Characteristics and description of the Foxy Chick chicken breed, rules of keeping and breeding

The Foxy Chick breed is considered quite popular. Many farmers choose it. This is due to the high productivity of these chickens. This is an egg and meat breed that is versatile. It is not so difficult to get good results when growing it. Chickens are characterized by unpretentious care and are characterized by resistance to many diseases. However, some features are still worth considering.

History of the breed

Hungary is considered the birthplace of this amazing cross. From this country, the birds spread throughout Europe. Today they have gained great popularity and entered the TOP of the most successful European hybrids.

Chickens of this breed are called the Hungarian giant for a reason. They have a characteristic color of feathers, and therefore they are often called "red broilers". The official name of the breed is translated as "fox chicken". This is due to the bright red tint of the feathers.

Description and characteristics of chickens Hungarian giant

For chickens of this breed, a number of features are characteristic. They make it popular with many poultry farmers.


Birds of this breed have the following characteristics:

  1. Chickens are distinguished by their short stature and powerful build. They are characterized by a wide rounded sternum.
  2. The birds have beautiful lush feathers and tight-fitting wings. It is a colored breed that can be red or light brown. This makes it look like another Hungarian chicken - the Tetra-HB breed.
  3. Broilers have a muscular body, powerful legs and a strong neck. The legs are rather short and have a yellow tint.
  4. The head is small. It is decorated with a red, leaf-shaped comb.
  5. The earrings are red and rounded.
  6. Bulging eyes. They can be brown or orange.

laying hen


These birds are hot-tempered. They fight each other all the time. This feature is typical for roosters. Therefore, only 1 male should be in the chicken coop. If you combine several breeds, Foxy Chick will score other chickens.

Puberty and egg production

Birds belong to egg and meat breeds. They are characterized by a high ripening rate. The chicken begins to lay eggs as early as 4 months. At the same time, it takes no more than 4-5 weeks to establish a complex process.Chickens gain weight over 12-14 months. In some cases, this process lasts up to 1.5 years.

These birds are characterized by high egg production. Even in imperfect conditions, chickens produce 250 eggs per year. Each of them weighs 70 grams. In the most comfortable environment, chickens can produce up to 300 eggs.

chickens in a chicken coop

Incubation instinct

This is one of the productive breeds, which has excellent maternal instinct. At the same time, chickens can raise both their chickens and foundlings. At one time, a brood hen can hatch 9-10 chicks.

The bird incubates its eggs patiently. She does not leave her place because of thirst or hunger. The chicken even turns the eggs over to ensure even heating. This allows you to get a fairly strong offspring. In some situations, the survival rate is 100%.

Productive qualities

Foxy Chick belongs to the category of meat and egg breeds. These chickens are raised for meat and eggs.

Productivity indicators

Chickens are large in size. With proper nutrition and proper care, the weight of a chicken reaches 3-4 kilograms. A rooster can weigh 5-6.5 kilograms. In addition, there are individuals whose weight reaches 7 kilograms.

feeding chickens

Early maturity and taste of meat

These birds grow rather slowly. However, growing them is quite profitable. This is due to the versatility of the breed. The meat of these chickens contains a small amount of fat. Therefore, it can be consumed by people on a diet. Also, the product is recommended for obesity and diabetes.

Conditions of detention and care

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their unpretentiousness to temperature conditions and other factors. However, the content is subject to certain rules.

Requirements for the chicken coop and walking area

Birds can be kept in cages or provided free range. In the first case, you can use an insulated room with a height of at least 2 meters. There can be up to 3-4 chickens per 1 square meter of area. The height of the perch should be no more than 1 meter, and the width should be at least 40 centimeters.

walking chickens

The key requirements for a chicken coop are as follows:

  1. There should be no drafts in the room. Although the Foxy Chick is considered a frost-resistant breed, it is recommended to insulate the chicken coop. In winter, the temperature should not be less than +10 degrees. It is recommended to install 2 pipes for the supply and exhaust ventilation device. They provide normal air exchange.
  2. The hen house must have windows for light access. It has a beneficial effect on egg production. In winter, there is a need for artificial lighting.
  3. Dry litter must be present in the house. Excess moisture provokes the development of pathogenic bacteria, which will cause infections. Sand and shavings should be poured onto the floor of the chicken coop. The thickness of the litter should be 5 centimeters.

Installation of drinkers and feeders

Drinking bowls and closed feeders must be present in the room. When raising chickens, it is worth ensuring the correct water supply. To do this, it is recommended to buy ready-made drinkers or make them yourself. It is important that the chickens do not stain the container with dirty paws.

Feeders are recommended to be placed on the floor or fixed to the wall. The second option is considered more preferable. Such structures are less polluted.

Seasonal molt

For chickens of this breed, annual molt is characteristic. At this moment, egg production drops noticeably. Sometimes the laying of eggs completely stops. At this time, farmers must switch the birds to a different regime. The bird should reduce the length of daylight hours and increase the calorie content of the diet.

Foxy chick

It is worth introducing various additives into the diet. For this, it is recommended to use cabbage, clover, alfalfa. It is also permissible to use meat and bone meal. The amount of grain is reduced until the appearance of new feathers.

