Symptoms of coccidiosis in chickens and the best treatment methods, prevention measures

Coccidiosis in domestic chickens is a contagious disease caused by the simplest unicellular parasites. Chickens have their own types of coccidia. Due to the developing inflammatory process, their digestive function is disturbed, nutrients are not absorbed. As a result, the bird dies from exhaustion, concomitant bacterial, viral infections. The danger of infection is the same for chickens of any age, but fatal for chickens.

What is coccidiosis

Chicken coccidia are eimeria or parasites, for the full biological development of which a host and an external environment are required.

Infection occurs through the ingestion of eggs (oocysts) of coccidia. Depending on the type of pathogen, the large or small intestine is affected in chickens. In a favorable environment, the oocyst membrane is destroyed, and sporozoites (mobile unicellular forms) are introduced into the intestinal epithelium.

Further transformation of the parasite includes several stages:

  1. Schizogony:
  • transformation into a multinucleated trophozoite cell;
  • the first division (schizont) into mononuclear merozoite cells, with the destruction of the host cell;
  • release of merozoites into the intestinal lumen;
  • re-penetration into the epithelial layer;
  • second schizont;
  • repetition of the cycle;
  • end of asexual reproduction.
  1. Gametogony:
  • on the 3rd, 4th schizont, germ cells are formed (female - macrogametocides and male - microgametocides);
  • as a result of their merger, a zygote develops;
  • after the end of the formation of the membrane, it turns into an oocyst and is excreted with feces into the external environment.

parasite transformation

  1. Sporogonia:
  • under favorable conditions in terms of humidity and temperature, the oocysts "ripen" and divide into sporoblasts;
  • sporoblasts are covered with a membrane;
  • become spores that can infect the body of birds.

In an adult bird, coccidiosis is mild, but can go into a chronic stage. A high mortality rate is observed in diseased chickens under 8 weeks of age: 80-100%. This is explained by the weakness of the immune system of young animals.

tousled chicken

The causes of the disease in chickens

Coccidia eggs retain their invasive properties for 12 months. The source of infection can be:

  1. Carriers of infection:
  • birds sick in the chronic stage;
  • recently ill chickens.
  1. Failure to comply with sanitary standards for keeping young animals:
  • litter, feeders, drinkers contaminated with feces;
  • inventory;
  • overalls;
  • high temperature and humidity.
  1. Oocyst-infected food, water, free-range soil.

The probability of infection is highest when sick chickens are carriers of the infection.

diseases in chickens

The main symptoms of the disease

The manifestations of the pathological process depend on the stage of development of the coccidia and the age of the bird.

Pre-latency period. It passes unnoticed. Oocysts turn into eimeria. The first signs of coccidiosis appear on days 6-21.

Initial phase (introduction and reproduction of unicellular forms). The health of chickens sharply worsens due to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. The duration of the first schizont is 5 days. In chickens older than 2 months or with good immunity, the disease is mild or chronic.

In chickens and weakened chickens, the symptoms of coccidiosis become more pronounced. The intestines stop working. Blood appears in the stool. The bird loses weight, becomes lethargic, mostly sits. The second clinical period lasts 7 days.

manifestations of the disease

Against the background of a sharp decline in strength, a decrease in immunity, staphylococcal, streptococcal infections, and Escherichia coli begin to develop. In sick chickens, signs of anemia appear: the catkins and scallop become pale pink. The nervous system begins to suffer, which is expressed in lameness, paresis of the wings. The feathers are tousled, the goiter is drooping. Rapid stool turns into diarrhea with green, reddish-brown feces. At this stage, the death of chickens and young chickens may occur.

If the immune forces of the body, drugs stopped asexual reproduction, then a slow recovery begins. The stool is normalized, the blood in the stool disappears, and hematopoiesis is restored. The death of a bird at this stage can be caused by degenerative changes. Coccidial spores are present in the feces.

Recovery ends with the restoration of all body functions. For 1-4 weeks, recovered chickens are a source of eimeria eggs.

weakened organism

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis of coccidiosis is made by comparing 4 factors:

  • sanitary conditions for keeping poultry;
  • symptoms of the disease;
  • the results of the pathological examination of the intestine;
  • data from laboratory analyzes of feces for the presence of oocysts.

