Characteristics and description of Minorca chickens, rules of keeping

The Minorca chicken breed is considered quite common. It is characterized by several varieties, each of which has certain characteristics. Chickens of this breed are characterized by high productivity and calm temperament. They have tasty meat and large eggs. In this case, it is worth considering the high sensitivity of birds to cold and high humidity.


The breed was named after the Spanish island of the same name. It was in this region that farmers were able to cross for the first time representatives of local black chickens. In 1708, the island was captured by the Anglo-Dutch troops. The British also appreciated the taste of these chickens. Thus, they ended up in England, where they continued their development.

In the 70s of the nineteenth century, chickens came to Germany. After 15 years, they ended up in the United States. The birds entered the Russian Empire in 1885.

Minorca breed of chickens

Description and characteristics of the breed

Chickens of this breed are characterized by a number of features. They are definitely worth studying before starting breeding.

Chicken exterior

The appearance of birds directly depends on the type of breed. Today, there are several options that have characteristic features.

Black spanish

These birds are characterized by a coal-black color with a slight greenish tint. The head is comparatively small in size and decorated with a leaf-like crest with 4-6 teeth. Bright red earrings can be seen under the beak.

The beak and claws are black. The eyes can be black or brown. The birds are characterized by a rounded chest, long neck and powerful wings. The birds have an elongated trapezoidal body.

Minorca breed of chickens

White british

These birds are characterized by a white color with a slight silvery tint. The scallop has a flat shape and a less intense red tint. Also among white chickens there are birds with a pink-shaped comb.

This category of birds is characterized by pinkish eyes. The beak and claws are yellow or pinkish in color.

German dwarf

Outwardly, dwarf chickens coincide with British birds. Dimensions are considered a characteristic feature. Adult chickens weigh no more than 800 grams. The mass of a rooster can be 1 kilogram.

german dwarf chicken

Minorca chicken productivity

Spanish and British chickens are raised for meat and eggs. The German dwarf breed is distinguished for its decorative purpose, since it cannot boast of high productivity.


On average, Minorca chickens weigh about 3 kilograms. The meat of these birds is characterized by excellent taste and high nutritional value. The product has a white tint and easily fits into the diet.


In the first year, chickens are capable of producing 160-170 eggs, in the second - 140. Dwarf varieties yield no more than 120 eggs. Young hens give eggs weighing 60 grams, adults - 70-80 grams.

Dwarf layers have small eggs that weigh no more than 35 grams.

Minorca breed of chickens


These birds are considered quite shy. They are characterized by a slightly nervous character. Minorcas are practically not given to the owner. Moreover, they easily get along with other inhabitants of the poultry yard.


The key advantages of the breed include the following:

  • high survival rate of chicks;
  • fast development;
  • early onset of egg production;
  • a large number of eggs;
  • high nutritional value of meat;
  • calm character;
  • attractive appearance.

Minorca breed of chickens


The disadvantages of the breed include the following:

  • high sensitivity to cold;
  • intolerance to high humidity;
  • fearful disposition;
  • lack of incubation instinct.

The specifics of the breed

To achieve high productivity of birds, it is worth providing them with favorable conditions for keeping.

Minorca breed of chickens

Chicken coop

These birds are distinguished by their exactingness to the conditions of detention. Birds need enough free space. In cramped conditions, they will not be able to develop normally.

Perches should be located 75 centimeters from the floor. The room needs to be insulated. It should definitely provide high-quality ventilation. In winter, the bedding should be thick enough to keep the birds warm.


The breed is considered to be very thermophilic. To avoid problems, the chicken coop should be insulated. Experienced poultry farmers advise treating sensitive areas of birds with fat. This will help prevent frostbite.

Without damage to health and productivity, birds can withstand temperatures of + 8-10 degrees. It should be borne in mind that there should be no drafts or high humidity in the house. It is worth insulating the room with mineral wool or foam.

Minorca breed of chickens

Place for walking

If there is not enough room for walking, birds should be fed less fatty foods. If the area allows, the yard should be fenced off with a net or slate. The height of the fence should be 1.5 meters. From above, the walking yard does not need to be covered, since these birds do not fly. The only exceptions are dwarf breeds.

A walking area should be sown with field grasses or cereals. Thanks to this, it will be possible to provide the birds with fresh greens. It is advisable to pour chalk, gravel, shells on the site. In winter, it is worth making a shelter with perches on the site.

Drinking bowls and feeders

To keep the coop dry and clean, it is worthwhile to properly organize the drinkers and feeders. It is recommended to follow these rules:

  1. Containers for drinking and feeding are selected depending on the number, size, age of the birds.
  2. Dishes should be easy to clean from food and dirt. It is also recommended to systematically disinfect it.
  3. For dry food, use wooden feeders. For wet food, plastic or metal containers are more suitable.
  4. Drinking bowls should also be on the outdoor yard.
  5. Drinkers must have enough water. It must be clean.

Minorca breed of chickens

Molting and break of egg production

Minorcas molt from 2 weeks to 6 months. During this period, their productivity drops to 80%. At the same time, egg-laying does not stop completely. After the end of molting, productivity is restored or even increased.

Planned herd replacement

The productive period can last from 8 months to 2-5 years.Then a planned replacement of livestock is required.

In order to breed a robust breed that will produce many eggs, the chicks should hatch in early spring.

Minorca breed of chickens

Feeding adult chickens

It is recommended to feed the birds three times a day:

  • in the morning they give food that contains a lot of proteins and vitamins;
  • during the day use mash-ups with the inclusion of sand
  • give whole grains in the evening.

In addition, grains, chopped raw or boiled vegetables, and whey may be present in the daily diet. Birds need greens, protein products, sunflower oil. They can be given fish and meat waste.

Separate feeders must be present in the poultry house or aviary. They are filled with clean river sand, crushed chalk or shell rock.

Breeding the breed

For chickens of this breed, a weak maternal instinct is characteristic. Therefore, an incubator is required to breed chicks. To do this, it is worth selecting eggs from hens 1 year old or older. Chicks can hardly stand the cold. Therefore, it is important to maintain a constant high temperature in the brooder, taking into account the age of the chicks.

Minorca breed of chickens

Diseases and methods of dealing with them

Birds of this breed are highly susceptible to low temperatures. If you keep them in adverse conditions, the likelihood of colds is high.

In this case, you can see mucous discharge, an increase in temperature indicators, and increased breathing. Birds can lose their appetite and become very thirsty. To cope with problems, special medicines are used. The doctor may prescribe Biomycin or Furazolidone.

To avoid the development of infections, it is recommended to vaccinate chicks in a timely manner. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards is of no small importance. In this case, it is worth following these rules:

  • systematically change the litter - at least once a year;
  • remove food leftovers and pour fresh water daily;
  • maintain stable temperature and humidity indicators;
  • avoid crowding in the chicken coop;
  • systematically examine birds and isolate sick individuals.

Minorca is a common breed of chickens that many poultry farmers are engaged in breeding. To achieve great success in this matter, it is worth ensuring the optimal parameters of temperature and humidity. Equally important is a rational and balanced diet, as well as the prevention of dangerous diseases.

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