Description and rules for keeping the dwarf breed of chickens Bentamki

Chickens of the Bentamki breed are considered an unusual variety. They are distinguished by excellent decorative properties, strong immunity and unpretentiousness to care. These birds are characterized by excellent taste of eggs and meat. However, they are small in size and friendly in nature. To achieve success in breeding birds, it is worth considering some features.

History of the origin of Bentamki chickens

Japan is considered the homeland of these dwarf birds, although there is evidence that they came to this country from India. The ancestors of the birds were wild. Therefore, these birds are naturally resistant to infections. Roosters protect the herd from hazards and are responsible for the young.

Breeders around the world are working with this breed. Therefore, Bentams are found in different countries - Russia, Germany, the Netherlands, Malaysia. Each of the varieties has certain characteristics.

Chickens Bentamki

Description and characteristics of the breed

Birds have many characteristics to consider before breeding.

Exterior of chickens

These are dwarf birds. Layers weigh 500-700 grams. The weight of the cockerels reaches 1 kilogram. Feathered are distinguished by different colors of feathers. In this case, the skin is white with a slight yellowness.

Legs are bare or covered with feathers. The birds are characterized by a small head, a leaf-shaped crest and a miniature beak. All species are distinguished by their attractive appearance and active character.

Chickens Bentamki

Breed productivity

Chickens of this breed are capable of producing 150 eggs per year. Each of them weighs 50 grams. Oviposition begins at 7 months. Chicks perfectly hatch chicks and provide them with full care. The survival parameters reach 90%.

Chicken carcasses are small in size. At the same time, they are characterized by tender and tasty meat. Often chickens of this breed are bred as decorative ones. They are distinguished by their excellent appearance and good health.

Behavior and features

Bentams are considered excellent hens. They provide excellent care for the young. The maternal instinct of chickens is so strong that they are able to sit in the nest for 3 months.

Chickens Bentamki

Advantages and disadvantages

This is a unique breed with excellent decorative properties and high productivity. The main advantages of birds include the following:

  • pronounced maternal instinct;
  • strong immunity;
  • variety of species;
  • calm character;
  • small size;
  • great taste of meat and eggs;
  • savings on feed;
  • the ringing voice of the cockerels.

The main disadvantage of the breed is the high cost of young animals. Therefore, novice poultry farmers often refuse to purchase it. However, the advantages override this disadvantage. Therefore, the breed has not lost its popularity for many years.


Today, many types of chickens of this breed are known. Each variety has certain characteristics.

Chickens Bentamki

Bentamka Padua

These birds are distinguished by their white color with a silvery sheen or dark golden plumage. They are characterized by a pronounced crest and a small crest. Cockerels are distinguished by long and sharp feathers, hens - rounded.

Bentamka Nanking

It is one of the oldest breeds with a yellow-orange color. Roosters are distinguished by a wide black bib. Specks on the scallop are considered a characteristic feature. The legs are bare and have a bluish tinge.

Bentamka Nanking

Bentamka Peking

Such birds are white, black, colorful. The tail is spherical. The legs are small and densely covered with feathers.

Cotton bentamka

This is one of the most popular varieties in Russia. Males have black feathers on their chest and tail. There are white spots on the body. The limbs are yellow.

Cotton bentamka

Altai Bentamka

This type of chicken was bred in Barnaul. It is characterized by a knocked-down body and a curved chest. The birds are distinguished by an unusual color of feathers.

Altai Bentamka

Dutch Bentamka

These birds are characterized by excellent appearance. They are distinguished by black feathers and a snow-white crest. The tail is characterized by a rounded shape. The beak and legs are dark in color.

Bentamka Sibright

These chickens are slowly dying out. This is due to frequent illnesses and a small number of offspring. Roosters are cocky. They are distinguished by a strong chest and a shortened back.

Bentamka Sibright

Yokohama Bentamka Phoenix

These birds appeared in Japan over 200 years ago. They are characterized by red-brown feathers with a golden tint. The tail reaches several meters, and the legs are decorated with spurs.

Malaysian Serama

It is a very small bird, slightly larger than a pigeon. The breed is the result of crossing Japanese Bentamoks and wild birds of Malaysia. The birds weigh less than 700 grams. The body is nearly vertical and the neck arches like a swan.

Malaysian Serama

Bentamka Shabo Japanese

This bird has wild roots in Japanese forests. The birds are of different colors. Their characteristic feature is their small size. For exhibitions, curly-haired and silky representatives of the breed were bred.

Bentamka Shabo Japanese

The specifics of caring for chickens

In order for the Bentams to develop normally, they are recommended to provide full and high-quality care.

Chicken coop requirements

Birds of this breed require a warm and dry environment. It must be reliably protected from drafts. It is also important to provide the birds with protection from other inhabitants of the yard.

Many varieties of chickens fly great. Therefore, the poultry house is equipped with a high fence.

bantams in the chicken coop

Walking yard

In summer, it is recommended to keep birds in a spacious aviary. Its area is estimated depending on the number of birds. Small hens will have enough 5-6 square meters for 10 layers. If you plan to keep Bantamok with other birds, you should increase the area of ​​the enclosure. 10 birds require 10 square meters of area.

Laying hens of this breed fly well.Therefore, experienced farmers advise to pull the net over the aviary. Drinking bowls and feeders should be placed in the courtyard. It is recommended to install nests and perches under a canopy.

Installation of feeders and drinkers

The coop should contain nests and boxes with sand and ash. Thanks to this, the chickens will be able to systematically clean their feathers. Feeders and drinkers should be comfortable for small birds.



It is recommended to feed Bantamok 3 times a day. In addition to the standard feed, the following foods are recommended for birds:

  • vegetables;
  • chopped greens;
  • cereals;
  • fish flour;
  • fodder sulfur.

It should be borne in mind that chalk, bone meal and other natural additives intended for poultry should be present in the diet of birds.

Breeding and caring for chickens

These birds are characterized by a pronounced maternal instinct. Almost all chicks are born from a laying hen. Therefore, there is no need to use an incubator. Due to its small size, the laying hen is able to incubate 5-7 eggs - it depends on their size. The survival rate of chickens depends on the Bentamka variety. The average is 90%.

In order for the chicks to acquire strong immunity and develop normally, they should be provided with adequate warmth and proper nutrition. It is recommended to feed chicks at intervals of 2 hours. In the first month of life, they should be under a warm lamp. It is recommended to observe the temperature regime at +30 degrees.

bantam chickens

Diseases to which the breed is susceptible

Under normal conditions, chickens of this breed are distinguished by strong immunity. If there is a violation of hygiene recommendations or crowding in the chicken coop, there is a risk of attacks by ticks, fleas and other parasites.

One of the key signs of problems is considered to be an unplanned start to molt. To cope with parasites, it is worth using special tools. It is recommended to clean the chicken coop.

If chicks have too much protein in their diet, there is a risk of finger deformity. Also, birds may encounter infectious pathologies. These include pullorosis, paratyphoid, and plague. At the first symptoms of the disease in the form of loss of appetite, lethargy or an increase in temperature, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

It should be borne in mind that there are incurable diseases that provoke the death of the entire livestock. To avoid such problems, birds are recommended to be vaccinated in a timely manner.

Bentamki chickens are distinguished by their excellent appearance, high productivity, good taste of eggs and meat. To achieve success in breeding birds, it is worth providing them with suitable conditions of detention.

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