What to do if a goat does not stand up after lambing and treatment methods

The birth of goats does not always go smoothly, after which the animal can get sick. The causes of diseases are different, but, in any case, the pet needs timely treatment. If left as it is, many diseases can lead to serious complications and even death of the animal. Consider what to do if the goat does not stand up after lambing and why this happens.

Why a goat falls to its feet and how to deal with it

The reason may be a violation of the metabolism of certain substances, infectious or traumatic diseases. Despite their different nature, their symptoms are similar in that the animal cannot get to its feet due to paralysis of the muscles of the limbs or inflammation.

Metabolic disease

If the goat falls ill and the legs fail, this may be the result of childbirth paresis. The disease occurs mainly in animals that have already given birth (after 3 pregnancies). The cause of this condition lies in improper feeding, which leads to the fact that the body lacks calcium and glucose. Symptoms of the disease can be seen a few days before lambing, during the birth of the kid and in the first time after birth. Causes paresis of overfeeding with grain, breadcrumbs, concentrates, compound feed.

Signs of paresis - unsteady shaky gait, a decrease in body temperature, cessation of gum, decreased skin sensitivity. Then, the very next day, the animal falls on its front limbs, lies down, and cannot rise by itself. The head and neck are arched in the shape of an S, the goat lies motionless, with closed eyes. Death can occur within 1-2 days after the onset of the disease.

Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian, no folk remedies will help. The animal is injected with calcium and glucose preparations by injection. To warm up and start the activity of the stomach and intestines, the goat is given a massage of the back, legs and abdomen, and then covered with a warm blanket.

the goat does not stand up

To prevent the development of paresis, 2 weeks before lambing and within a week after, you need to feed the goat with hay and branches, do not give concentrates, crackers and cake. A week before giving birth, it is allowed to feed some chopped vegetables and fruits.

Expert opinion
Zarechny Maxim Valerievich
Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best summer cottage expert.
An animal can also fall to its feet due to a lack of trace elements in feed - calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.

The deficiency affects the bone tissue from which they are washed out. Signs are thinning of bones, loose teeth, brittle, matte hoof horn. Animals lick feeders, equipment, walls.Treatment - the introduction of premixes into the diet, which contain the necessary mineral elements.

Traumatic diseases

Injuries and diseases of the limbs occupy 15-20% of all diseases in goats. Signs - animals dragging their feet, stepping cautiously, moving on their joints or completely falling to their feet. Joints and muscles can be hot, swollen, painful.

If a pregnant or giving birth goat falls to its feet, the reason may be inflammation or tearing of muscles, sprains and tears of ligaments and tendons as a result of bruises, blows, falls, or the development of chronic diseases - bursitis, arthritis, rheumatism. Inflammation of the hooves caused by improper care can also cause the goat to fall to its feet due to the pain of resting on the hoof.

Infectious diseases

Necrobacteriosis is a bacterial disease, pathogens affect the hoof horn, skin and mucous membranes, and sometimes internal organs. The hoof horn becomes inflamed and flaked, and pain occurs. There may be pus inside, and the joint above the hoof is swollen and hot. The goat does not run, it keeps its leg bent.

Hoof rot is a chronic bacterial disease manifested by hoof inflammation, local fever, redness, hair loss at the site of the lesion.

Exudate is released from the hoof, the hoof horn exfoliates. The cat goat first limps, then cannot stand on its leg, transfers weight to a healthy one. If more than one limb is affected, the animal lies stretched out or bent under it. Treatment consists in local treatment: it is necessary to wash the wound, remove pus. Inside, the animal is given antibiotics - sulfonamides.

many goats

Preventive actions

To prevent metabolic diseases, it is necessary to give goats during pregnancy more hay and branches, less concentrates and juicy feed, make sure that the diet is balanced in terms of mineral elements and vitamins.

The remaining problems are prevented by proper and systematic care of animals. The goat's house should be cleaned every day, ventilated, disinfected walls, floor, inventory at least 2 times a year. Vaccinate animals against the most common diseases. Let go for a walk every day.

If the goat after giving birth fell to its feet and does not get up, it cannot be ignored. She needs immediate help. In some cases, the breeder himself can help, in others only the veterinarian can help.

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