Mating diagram and description of the process of how a rooster fertilizes a hen

To get offspring from chickens, it is not enough just to settle males and females together. How a rooster fertilizes a hen depends on many factors. Even the number of birds, as well as the choice of the rooster, age, affects. Knowing this, the poultry farmer will be able to create optimal conditions and calculate the time of offspring. But even in this case, various problems can arise, for example, when the egg turns out to be unfertilized.

Features of the reproductive system of chickens

Like other birds, chickens reproduce with the help of a special organ - the cloaca. It is an enlarged portion of the hindgut. In roosters, the pattern of the genitals is as follows:

  • testes (sperm are formed in them);
  • vas deferens;
  • in fact, the cloaca, into which sperm are excreted along the vas deferens.

In chickens, the reproductive system consists of the ovaries and the oviduct. It is in the first that the eggs are formed and then mature. They then turn into the yolk in a chicken egg. During fertilization, the cloaca of males and females come into contact, the cock's seminal fluid enters the chicken. Moreover, sperm do not die within 20 days.

How many hens and roosters do you need in a chicken coop?

The optimal ratio is when there is one leader rooster in the hen house, which controls a flock of ten to twelve females. You should not start less - situations are possible when the male tramples the females too often. This will damage the health of the latter, even injury is possible. In addition, due to frequent mating, the concentration of spermatozoa decreases, which makes the eggs less fertile.

The minimum number of females per rooster is 3-4, otherwise it may behave aggressively even towards the chickens themselves.

If there are about 20 or more birds, it is recommended to have a second rooster. But it is better not to add the young to the old. A more experienced male can attack him. In general, having two roosters has several advantages:

  1. Usually, the stronger becomes the leader, while the weak remain "in the wings" and can protect females in the absence of the former.
  2. Competition is created, and you can not be afraid that one of the roosters will show little activity.

If the goal is not 100% fertilization, then even one male can be left for a large number of females.

cock and hens

How to choose a rooster

When a male is picked up, they look not only at him. If possible, ask the parents to show them, observe them.These should be birds with good health and good performance, since otherwise all the disadvantages are transmitted to the chicks. The appearance of the rooster is also important:

  • crest - eye-catching, bright scarlet;
  • on its paws stands firmly, straight;
  • fingers without curvature;
  • pronounced signs of the breed (if any).

You cannot take a rooster that is too young or old - they will not be able to fertilize chickens. It is important that he reaches puberty. Choose an active rooster, a little cocky, who shows leadership qualities. At the same time, care should be traced to the chickens in his relationship. The bird must not be too aggressive. Then it will be dangerous for both animals and people.

rooster for a walk

At what age is fertilization possible

Sexual maturity occurs at 4-5 months, sometimes a little later. The fact that the rooster is ready to mate is determined by the spurs that appear. But even birds that have reached this age do not always reproduce immediately. Some take time, during which they settle down in a new chicken coop, take the place of the leader and begin to trample the females.

How does mating work?

The rooster is the head of the flock who cares for all the chickens, and at the right time tramples each of them. This cannot be prevented, otherwise he will show aggression. This also applies to other males. However, fertilization is preceded by a courtship ritual. The male walks near the female, lowers one wing. Then the birds mate:

  1. The hen lies down on the ground, after which the rooster climbs onto it, while grabbing at the feathers on the back of the head.
  2. For some time he tramples, looking for the female's cloaca in order to touch her with her.
  3. If everything is done correctly, the semen of the rooster enters the genital tract of the hen, where it remains.
  4. Sperm remain active for 20 days, during which time all eggs laid will be fertilized.

The whole process is very fast. Therefore, a rooster sometimes tramples chickens up to 22 times per day. This number depends on the age of the bird and on the season.

mating of individuals

How are eggs fertilized?

After a mature egg enters the oviduct, it is fertilized at the top. Several sperm can enter the egg, but in the end the whole process takes place with the help of one. The yolk grows, and then, with the help of special glands, the protein is formed. Followed by the shell membrane and, in fact, the shell, consisting of calcium.

How to tell if an egg is fertilized?

Chickens lay even if the eggs are not fertilized. Therefore, if you want to get chickens, you need to check each one. To do this, it is enough to illuminate the egg with a bright lamp or a special device - an ovoscope. This is done in a dark room, while looking at the thickest part of the egg. It is better to take white, brown ones are poorly translucent.

In the case of fertilization, blood vessels will be visible in the yolk, as well as spots and clots. If there is only a contour of blood vessels, and the rest is absent, this means that the egg was fertilized, but the embryo died. If he is alive, then sometimes you can even determine the stage of development in this way.

egg definition

Possible problems

With improper care or adverse external conditions, problems during fertilization are possible.

The rooster tore the back and sides of the chicken

This happens very often if the male has too long claws. Therefore, they must be cut in time. Chicken wounds are immediately disinfected using any available means, even ordinary peroxide will do. Then lubricate with wound healing ointment; if there is no special one, take a drug for people. Until complete recovery, the chicken is removed from the rooster to prevent further injury.

back in wounds

What if the rooster does not fertilize the hen?

There may be several reasons why the male does not trample the females or cannot fertilize them:

  • age - old birds lose the ability to do this, too young ones will not fit either;
  • new environment, unfamiliar chickens;
  • stress (noise, improper temperature or lighting, poor food);
  • genetics - hermaphrodite roosters are not capable of breeding.

If the matter is in age, then it is enough to replace the old rooster or wait until the young one reaches puberty. Also, birds always need time to get used to their surroundings. In case of stress, all factors that negatively affect the birds are removed. It is also important to check the bird before purchasing - so that it does not turn out to be hermaphrodite.

If you follow all these rules, you can get a good offspring. Chickens are very prolific birds, and the rooster is capable of fertilizing a large number of females, and under suitable conditions, embryos develop in almost all eggs.

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