How to feed a cow after calving at home, making a diet

Each farmer carefully prepares for the appearance of offspring in cattle. Therefore, the question of how to properly feed the cow after calving worries him more. If the cow is prepared in advance, properly fed, providing a supply of nutrients, then there will be no problems after giving birth. Carefully designed complementary foods, taking into account the recommendations of experts, will help with this.

What can you give?

The quality of nutrition after calving is of great importance. The animal receives vitamins and minerals from various types of feed.

Green food

The summer diet consists of fresh green grass and legumes. They contain proteins, amino acids, vitamins necessary for the animal. Green food is an easily digestible food that has a beneficial effect on the body.

Rough feed

Hay and straw are roughage. It is applied in winter due to the lack of fresh grass. Harvested since summer, roughage is not inferior to green. Useful substances and vitamins are present in it in constant quantities.

Juicy feed

Succulent feed consists of vegetables, silage, root crops. They contain carbohydrates that stimulate the appetite of animals. With their help, dry components are more easily absorbed and water consumption is reduced.


Compound feed, grain crops, bran belong to concentrates. They help the protein to enter the body of the animal, are an irreplaceable addition to the main feed of cattle.

feeding cows

How to properly feed a cow after calving at home

Complementary foods should be started 30 minutes after calving. Warm water and hay are suitable for this. In the early days, the heifer is given meadow hay, wheat bran. On the third day, a mixture is used, which includes bran, oats and flaxseed meal. The weight of the mixture prepared in this way is 1.5 kilograms.

Expert opinion
Zarechny Maxim Valerievich
Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best cottage expert.
The next two days, the weight of the feed is 2 kilograms. After 3 days, 400 grams of feed are added. Beets, silage, pumpkin are given with great care.

Advance meals are calculated based on their desired milk yield. The cow is given more concentrated feed. To get an additional 1 liter of milk, you need 0.5 kilograms of feed unit. For example, a cow is given 1.5 kilograms of grain and 5 pieces of root crops. This will increase the yield by 3-5 liters. An advance meal of 20% increases the fat content of milk by 0.2%.

Feeding cows during the milk period

After the birth of the calf, milk begins to arrive at the cow. It is necessary to carry out comprehensive measures for keeping, feeding, milking livestock. The amount of food eaten must correspond to the energy consumption for milk production. For this, concentrates are added to the animal's diet.

Starchy food in large quantities leads to an increase in stomach acidity. In this environment, beneficial microorganisms that process fiber no longer cope with the task. The maximum volume of concentrates per meal should not exceed 4 kilograms. In the morning, the cow needs to be watered. And give fresh grass before feeding. Nutrition scheme for milk production:

  1. The compound feed contains flour and sugar particles. This is necessary to reduce the harm of large amounts of concentrates when feeding.
  2. Thrifty farmers stock up on concentrated feed in advance. As such, pulp and bran are used.
  3. Protein is an essential supplement to provide the cow with strength and energy. A lack of protein reduces milk production, and an excess is excreted in the urine. This does not increase milk production. Crude protein in the total feed volume should not exceed 16%.

feeding cows

To calculate the feed, the following indicator is taken: 1 feed unit is required per 100 kg of weight during the milking period. With a yield of 12 liters of milk, 10 feed units are required, with 20 liters - 12 units. The number of feed units is directly proportional to the amount of milk produced.

What experts prepare for cows

According to the experience of breeders and farmers, it is necessary to change the diet every 14 days. In order for the cow not to feel discomfort, this process must be gradual. After calving, a cow needs a varied diet, so experts prepare the feed in advance. Juicy food must be included in the diet.

First, experienced farmers give the animal warm water at room temperature, then feed it with silage and root crops. Concentrates are usually given in the daytime feed. Evening feed consists of hay and straw.

Double feeding and brooding will reduce the maximum milk yield, so you shouldn't be limited to this. If the necessary standards are observed, the quantity and quality of milk will be much higher. Insufficient feeding reduces the absorption of nutrients. Additional labor costs for three times a day feeding and caring lead to an increase in the quantitative indicators of milk.

When maximum productivity has been reached, the number of milk yields can be reduced. The paramount importance of feeding the cow fades into the background. Two meals will be enough. At the same time, the amount of milk is reduced by 2%. The diet remains the same. The heifer needs to accumulate energy and new forces for the further reproduction of calves in advance.

Features of feeding in winter

The quality and quantity of milk, as well as the health of cattle, depend on proper feeding in winter. Winter food consists of silage, hay, root crops and straw. Coarse and dry food replaces green grass. For every 100 kg of livestock weight, 5 kg of dry feed is required.

A balanced diet rich in mineral and biologically active substances predominates during this period. If the cow is fed only silage, it is necessary to normalize the amount of sugar in the body with the appropriate feed. Beets are given to cows whose milk yield exceeds 10 liters. Urea makes up for the lack of protein. Bagasse and brewer's grains will balance winter nutrition. Beer grains are free and affordable complementary foods. It is found in large numbers in breweries. The daily diet of livestock includes:

  1. Rough feed - 37-39%.
  2. Juicy feed - 34-35%.
  3. Concentrated feed - 28%.

feeding cows

FeedMilk yield - 8 litersMilk yield - 12 litersMilk yield - 16 litersMilk yield - 20 litersDry cows
Straw, kg54333-5
Silo, kg101515155-7
Root crops, kg51015
Concentrates, kg11,5
Salt, g50607410050

Before feeding, hay and straw are finely chopped, poured with hot salted water. With the help of calcium, phosphorus and potassium, the feed is enriched with vitamins necessary for livestock. It is forbidden to feed the heifer with frozen feed, this will help to avoid the occurrence of diseases.

Potential risks and problems

The reproductive system of the heifer and the condition of the udder after calving should be given great importance.

Delayed afterbirth

If after 6 hours after calving the afterbirth has not come out, the cow should be shown to the doctor. Reasons for delayed placenta:

  1. The pregnant cow received poor quality feed.
  2. Nutrients were not supplied to the body in sufficient quantities.
  3. The pregnant animal was rarely walked. The muscles of the uterus have lost the ability to contract, which led to dystrophy.
  4. Distension of the uterus or the presence of inflammation.

feeding cows

Udder problems

After giving birth, the udder of the heifer may swell. This is a sign of breastfeeding. Stop milking the animal and allow the calf to approach it. The cub will help absorb the udder, the swelling will subside. The udder must be drained to such an extent that not a single drop remains. If it comes to mastitis, the veterinarian examines the cow and prescribes treatment. Usually use "Bitsillin". Milking of cattle is not stopped during treatment. For the udder, use Vishnevsky's ointment or "Rigefen".


Malnutrition, lack of calcium can provoke paresis. This condition damages the heifer central nervous system and brain. This is a viral disease. The cow has paralysis of the limbs, decreased sensitivity of the skin. The animal stops eating, drinking, almost does not walk, the body temperature drops to a minimum. If the heifer is left untreated, the animal may die. Usually the doctor prescribes calcium chloride in droppers, glucose with Kalfoset. Taking good care of your livestock will help you avoid problems, and having new offspring will bring joy.

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