Where is the causative agent of cysticercosis in cattle localized, symptoms and treatment

Bovine cysticercosis is understood as a serious parasitic invasion, which occurs quite often. It is also called Finnosis. The disease is a real danger to animals. This is due to the fact that parasites can infect vital organs and cause disturbances in their work. To cope with the disease, you must contact your veterinarian in a timely manner.

What is finnosis

Bovis cysticercosis is a lesion of the muscles of animals with bovine tapeworm, which are in the larval stage. As a result, the muscles of the tongue and heart suffer. If the animal has a weakened immune system, cells of the liver, brain, lungs are also damaged. In addition, there is a risk of fatty tissue damage. Cysticercosis can be acute or chronic.

Causes and mechanisms of development

The causative agent of cysticercosis is the tapeworm larva. It is characterized by a number of distinctive features:

  • the presence of an oval bubble - it has a gray tint, is covered with microscopic villi and is filled with liquid;
  • the presence of a head - its size does not exceed 2 millimeters;
  • 4 strong suckers with rudimentary proboscis;
  • ribbon-like body with a large number of segments.

Most often, bovine tapeworm is localized in the body of an infected person. In this case, animals are considered intermediate carriers of helminths. To prevent mutual infection, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the rules of hygiene and engage in systematic deworming of contact people and animals.

cysticercosis of cattle

The causative agents of cysticercosis have certain characteristics in the life cycle:

  • the intermediate host is a domestic animal;
  • the final owner is a person in which an adult can reach 10 meters and not show himself in any way;
  • the formed oncosphere is transformed into a full-fledged larva after 6 months - sometimes this happens even earlier;
  • maximum activity is observed after 7-10 months - during this period, characteristic signs may appear;
  • the larvae die off after 10 months - this period can last six months.

Signs and symptoms of the problem

The insidiousness of cysticercosis in cattle lies in the fact that with a mild degree of infection, the pathology is asymptomatic.

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Zarechny Maxim Valerievich
Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best summer cottage expert.
In this case, the ingestion of a large number of pathogens into the body of animals provokes an acute form of cysticercosis.

It can take 2 weeks. Moreover, in the first 5-6 days, cysticercosis has a clear course, and then the characteristic symptoms disappear.

Usually, cysticercosis in animals is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sudden loss of appetite in the animal or complete refusal to feed;
  • increased anxiety of animals - they become too excited;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • severe dryness and paleness of the mucous membranes of the animal;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • disturbances in the work of the animal's heart - they are evidenced by constant shortness of breath and frequent stops when driving to the pasture;
  • pain in muscle tissues;
  • pain when feeling the area of ​​the mesh and abomasum.

In an animal patient with cysticercosis, the temperature can rise to 39.8-41.7 degrees. In this case, you don't even need to measure it - the difference will be noticeable with an ordinary touch with the palm of your hand. Complications in the form of itchy skin, blindness, or ascites are extremely rare. The most dangerous symptom veterinarians call a decrease in temperature - 1-2 days after it there is a risk of death of the animal.

cysticercosis of cattle

Diagnosis of the disease

To make an accurate diagnosis of an animal, the following studies are used:

  1. Systematic examinations and palpation of the oral cavity and tongue of animals. These procedures help detect surface worms.
  2. Allergic subcutaneous diagnostics. To do this, tuberculin is injected into the neck area, the area under the tail or under the shoulder blade. Its amount is selected based on age. For young individuals, 0.15 milliliters of the substance is enough, adults need 0.2 milliliters. In an uninfected animal, after 24 hours, edema will appear in the injection area, which will increase for another 2 days. If the reaction slows down, the injection is given again. The next reaction will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.
  3. Study of serum by means of an indirect hemagglutination reaction. In this case, 5 milliliters of serum is recommended to be placed in a special test tube and put into a plate with erythrocytes. If a sediment appears, one can judge the presence of helminths in the animal's body.
  4. Latex agglutination method. In this case, it is recommended to warm the blood serum, add a latex suspension and some other substances. Then it is placed on a shooter to mix. Then you can make a conclusion about the presence of helminths. If a mark with 2 or 4 pluses appears, this indicates an infection of the animal with parasites.

cysticercosis of cattle

Treatment of cysticercosis in cattle

It is quite difficult to treat cysticercosis. This is due to the specific effect of the pathogen. Only an experienced veterinarian can choose the right medicines. Strong antihistamines will not work in this case. They will lead to massive death of parasites, but this can provoke inflammation and intoxication in muscle fibers. Therefore, substances based on praziquantel are used to treat animals. These include, in particular, "Droncit" and "Mebendazole". The dosage of the first agent should be selected by the doctor, taking into account the data of laboratory studies.

When using "Mebendazole" usually prescribed for 50 milligrams of funds per 1 kilogram of body weight of the animal.

Disease prevention

To avoid the development and widespread dissemination of cysticercosis in animals, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  1. To prohibit the slaughter of cattle and the sale of meat products without control by veterinary authorities.
  2. Inform the public and livestock breeders about the risks of helminth infections.
  3. Control the state of farms and places of slaughter of livestock by veterinary and sanitary services.
  4. Label slaughter cattle.
  5. Dispose of carcasses of infected animals if more than 3 cysticercus is detected in them when cutting muscle tissue.

Of no small importance for the prevention of cysticercosis are medical and sanitary standards:

  • medical and veterinary services should work closely together;
  • it is imperative to carry out preventive and therapeutic measures in relation to animals and people;
  • adhere to sanitary and hygienic standards on farms, which helps to avoid infection with helminths - they include equipping bathrooms, examining employee feces, washing hands, systematic measures aimed at deworming;
  • control wastewater by the state - they need to be filtered and disinfected.

To prevent the development of cysticercosis, close cooperation of medical and veterinary services is required. Observance of simple hygienic rules when working with animals and in the garden is also important. Also, be sure to wash your hands during the preparation and consumption of meat.

many cows

Can a person get infected from sick animals

A person can become infected with cysticercosis from infected animals. This usually happens in the following ways:

  1. Eating Finnish meat. Most often, this situation occurs in nature, when cooking meat with blood, that is, dishes that do not lend themselves to sufficient heat treatment.
  2. Neglecting to wash hands that have come into contact with raw meat.
  3. Drinking raw water from open reservoirs that contain helminth eggs.

The carrier of cysticercosis may not even suspect the presence of parasites in the body for a long time. Cysticercosis differs in different duration of the incubation period. In some cases, it lasts for several years. If a person does not wash his hands after working in the garden, the eggs of the worms from the soil fall into the oral cavity and provoke the development of cysticercosis.

The main symptoms of invasion include the following:

  • persistent headaches;
  • development of blindness;
  • convulsions;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • symptoms of meningitis;
  • the appearance of dementia;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • speech disorders;
  • mental deviations - they can manifest themselves in the form of delirium, depression, hallucinations, increased agitation;
  • paresis;
  • dizziness.

Sometimes cysticercosis of the skin occurs. It is characterized by the appearance of towering formations. They are mainly located at the top of the sternum and on the inner surface of the shoulders. Bovine cysticercosis is a serious pathology that poses a danger not only to animals, but also to humans. To cope with the disease, you need to immediately show the animal to the veterinarian.

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