Description and conditions of keeping the Phoenix breed chickens

The Phoenix chicken breed is distinguished by its excellent appearance. A beautiful long tail is considered a characteristic feature of birds. It serves as a real decoration for birds. China is considered the homeland of chickens, but they gained popularity thanks to Japanese scientists. To raise such birds, it is recommended to provide them with special conditions of detention, since birds are demanding to care for.

The origin of the breed

Birds of the Phoenix breed originated in China. However, breed traits were developed in Japan. Then, on the basis of long-tailed roosters, birds were bred in Europe that meet modern standards.

phoenix breed of chickens

Description and characteristics of Phoenix chickens

For birds of the Phoenix breed, quite a few features are characteristic. They should be studied before breeding birds.

External features

For birds, a number of features are characteristic that distinguish them from other varieties of chickens.


According to German standards, hens and males must meet specific external parameters. The main features of birds include the following:

  1. Small head. It has a beautiful comb of red or blue hue.
  2. High and beautiful mane. The bird is characterized by a pronounced chest.
  3. Thin and long spurs on the feet.
  4. Lush and long tail. The average length is 3 meters.

phoenix breed of chickens


Chickens are smaller and weigh 1-2 kilograms. Layers are characterized by a small head with a medium erect comb and small earrings. The tail is considered to be quite lush, but has a shorter length than that of a rooster. The feathers at the tips of the tail are characterized by a rounded shape. Chickens are not suitable for breeding chicks.


These birds are characterized by low egg production. During the year, the laying hen is capable of producing 80-100 small eggs, which weigh about 50 grams. The shell has a pale cream color. The meat has excellent taste.

However, Phoenixes are usually grown for decorative purposes.

phoenix breed of chickens


Chicken families have a special relationship. Roosters are considered to be quite active and constantly monitor their charges. They take care of the hens, all the time beckoning them to feed. This breed is characterized by high intelligence. Phoenixes are distinguished by their artistry. Roosters love to pose to show their beauty.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the breed include excellent decorative qualities. Cockerels become a decoration of any yard. According to Chinese mythology, birds bring good luck to people.

They easily tolerate low temperatures and can walk in snowy weather. The birds are calm and peaceful in nature. The indisputable disadvantages include non-standard conditions of detention.

These include the need for a separate room, systematic tail care, and perching. Equally important is the need to feed the feed to the required height. Also, the lack of maternal instinct in layers is considered a disadvantage.

phoenix breed of chickens

Features of keeping chickens

To succeed in keeping birds, it is recommended to provide them with the right conditions.

Conditions and arrangement of the poultry house

A feature of birds is the presence of a large and beautiful tail. For birds of this breed, a large room is required. 1 rooster must have at least 1 square meter of area. As for chickens, it is permissible to have 3 layers per 1 square meter.

Perches should be placed 1.2-1.4 meters from the floor. It is recommended to make special steps to them. The house should be kept perfectly clean. Otherwise, the tail will get very dirty.

Walking yard

The promenade should be done in a dry place. It is important that there is no stagnant water on the territory. It is recommended to sow grass in the walking yard. It is also advisable to plant some tall trees or put up special perches. Phoenixes fly great. Therefore, it is important to organize a high barrier or pull the net on top.

phoenix breed of chickens

Feeders and drinkers

Drinking bowls and feeders are recommended to be fixed at or near the perch. This will help to avoid injury to males and damage to feathers.

Seasonal moult and break in egg production

Plumage in birds gradually changes throughout life. Therefore, owners usually do not experience seasonal molt or decreased egg production. Other factors lead to the appearance of problems - an unbalanced diet or violation of conditions of detention.

Diet of adults

Chickens of this breed are undemanding to the diet. However, it must be balanced and contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. In summer, in addition to greenery, birds must receive compound feed or concentrated mixtures of grains. This food is usually given 2 times a day.

Phoenixes are considered decorative birds. Therefore, the calorie content of the diet should be reduced. At the same time, it is important to increase the amount of minerals in the menu. This will help improve the condition of the feathers and stimulate their growth.

phoenix breed of chickens

Breeding features of this breed

The key difficulty in breeding birds is the lack of maternal instinct in birds.


The incubation period for eggs of this breed is 3 weeks. However, chicks often appear on the 17-18th day, which is associated with the small size of the eggs.

Chick feeding

The diet of chickens is selected depending on age:

  • for 1-5 days they are given 2 grams of boiled eggs, cottage cheese, cereals and 1 gram of greens;
  • at 6-10 days, chicks need 3 grams of cottage cheese, eggs, cereals, 5 grams of greens, 0.5 grams of minerals;
  • at 11-20 days, chickens should receive 10 grams of greens and cereals, 5 grams of cottage cheese, 1 gram of minerals;
  • at 21-40 days, the birds are given 6 grams of cottage cheese, 15 grams of grain or potatoes, 12 grams of herbs, 1.5 grams of minerals.

phoenix breed of chickens

Chick care

After hatching, chicks need to maintain a stable temperature. It should be at least +25 degrees. It is also worthwhile to clean the room in a timely manner and properly feed the chicks.

Vaccination of young animals

Timely vaccination will protect birds from disease. It is important to choose the right moment. It is recommended to vaccinate day-old chicks against Marek's disease.It is also worth vaccinating against laryngotracheitis, coccidiosis, and Fabritius bursa infection.

It is recommended to be vaccinated against salmonella, adenovirus every year. Vaccination against infectious bronchitis and atypical plague is also important.

phoenix breed of chickens

Chicken diseases

When raising chickens, there is a risk of developing dangerous diseases. They can lead to the death of the entire herd.

Infectious diseases

Most often, Phoenix chickens face such infections:

  1. Typhus. This disease spreads rapidly and is accompanied by diarrhea, increased breathing, thirst, and loss of appetite. For treatment, Biomycin and Neomycin are used.
  2. Pasteurellosis. With this pathology, there is heavy breathing, green stools, and loss of appetite. Sulfamethazine is used for treatment.
  3. Salmonellosis. With this ailment, there is strong lacrimation, respiratory failure, weakness. Furazidol helps to cope with the disease.
  4. Marek's disease. At the same time, the pupils narrow, the appetite disappears. In this case, the birds have to be killed.
  5. Bird flu. Pathology is accompanied by high fever, diarrhea, hoarseness. Chickens have to be slaughtered and burned.

When symptoms of pathologies appear, you should immediately contact a veterinarian who will diagnose and select a treatment. In any case, it is recommended to isolate the sick bird immediately.


Invasive diseases

Birds often suffer from attacks of various parasites - worms, fleas, ticks. They are also attacked by feather eaters. In this case, the birds show concern, their appearance deteriorates. To deal with parasites, aerosols and oral agents are used, which are added to the water.

Where to buy the breed

It is difficult to buy birds in Russia. This breed is popular exclusively with experienced poultry farmers. It is best to buy Phoenixes abroad, in special clubs. In this case, it is worth studying the certificate of conformity.

In Japan, the sale of these birds is prohibited by law. Participation in agricultural exhibitions is considered the only purchase option. It is also permissible to exchange Phoenixes for other breeds of chickens. It is important that these actions are documented.

Phoenix chickens are considered a unique decorative breed that has a number of characteristic features. To achieve success in growing them, it is worth creating the right conditions for the birds and providing a balanced diet.

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