How to handle cold and heat

Birds tolerate heat much worse than cold. To alleviate their condition in the summer, it is worthwhile to provide full air circulation in the room. It is required for the normal development of birds.

In winter, birds are able to withstand frosts down to -2 degrees. However, farmers still advise to insulate the chicken coop.

Planned replacement of livestock

It is worth replacing the livestock periodically. This is done depending on the purpose of breeding chickens. Chickens for meat are raised only up to 3 months. The chicken reaches its peak egg production at 2 years. After that, the indicators are significantly reduced. This is why the replacement of livestock should be planned in advance.


To ensure high productivity of birds, it is worth choosing a balanced diet for them. The daily menu should contain many useful elements, vitamins and minerals. The feed should contain proteins. This is especially important during the cooler months of the year as it helps maintain normal egg production.

walking chickens

Chickens begin to lay eggs from 4 months. At this point, natural feed should prevail in the diet. Birds should be given bran, fish waste, meat and bone meal, cake. Boiled vegetables are also introduced into the menu, but their amount should not exceed 10%.

It is forbidden to use green or sprouted potatoes for feeding. Particular care should be taken when using boiled beets. It often causes digestive problems.

To increase egg production, sprouted grain is added to the feed. It is also important to remember to use salt and gravel. These components aid in the digestion of the feed.

To replenish protein stores and reduce the cost of keeping chickens, it is recommended to release them frequently for free range. Birds eat grass and insects, which reduces their maintenance costs by about 60-70%.

It is strictly forbidden to overfeed chickens of this breed. It is important that the portions are well balanced and dosed. So, it is recommended to feed the hens 4 times a day.

Breeding chickens

Breeding chickens Foxy Chick has certain characteristics. It will not be possible to breed chicks with the required performance parameters within the same breed. To breed chickens of this breed, they are crossed with roosters from Rhode Island or Orpington.

Chick feeding


Foxy Chick chickens have a pronounced maternal instinct. They take a responsible approach to the process of laying eggs and even turn them over in time. Chicks hatch 20-21 days after hatching begins. To increase the number of livestock, it is recommended to put eggs in an incubator. This should be done in mid-April.

Chick feeding

On the first day after the birth of chickens, they should be fed with mash, which is prepared from steamed millet or oatmeal. It is recommended to add a boiled egg to the composition. On the 5th day, it is worth adding cottage cheese and chopped herbs to the menu. First, supplements are used once a day, after which they are added to each feeding.

On day 10, you can use sunflower cake, after soaking it. For 1 chicken, take 5 grams of the product. On the 14th day, boiled vegetables are introduced into the diet. For this, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes are suitable.

Chickens are prohibited from giving whole milk. It provokes digestive disturbances and leads to sticking of chicken fluff. It is forbidden to add whole grains to chicks' feed. They are unable to digest such food.

Chick feeding

In the early days, chicks should be fed at intervals of 2-3 hours. The food can be left on overnight. Little by little, the number of meals should be reduced. In this case, it is recommended to increase the gaps between them.

Young growth care

A brood of chicks should be placed in a box or box, after which a lamp should be installed over it. In the first 5 days, the temperature should be at least 30 degrees. It should be reduced gradually - every 14 days by 2 degrees.Thus, it is worth reaching 20-22 degrees.

It is important that there is dry and clean bedding in the box at all times. This will help prevent infection. Chicks must have access to clean drinking water at all times. Its temperature should be 22-25 degrees.

The chickens are growing quite quickly. Already from the third week of life, they are allowed to take them out for a walk for several hours.

Frequent illnesses

With strict adherence to the rules of hygiene and a balanced diet, the survival rate of chicks approaches 100%. Foxy Chick chickens are characterized by high endurance and almost never get sick. In case of violations in the care of chickens, there is a risk of various pathologies. These include intestinal infections, ticks, parasites.

laying hen

Quite often, ticks get on chickens and drink blood. Birds have an itching sensation, their appetite disappears. Insecticides help to cope with the problem. Ash baths allow to eliminate parasites.

In addition, chickens can face the following diseases:

  1. Coccidiosis. Chicks are susceptible to this pathology. They have appetite disorders, diarrhea, lameness. Feathers often become tousled.
  2. Pasteurellosis. This disease cannot be cured. The sick bird must be disposed of. For the prevention of pathology, chickens are given chloramphenicol.
  3. Marek's disease. This disorder cannot be cured either. Preventive vaccination will help to avoid its development. The main symptoms of the disorder include lameness, convulsions, and a wide goiter. There is also a risk of changing the color of the eyes.

Breed analogs

The closest breed to the Foxy Chick is Master Gray. The only difference between these birds is the color. The bird is unpretentious in care and belongs to the egg-meat variety. The name is associated with elegant gray plumage. Bird feathers are covered with white dots.

Foxy Chick chickens are a common egg and meat breed that is very popular with farmers. These birds are highly productive and are considered unpretentious to care for. Therefore, they are bred by many poultry farmers.

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