Description of the variety of strawberry ornamental corn, its planting, cultivation and care

Strawberry corn, the seeds of which have recently begun to be sold, is classified as an ornamental crop. The plant loves warmth and sun, feels fine in the regions of Russia, where the climate conditions are suitable for the cultivation of sweet corn.

Appearance of the variety

The stem of an annual decorative cereal grows in length by a meter, in rare cases by one and a half. Oblong thin leaves covered with white stripes. Small cobs shine through against a green background, standing out with a purple hue, unusual for corn. Their length does not exceed 10 cm, their diameter is up to 8 centimeters. The ear has a wide base, tapering upwards, like a strawberry berry.

decorative corn

At the stage of milky maturity, cereal grains are distinguished by a sweet taste, they are feasted on by kids, used by adults. The harvest ripens in August, early September.

How is it used?

Strawberry corn serves as a hedge for summer cottages, beautiful bushes are used as a background for other ornamental crops. Amazing flowers are cut out of a sheet wrap, appliques are made. Small purple cobs, which are shaped like cones and berries, make up winter bouquets that do not lose their color for years.

strawberry varieties

Nutrients are retained in strawberry corn even after boiling. It contains many vitamins of different groups, there are components without which the body cannot work normally:

  • potassium and calcium;
  • magnesium and manganese;
  • iron and copper;
  • zinc and phosphorus.

potassium and calcium

When grinding the grains of a strawberry crop, a flour is obtained that has a natural dye. It is used for baking pies, cakes, biscuits.

Soil preparation and feeding

Growing strawberry corn is no more difficult than a regular sugar or fodder variety. After harvesting beans, beans or cereals, you need to dig up the ground in your country house or garden and add fertilizer. After 2 weeks, with the help of a harrow or a cultivator, they begin to cultivate the soil, due to which weeds germinate in a smaller quantity.

fodder grade

When the cobs are forming, the corn needs nitrogen especially. With a lack of this trace element, the leaves turn yellow and dry. With a phosphorus deficiency, they acquire a reddish tint. Potassium supplementation contributes to:

  • increasing resistance to disease;
  • increase in productivity;
  • accelerated growth.

cobs are formed

Calcium is needed to reduce the acidity of the soil. From autumn or spring before planting corn superphosphate and potassium salt are added. The culture reacts well to organic fertilizers - manure, compost, wood ash, loves the sun.

Planting methods

Strawberry corn is sown in the garden in late April, in early May, when the air temperature reaches 13 degrees. 3 grains are placed in each well to a depth of 7 cm. The distance between plants should be no more than 40 centimeters. When the first shoots appear, 2 shoots are left in the nest. The strawberry variety is wind-pollinated.

sowing in the garden

In the regions of Russia, where the summer is short, the cultivation of the crop is carried out in seedlings. The grains, warmed up in the sun for several days, are sown to a depth of 3 cm in peas made of peat, filled with earth, sand and compost, wood ash is added to the mixture. Seedlings are fertilized every 8-10 days, the soil is regularly moistened.

Care and handling

In order for ornamental corn not only to decorate the summer cottage, but also to reward the harvest of miniature ears with sweet grains, you need to do simple agricultural work on time:

warmed up in the sun

  1. Loosen the ground.
  2. Remove weeds.
  3. Thinning seedlings.
  4. Feed the soil with organic matter and mineral fertilizers.

When lateral shoots appear on the stem, it is better to carefully cut them off. Planting strawberry corn during the growing season is treated with fungicides, as wireworms, moths and other pests may appear.

thin out seedlings

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