How you can catch a rabbit, methods and instructions for making traps

Rabbits are distinguished by their fearfulness, so owners of fluffy animals often face the problem of their escape. Capturing an eared beast is not an easy task, but there are several ways that make this process easier. Fishing in the forest and in the garden has its own characteristics. Below are several methods on how to catch an escaped rabbit on your own.

How to catch an escaped rabbit

The stressful state of the animal is easy to determine by external signs: the rabbit begins to stand on its hind legs, stretching its ears, and looks around warily. Or the eared animal is pressed to the ground, knocking with its hind legs. This behavior signals that the fearful creature is frightened and is ready to flee at any second.

To prevent your pet from trying to escape, you should pay attention to his behavior. In case of fear, eliminate the factors that provoke stress on the animal. They can scare him:

  • the appearance of a new animal in the house;
  • loud sounds;
  • sharp movements.

If the pet is scared and escapes, you do not need to run after it. This can scare him even more. It is enough to lure the rodent to the cage by putting your favorite delicacy there.

If the animal has taken to flight in the absence of its owners, it is advisable to think over the trajectory of its movement before looking for a pet. Perhaps the animal is hiding somewhere in a secluded place. Usually he tries to find familiar places when trying to escape. In case of detection, you need to slowly approach the fluffy pet, bend over and try to calm it down with conversations and stroking. You should never perform sudden movements, take the animal by the scruff of the neck when it does not see it.

rabbit jumping

Catching a rabbit in a vegetable garden or garden

Catching a fluffy animal in the garden becomes somewhat more complicated, since the territory of the site for the animal's maneuvers increases significantly. Once in the garden, the rodent becomes the main pest: it eats the leaves of trees, shrubs, and crops. It is useless to run after the rabbit around the backyard, so only the animal will be more frightened, and the owner will needlessly lose strength.

In order not to harm the rabbit, it is enough to adhere to a few rules:

  1. Preliminary assess the situation, study the traces that the animal left on the site. Usually the pet out of habit chooses a place to hide in the area of ​​the bushes.
  2. Having calculated the location of the pet, they put up a cage with a feeder, and put the rabbit's favorite treat in it.
  3. The animal is lured with food, laying out a path of pieces of delicacies leading to the house.
  4. Food is placed several times a day so that the pet gets comfortable and feels confident near the cage.
  5. If, within a week, attempts to catch an animal are unsuccessful, the house with food is moved to another place.

White Rabbit

How to catch a wild individual with your own hands

It is extremely difficult to catch a wild animal in its natural habitat. The animal, which has evolved throughout the entire period of development, has learned to adapt in the wild and hide from danger.

Racing after the eared beast will only lead to a loss of energy and time. To catch him, you need to make a trap. To do this, use one of four options for making a trap.


To make a standard trap, you will need 1-1.5 meters of brass wire. A loop with a diameter of 5-7 centimeters is twisted from it. To do this, it is bent closer to the edge, 5-6 turns are made around the long part. The long end of the wire is threaded into a loop, twisted in a similar way. A strong rope is passed into the ring, fixed on a tree.

A prepared snare is installed in natural arches in places where a fluffy animal most often lives. To do this, find a rabbit trail - the area where the animal most often runs. In the absence of a natural arch, it is made independently by pruning branches. The loop is placed 10-15 centimeters from the ground. On the sides, they slightly cover the trap with branches so that the rabbit does not sense danger.

rabbit catch

Wolf pits

The easiest way to capture a wild beast is to dig a hole. The trap is prepared at the site of the rabbit trail. Dig a hole 0.7 meters wide and at least one meter deep. On top of the trap, thin branches are laid crosswise, hiding them under a layer of leaves and earth. Disguise should be done as close as possible to the natural habitat. Bait is placed in the center of the trap: vegetables, corn.

When installing the trap, you do not need to check, trim it too often, otherwise the human smell remains on the details. He can scare off rabbits.

Eared rodents are not particularly quick-witted, so catching them is not difficult. It is enough to be patient and wait for the animal to fall for a trick.


It is considered the most humane way when catching a wild animal, since the risk of injury to the animal is minimized. To catch a rabbit in this way, they acquire a ready-made cage or make it themselves.

rabbit catch

The principle of the trap is as follows: when the victim enters the cage to eat, the cage slams under the weight of the animal, and the animal remains locked inside. The food is placed on the trap mechanism, otherwise the rabbit will have lunch and calmly leave the cage. The mechanism is activated by lifting the door up. Check the operation of the product with a long stick. If everything is working properly, set the trap in the chosen place.

With a box

Using a cardboard box is considered the most affordable, but less reliable option when hunting furry animals. The process consists of several stages. First, prepare a box with a width of at least one meter. The bottom is cut out in it. Then they prepare a thin branch 1.2 meters long, tie it to the stump with one end, and the other to the ledge.

Two holes are cut in the box through which the string is passed. Its ends are tied together. An ordinary thread 4 centimeters long is tied to the center of the branch, connected to a twine. The box is suspended at a height of 1 meter. Two additional holes are made in its upper part. A piece of twine is passed through them. One end of it is tied to the center of the previous rope, the other is left hanging.

rabbit catch

A rabbit treat is tied to the free end of the string. Jumping up to the food, the eared beast pulls the rope, which breaks, and the box falls. Thus, the animal is trapped.

Useful Tips

To easily catch a pet or wild animal, just follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Eared rodents have an excellent sense of smell, so they smell the human smell from afar. When capturing an animal, you need to approach it carefully, without sudden movements and aggression.
  2. Rabbits are very fast animals capable of developing good speed. To make it easier for yourself while fishing, the free space is reduced. For this, obstacles are set so that the rabbit cannot move on. It's much easier to catch a pet in a small area.
  3. If attempts to catch a rodent are unsuccessful, a specialized service will help in this case.

In catching a fluffy animal, it is not strength that is important, but intelligence and ingenuity. Only by cunning can you catch an active animal in the garden or in the wild. The main thing in the hunting process is not to harm the rabbit.

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