Description and nature of colored dwarf rabbits, content

Among the existing decorative rabbits, the colored dwarf stands out for its small size. This animal has a friendly character. Rabbits of this breed are very popular, as they are simple and undemanding to care for. The animal can be of various colors. Due to the small size of the representatives of the breed, the colored dwarf is usually brought up for keeping at home.

History of appearance

Representatives of the breed appeared in the first half of the last century. Breeders from the Netherlands were engaged in breeding colored dwarfs. The ancestors of these animals were wild rabbits and representatives of the Polish breed. Then the smallest juveniles of non-standard color were taken from the offspring for further breeding.

Description of the color dwarf breed

The short-haired dwarf rabbit has the following characteristics:

  • weight - up to 1.5 kilograms (on average, 1.1-1.25 kilograms);
  • strong and compact body;
  • almost invisible neck;
  • erect ears up to 5.5 centimeters long;
  • short legs;
  • short tail, tightly attached to the body;
  • shiny and dense coat.

The nature of the rabbit directly depends on the behavior of the owners. The animal responds adequately to the manifestation of affection and aggression. Despite the above, the nature of the rabbits of this breed is peaceful. These animals love affection and attention, they sit well on their hands. The temper of a colored dwarf is manifested in behavior. In particular, when they meet, animals often stand on their hind legs, thereby attracting attention to themselves.

colored rabbits

Colored dwarfs show their most striking character during puberty. At this time, animals become restless and in some cases show aggression towards humans. The character is fully formed by 1.5 years.

The coat color is characterized by a wide variation in shades. Pets of this breed are chocolate, black, white, silver and others.

What are the pros and cons?

Among the advantages of this breed are the following:

  • does not need to be washed regularly;
  • good-natured character;
  • easy to get used to the tray;
  • not picky about food.

Due to their character traits, such rabbits require constant attention to themselves. Animals are prone to mood swings. Like other rabbits, this species sheds every three months. In addition, the animals need a spacious enclosure.

White Rabbit

Maintenance and care rules

This type of rabbit has a well-developed nervous system. Therefore, these animals are susceptible to stress arising from:

  • change of diet and place of residence;
  • a sharp violation of the daily routine;
  • prolonged lack of food and water;
  • a bright flash of light in the dark;
  • over-control of nests in the aviary and other reasons.

This animal is curious and shy at the same time. Therefore, a rabbit, frightened by a sudden appearance, can bite a person.

To maintain the normal life of a pet, you must:

  • Change the bedding 2-3 times a week;
  • wash the feeder and drinker daily;
  • timely change the toilet filler;
  • disinfect the enclosure weekly and examine the animal;
  • trim claws at least once a month.

little rabbit

The rabbit must be brushed every day to keep the coat from getting tangled.

Conditions of detention

Rabbits find themselves in a stressful situation due to changes in the indoor climate. Animals do not tolerate large accumulations of dust and dirt. Therefore, for the residence of colored dwarfs, it is necessary to organize good ventilation, otherwise the pets may suffocate and die.

You can keep rabbits in an aviary made of metal and unpainted rods. The dimensions of the latter should be 5 times the size of the animal. One aviary is allowed to contain no more than seven adults. It is recommended to place such a house away from direct sunlight and drafts. At the bottom of the enclosure, it is necessary to organize the bedding from:

  • specialized materials;
  • moisture-absorbing granules;
  • straw;
  • sawdust.

many rabbits

The room temperature should not exceed +25 degrees. In freezing temperatures of -18 degrees, animals get sick. When raising rabbits, remember that these pets do not stop growing teeth. Therefore, colored dwarfs are constantly gnawing everything around. However, this breed is characterized by one feature: if necessary, animals can be weaned from this habit.

Rabbits need to be vaccinated against hemorrhagic disease, myxomatosis and pasteurellosis, even in cases where pets are not in contact with other animals.

Feeding features

The basis of the diet of rabbits is to introduce hay. In addition, animals constantly require water and grain mixtures. To eliminate vitamin deficiencies and to prevent disease, it is recommended to add carrots, beets, apples, fresh herbs and other vegetables and fruits to the diet. Colored dwarfs need clean, filtered water, heated to a temperature of + 15-18 degrees. To supply liquid, it is necessary to attach a drinking cup with a metal spout to the walls of the enclosure.

In addition to these components, you can enter into the diet specialized feeds that are sold in pet stores. Such products are issued in accordance with the standards indicated on the packaging. Along with dry food, animals must be provided with constant access to water.

rabbit feeding

Representatives of this breed should not be given food from the table. Pets develop serious illnesses when consumed:

  • cookies;
  • chocolate;
  • potatoes;
  • flour products and a number of other products.

Miniature pets are not pretentious in food and consume little food. But for normal development, rabbits need mineral supplements. With a calcium deficiency in animals, convulsions occur. Over time, this can lead to heart failure, due to which pets die.

The subtleties of breeding rabbits

To breed this breed, one male and 3-4 females are needed. Sexual maturity in these pets occurs by three months. Therefore, from this period, the male and the female must be bred in different enclosures. The first mating can be carried out with the onset of the seventh month (but no later than a year). For mating, it is necessary to place the female in the enclosure next to the male. This process is allowed to be repeated no more than twice a day with an interval of one hour. If mating is successful, the offspring will appear in 30 days. A female can produce up to nine offspring annually, each of which contains up to eight rabbits.The last time to happen animals is up to three years of age.

Where to buy and the price of rabbits

It is recommended to buy representatives of the colored dwarf breed in specialized nurseries. This is explained by the fact that it is impossible to determine the type of rabbits by their appearance. Therefore, there is a risk of buying an animal of another breed.

The price of a rabbit of this breed depends on the color. On average, a pet will cost 2 thousand rubles. But those colored dwarfs that have black circles around the eyes (oto colors) are estimated at up to 10 thousand rubles.

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