Based on the information received, the type of protozoa and the degree of infection are identified.

detection feature

How to deal with the disease in birds

Treatment of coccidiosis consists in blocking the development of parasites or their destruction.


Coccidiostatic drugs affect the formation of enzymes in the intestine, vitamins necessary for the formation of trophozoites, schizont. A sick chicken is treated by injecting coccidiostatics into food or drink.

Medicines used for coccidiosis:

  • Decoks;
  • Coccidin;
  • Amprolium;
  • Baycox;
  • Sacox.

coccidiostatic drugs

The doses used, the duration of treatment are indicated in the instructions for use. For example, Amprolium is mixed with feed in a ratio of 2.5 grams per 10 kilograms and given to chickens within a week. Baycox is added to drinking water as a 2.5% solution: 10 milliliters per 10 liters. The treatment lasts 2 days. In case of severe symptoms of coccidiosis, the procedure is repeated after 5 days.


To destroy parasites, bacteriostatic antimicrobial drugs are used. The mechanism of influence consists in replacing the amino acids necessary for the development of coccidia with chemical analogs. As a result, the formation of nucleic acids is disrupted, and the cell of the pathogen cannot function and multiply.

antibiotics in capsules

Antibacterial agents used to treat coccidiosis in chickens and young chickens: nitrofurans, sulfalazoles. The peculiarity of antibiotic treatment: increased vitamin B1 and A in the feed; in order to avoid the emergence of resistant strains of coccidia, one medicine cannot be used for more than a year.

Some chicken breeders consider "human" antibiotics to be more effective against coccidiosis than veterinary drugs. The five-day course includes taking Levomycetin, Erythromycin, Metronidazole in combination with the Trivit vitamin complex. In a liter of water, mix 1 tablet of an antibiotic and ½ tablet of Trivita. On days 4 and 5, mix 2 tablets of antibiotics (Levomycetin + Erythromycin; Erythromycin + Metronidazole) and ½ Trivita tablet.

different drugs

Probiotics in complex treatment

Probiotics are preparations containing live bacteria that restore the intestinal microflora after antibiotic treatment. They are useful for poultry at any age, as they strengthen the immune system, promote growth, weight gain, and egg production.

For chickens, laying hens, boilers, veterinarians recommend that OLIN, Bioximin Chicken, Chiktonik be introduced into the drink.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicinal methods against coccidiosis are ineffective. Only modern medicines can help against the pathogen, without which the mortality of young animals will be 100%.

watering can with a can


Untimely veterinary care for coccidiosis will lead to the death of chicks and young chickens.

In adult birds, the disease occurs in the form of poisoning, with a slight disturbance in appetite and stool. The pathogen dies under the influence of the body's immune forces. But such individuals remain carriers of oocysts released into the external environment for 2 months.

Recovery of young animals after an acute form of coccidiosis is slow. With advanced forms of the disease, the likelihood of complete recovery is very small. Breeders in such cases prefer to destroy sick chickens.

What to do to prevent the spread of infection in the chicken coop

It is completely impossible to get rid of oocysts due to the resistance to disinfectants based on phenol, manganese, and ammonia. The cage keeping of chickens for up to 8-9 weeks protects them from spore infestation that can occur during outdoor housing. Periodic firing of the cells helps to achieve sterility.

spread of infection

The bird in the chicken coop should have enough room to walk, plenty of light and air. When kept in an aviary, the area must be cleaned of feces weekly. The feeders are emptied after each meal.

Preventive actions

Vaccination of livestock, including eggs, is a preventive measure against an outbreak of coccidiosis. When 1-2 sick birds are found, veterinary drugs in prophylactic doses are introduced into food and drink.

Popular coccidiosis vaccines:

  • Koktsiprodin (except for layers);
  • Baycox;
  • Avikox (chickens up to 9 days of age).

Koktsiprodin, Baykoks is added to water (10 milliliters per 10 liters) for 2 days. Avicox is given once in a feed or drink.

dead chicken

Is it possible to eat the meat of chickens with coccidiosis

Oocysts can persist after the chicken is healed. For humans, avian eimeria do not pose a threat. But the slaughter of broilers is carried out 7 days after the termination of treatment. Heat treatment and freezing kill viable spores. With early slaughter, carcasses are sent for processing into meat and bone meal.

When coccidiosis is treated with antibiotics, chicken meat and eggs are not edible for 14 days after treatment.

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