Instructions for use for chickens means Chiktonik

Chiktonik is used for chickens, as a probiotic, to improve the intestinal microflora, in addition, they enrich the bird's body with minerals and vitamins, which is important after illness, poisoning and stress. The addition of the drug to the feed of chickens promotes their rapid growth. Chiktonik rarely causes an allergic reaction in animals and birds, and a small overdose is not dangerous.

Description of the drug

Chiktonik belongs to the group of probiotics that improve digestion, metabolism, replenish the body with biological substances necessary for poultry. When added to the diet, it increases the energy potential of the mixture, allows you to reduce the amount of feed required for saturation.

Important. Chiktonik is necessary for chickens kept in cages. With the preparation, birds receive a balanced diet, obesity is excluded.

Sold in plastic containers with a volume of 1.5 or 25 liters. Packaging in pharmaceutical bottles of 10 milliliters is possible. It is an odorless, opaque, dark brown solution.

Biochemical properties and pharmacodynamics

Chiktonik contains the following components:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin D3;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12;
  • vitamin K;
  • amino acids;
  • inositol;
  • biotin;
  • lysine;
  • glycine.

The impact of Chiktonik's components on the body is determined by the elements included in it.

Vitamin A regulates metabolism, promotes the growth of chickens, determines the health of the organs of vision, respiration, and the genitourinary system.

Chictonic remedy

Vitamins of group B determine the work of chicken digestion, the condition of the skin and plumage. With a lack of these vitamins, dermatitis appears on the skin of the neck and head, diarrhea, and organ dystrophy. With a shortage of B12, egg production and quality of eggs, the percentage of fertilization and fertility decrease.

Lack of vitamin D3 provokes the development of rickets in chickens, fragility of bones in adult chickens. The presence of vitamins E, K, amino acids in sufficient quantity is no less significant. The latter provide protein synthesis in the body and regulate metabolism. All this affects the increase in the period of production of layers and contributes to weight gain in meat breeds.

small bottle

The effect of Chictonic on the chicken organism

Chiktonik is not a medicine, it does not have a strong therapeutic effect. Despite this, the drug has a positive effect, namely:

  1. The body tone improves.
  2. Plumage and skin become healthy.
  3. Appetite increases.
  4. Egg production increases.
  5. The food is completely digested.
  6. Bowel emptying is facilitated.
  7. Toxins and toxins are removed from the body.
  8. Increased weight gain in broilers.

The vitamins contained in Chiktonika in the required amount provide strong immunity to diseases and unfavorable living conditions.

small chickens

Indications for use

The drug Chiktonik will never be superfluous for the body, but there are times when it is especially needed. The indication for use is:

  • lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body, which is noticeable in the appearance of the bird;
  • stressful state of the chicken, expressed in nervousness;
  • use of unbalanced feed, poor in useful elements;
  • rehabilitation after poisoning or illness;
  • restoration of the digestive system after taking antibiotics;
  • for faster chick development and weight gain in broilers.

The use of dietary supplements Chiktonik improves the quality of life of chickens, maintaining and increasing their productivity.

resting birds

How to give Chiktonik to chickens

It is used as an additive for chickens of different ages, suitable for layers and broilers, increasing their productivity. Let us consider in more detail the use of the product for poultry of various categories.

For broilers

According to the instructions, it is diluted in a ratio of 1 liter of water and 2 milliliters of the drug. The duration of application should be 5 to 7 days. The agent is added to the drinker.

When keeping chickens in cages, an individual reception is organized for each individual.

The solution of the drug is poured into the drinking bowl in the morning so that it is drunk during the day. The water remaining in the evening is poured out, and in the morning a freshly prepared composition is added.

broiler nutrition

For others

For adult laying hens, the dose and method of administration of Chiktonik are the same as for broilers. The drug increases the number of eggs laid and prolongs the hen's productive period.

If the drug is given before vaccination of the bird against infections, it is done three days before the procedure and within three days after. The same period should precede the movement of chickens to a new place of residence to prevent stress.

Side effects

Side effects when taking Chiktonik can manifest as an allergic reaction. However, this happens in rare cases, when some individuals do not tolerate the components that make up the drug. The additive is completely harmless and non-toxic.

drug allergy

Contraindications to use

We can say that the drug has no contraindications. It should be remembered that it is of artificial origin and should be used in cases where the body needs it, and for prevention purposes, no more than 2-3 times a year. It is important that Chiktonik can be used in conjunction with medicines and other food additives.

For your information. Poultry can be eaten immediately after taking Chictonic. The drug has no harmful effects on humans.

bird walk

The results of the impact of Chiktonik on chickens

The probiotic is given to chickens with drinking water by dissolving 1 milliliter of the product in a liter of water. The course of admission continues for 5-7 days. Start at seven days of age hen. The probiotic is especially useful when hatching chickens, in early spring or late autumn, when there is no fresh greens in their diet.

The impact of Chiktonik on the development of young animals is noticeable after a week. Chickens have a beautiful appearance, good appetite, and quickly gain weight. They have healthy immunity, resistance to changes in conditions of detention, stress. In childhood, the prerequisites for high productivity of broilers and layers are laid.

An important point is the prophylactic use of the drug. The disease is difficult to detect at the inception stage, and the probiotic allows you to begin treatment even before the first signs appear.

chicks in a cage

Storage of funds

The shelf life of Chictonic is two years. Storage is carried out in a cool dark place in a closed container. After opening the bottle, the drug must be used within a month. Open bottles should be tightly capped. Storage temperature - 5-25 degrees above zero. The storage area should be isolated from children's access.

The use of the therapeutic and prophylactic agent Chiktonik allows to improve the productivity of laying hens and broilers, to increase the profitability of a poultry farm, both on a personal and industrial scale. The product facilitates the rearing of healthy poultry, while its meat and eggs do not contain substances harmful to humans.

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