Symptoms and treatment of uterine and vaginal prolapse in a goat, possible consequences

It is not uncommon for a goat to lose its uterus after heavy lambing. There are several reasons for this pathology - insufficient physical activity of the animal, complications arising during childbirth, multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios. The goat definitely needs help - you can try to straighten the organ yourself, but it is better to call a veterinarian to avoid dangerous consequences.

Possible causes of vaginal prolapse in a goat

Before giving birth and during delivery, goats can prolapse both the vagina and the uterus. The main reason for this phenomenon is the weakening of the muscle tissue of the perineum and pelvic girdle. Often, the vagina can fall out if lambing is severe, or if the veterinarian applies strong tension to retrieve the fetus.

In old animals, prolapse of the vagina and uterus is provoked by multiple previous births, especially against the background of damage to the soft tissues located in the pelvic cavity. Uterine prolapse is a partial or complete eversion of the mucous tissue of the genital organ outward, resulting from:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • wide diameter of the pelvis;
  • insufficient development of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • deficiency of vitamins and nutrients;
  • obesity;
  • introducing food that provokes bloating into the animal's diet before lambing;
  • improper assistance during previous lambing.

Many farmers make the mistake of provoking uterine prolapse on their own - they suspend the weight from the afterbirth in order to speed up its passage if there is a delay in the afterbirth.

prolapse of the uterus in a goat

Symptoms of the problem

When the vagina falls out of the genital slit, a red formation becomes visible, the symptom manifests itself more intensely with a low position of the body - when the animal bends over or lies. The symptom disappears on standing up.

It is important to notice the loss in time, since it can lead to the death of tissues in contact with the floor, and in pregnant goats - to spontaneous miscarriage.

Uterine prolapse looks like a pear-shaped mass protruding from the vagina, on which red caruncles are pronounced. The goat hunches back, looks exhausted and restless. Trying to urinate may be observed. If you do not help the animal promptly, the uterus begins to swell and becomes bluish. When a goat injures an organ on the floor and walls, parts of its mucous membrane begin to die off.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of the disease is not difficult, since the prolapse of the uterus and vagina leaves no doubt about the symptoms.Signs of prolapse require an immediate call to the veterinarian to reposition the organ.

prolapse of the uterus in a goat

How to cure a sick goat

Treatment for vaginal prolapse consists of several steps:

  • treatment of the vagina with disinfectant solutions - "Rivanol", potassium permanganate, krealin 2-3% concentration;
  • gentle repositioning of the vagina with fingers soaked in sunflower oil;
  • placing the animal in the pen, located at a slope towards the head.

Reduction of the prolapsed uterus should be done by a veterinarian. While waiting for the doctor, you can take measures on your own, if the loss is not strong - pour water at room temperature into a small watering can (about 28 aboutC) and water the organ. If the organ does not retraction or the uterus has returned to its place partially, the water temperature should be reduced to 15 aboutC, then pour over again with liquid at room temperature.

Expert opinion
Zarechny Maxim Valerievich
Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best cottage expert.
To improve the contractions of the uterus, so that it becomes agitated and quickly drawn in, it is recommended to massage the ligaments of the genital organ.

If attempts are unsuccessful to independently correct the prolapse of the uterus, it is washed with a cool solution of potassium permanganate, a decoction of chamomile or oak bark. After that, the uterus must be wrapped in a clean, ironed cloth in order to exclude infection.

Symptoms and treatment of uterine and vaginal prolapse in a goat, possible consequences

The veterinarian sets the uterus centimeter by centimeter, the sheet is tucked at this time, and then removed completely. After the organ is fully adjusted, the doctor evens out the remaining folds inside. The animal is also placed in a sloped pen.

To prevent further prolapse of the uterus, it is recommended to apply a rope bandage twisted in a loop in the area of ​​the labia. The ends of the rope are tied to the belt - it is fixed around the sternum. To prevent organ infection and the development of blood poisoning, "Neofur" or "Hysteroton" - antimicrobial drugs in the form of suppositories, are injected intrauterinely.

Possible consequences

Ignoring the problem and improper treatment can lead to negative consequences:

  • infection inside the genital organ, bladder, inflammation of the renal system;
  • the death of a part of the mucous tissue, when it does not adjust for a long time on its own and comes into contact with the floor surface;
  • trouble urinating;
  • retention of urine and feces;
  • prolapse of the bladder into the opening left by the prolapsed uterus and vagina;
  • premature onset of labor in pregnant goats, accompanied by severe pushing, especially when lying down.

It is necessary to diagnose and eliminate prolapse of the vagina and uterus in time.

Preventive measures

For the prevention of genital prolapse, you should adhere to the rules:

  • feed cattle with quality food - grass, hay, branch feed;
  • keep animals in poor pasture and introduce more hay into the diet a couple of weeks before covering;
  • make sure that the goats do not overeat to avoid obesity;
  • do not feed pregnant individuals before lambing with gas-forming products - fruits and vegetables, legumes;
  • help during lambing - to hold the vagina when a large fetus comes out or its wrong location in order to avoid organ prolapse, douching with oil when water leaves early.

Goats should give birth on their own, but during lambing it is better to invite a veterinarian or help the animal on their own, since vaginal and uterine prolapse is common in goats.

The prolapse of internal organs in a goat should not be ignored by the owner. Immediately after the uterus is repositioned, the animal needs to be well cared for - feeding with a high vitamin content, clean water, dry bedding.It is recommended to drive a goat with a newly adjusted uterus on a short lead, without giving it excessive physical exertion.

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