplanting is carried out in two ways: by seeds or part of a plant.

Reproduction using seeds

As a rule, summer residents place the seed in open ground at the end of winter or early spring. The first shoots from seeds appear above the soil two weeks after planting. Over the next months, onions develop slowly, requiring constant attention. In order not to spend a lot of time growing, experienced gardeners use the seedling method.

development cycle

In March, the seeds are placed in prepared boxes with soil. To provoke early emergence of seedlings, planting material is soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. There he must spend at least a day. The seeds then dry out.

The seedlings should grow under optimal conditions. Before the emergence of seedlings, the temperature is in the range from 20 to 22 ° C. If sprouts appear, they can withstand a temperature regime of 18–20 ° С. Seedlings are planted in open ground in mid-May.

first shoots

Vegetative way

Onions can multiply not only by seeds. You don't have to harvest the seed to grow new crops. Dividing a bush is another effective and easy way to propagate a perennial. Moreover, this option is suitable for any type of vegetable.

The division principle is simple. To do this, take a bush that has reached 3 years of age and divide it into small bushes. The procedure is best done in mid-spring or late summer. If the perennial grows on the site for a long time, it is ready for reproduction.

vegetative way

How to grow a full-fledged plant from individual bushes that gives a rich harvest of greenery? To do this, you need to take the separated part with the bulb and place it in the ground to a depth of 8–11 cm. The root system must be developed, otherwise the culture will not take root or will be weak. If, after dividing a large bush, such specimens are present, they are planted to a depth of 5 cm.

Perennial care

Despite its unpretentiousness, the plant needs basic care. The development of the bulb and yield will depend on the person's interest in this matter.

complete plant


Perennials like to grow in moist soil. In this case, water should not stand in the bushes. An excess of liquid provokes root rot and spoilage of the crop. Periodic watering is recommended, which is done after each appearance of a new feather.


Varieties of perennial onions love periodic feeding. Potassium and phosphorus are added in autumn, which allows the bushes to survive the winter well. After collecting the last feathers, the soil is enriched with nitrogen. In the fall, any other fertilizers are applied.

perennials love

Attention to soil

Perennial onions do not tolerate neighborhoods with other crops, in particular weeds. A person must prepare for numerous weeding of beds with greenery. During the season, the land can be loosened. Small pests are not as dangerous, but they should also be disposed of.

A competent approach to choosing a variety of perennial onions allows you to provide the gardener's family with vitamins for the whole season. Those who do not need careful care, are resistant to diseases and bring a stable harvest enjoy success.If you eat the vegetable regularly, you can increase the protective properties of the immune system.

attention to soil

  1. Natalia
    3.03.2018 09:58

    Since I began to use a growth activator in the cultivation of perennial onions BioGrow, noticed that the bulbs began to grow thirty percent larger. She also noted that they are stored longer, practically do not rot.

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