Description and characteristics of the Vima Zanta strawberry variety, cultivation and reproduction

The cultivation of large-fruited strawberries Vim Zant is a relatively recent hobby of gardeners. However, despite this, the culture has a large number of positive reviews and is in demand among both experienced gardeners and beginners. This is due to the crop yield and attractive characteristics.

Description and characteristics of garden strawberries

The species was formed as a result of mixing the Elsanta and Corona varieties. The variety of berries is early ripe, the yield begins in late May - early June.

Description of the fruit:

  • large, red;
  • the skin is dense, the flesh is sweet with hints of strawberries;
  • the shape of the first berries is oval, the rest of the crops are slightly elongated;
  • first harvest in the first year after planting.

Common characteristic features of the variety:

  • large bushes, boat-shaped leaves;
  • inflorescences are lowered to the ground;
  • yield up to 800 grams;
  • hybrid does not belong to remontant varieties;
  • berry weight up to 30-40 grams;
  • resistance to diseases and low temperatures.

With sufficient moisture, the berries become large, which can often lead to the formation of voids inside.

strawberry vima zanta

Positive and negative sides of strawberries

The garden strawberry variety has the following advantages:

YieldIt is necessary to regularly water the bushes.
Unique berry flavorNot suitable for long-term transportation
Berries tolerate heat well and are not damagedPowdery mildew is susceptible to disease
Immunity to diseases
Grows easily with a mustache
Can be used for long-term storage

strawberry vima zanta

The crop is suitable for growing by gardeners who are experienced in strawberry care.

The nuances of growing varieties of Vima Zanta

Planting the crop is standard, but observing some of the nuances will allow you to get a crop in the first year.

Landing time and place

When choosing a landing site, it is necessary to select an area well-lit by the sun, with rich soil. Planting strawberries in the shade can reduce palatability. It is also not recommended to place beds on hillsides and in places where liquid can accumulate. The planting site for large areas of culture must be chosen in such a way that it is convenient to supply the drip irrigation system.

strawberry vima zanta

Planting of plants is carried out in autumn in mid-September, seedlings are prepared in spring in February. After the snow melts, when the soil warms up, it is planted in open ground under a film.

Preparation of seedlings

The Vima Zanta strawberry variety requires a quality selection of planting material. For seedlings that are grown in greenhouses, it is necessary to carry out hardening procedures several weeks before planting. Such a process will further reduce the risk of disease and accelerate the period of adaptation to a new place of growth.

When using purchased seedlings, you must pay attention to the following criteria:

  • the root must be developed and have up to 4 main branches;
  • leaves without damage;
  • root length must be at least 7 cm;
  • pink bud without rot and dryness.

Strawberry seedlings

In the presence of dark spots on the root, it is not recommended to use such planting material, since the plant will recover for a long time and often be exposed to diseases.

Planting process

The soil is prepared, for this the site is cleared, and humus is introduced. After the soil has settled, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • make holes up to 10 cm deep, a distance of up to 40 cm is maintained between the holes;
  • the stalk is lowered into the hole, and the roots are straightened;
  • after the seedling is placed, the hole is covered with earth and lightly compacted;
  • it is necessary to sprinkle it with earth so that the upper kidney is outside;
  • the beds are watered with warm water and covered with a layer of mulch or plastic wrap.

Strawberry sprout

The strawberry variety requires a large space, therefore, a distance of at least 60 cm is observed between the beds.

Crop care rules

In order for the culture to quickly gain strength and begin to develop, it is necessary to properly care for and timely water and feed.

Soil and fertilizers

Strawberries are demanding on the soil, so it is necessary to regularly feed them. It is not recommended to use alkaline or overly oxidized soil. Strawberries take root well on moist sandy soil with a humus content of at least 3%.

Watering strawberries

To saturate the soil with all the necessary components, the following bait algorithm must be observed:

NameWhen applied
Wood ashIt is used immediately after planting the crop in the ground. Ashes can be scattered between the beds and fluffed
SuperphosphateUsed before flowering
Nitrogen fertilizersAre introduced after the inflorescences fall
Chicken droppingsThe solution is applied by the root method during the period of fruit formation
Peat, humusIntroduced after harvest

The amount of dressings depends on the type of soil; additional formulations can be used if the gardener notices symptoms of mineral deficiency of the culture.

Watering and moisture

Garden strawberries prefer moisture, so watering is carried out regularly every three days. For yield, it is necessary to use drip irrigation, with the help of which the plant will receive the required amount of moisture, while not being exposed to diseases such as rot and diaper rash of the root.

watering strawberries

Relation to temperature

The berries tolerate heat and the hot season. The fruits are not baked in the sun and retain their presentation. The plant is frost-resistant. However, with a strong drop in temperature, the root can be damaged, which will lead to diseases and weakness of the bush. Therefore, before winter, the bushes must be covered with a layer of mulch.

Disease and pest control

Vima Zanta's garden strawberry is disease resistant. However, it is necessary to highlight the following possible diseases:

  • Powdery mildew - damages leaves and shoots, looks like a white bloom. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to spray with 50 grams of "Karbofos" per 10 liters of water.
  • Gray rot - appears on the fruits and stems and root of the plant.The damaged areas of the bush are removed, the rest of the plants are treated with Horus or iodine in a ratio of 1 drop per 1 liter of water.
  • Aphids - affects young plants and leads to yellowing and drying out of the bush. For elimination, a soap solution is used.

strawberry vima zanta

Diseases occur most often as a result of infected seedlings that have been planted in the ground. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to carefully examine the planting material for the presence of pest eggs and symptoms of the disease.

Strawberry propagation

The plant can reproduce in the following ways:

  1. Division of the bush. A strong bush is selected and divided into several parts.
  2. Mustache. The plant produces a large number of whiskers during the season, which are recommended to be removed. For reproduction, several bushes are left, the layers are sprinkled with soil and left until the roots form. The resulting cuttings are cut and planted in open ground.
  3. Seedlings. Seedlings emerge from seeds that are harvested in the fall. To obtain seeds, you need to mash and rinse a ripe berry. The resulting seeds are dried and planted in seedling containers.

strawberry vima zanta

Reproduction using a mustache is used more often, since there is no need to harm the bush, and the planting material quickly adapts after transplantation.

Growing difficulties and recommendations

A crop with timely watering does not cause difficulties in growing. However, you can notice a decrease in yield and taste of the fruit. Such situations may arise in the following cases:

  • wrong landing site;
  • no fertilizers were applied to the soil;
  • the soil is depleted and not suitable for strawberries in composition;
  • excessive watering;
  • wrong neighborhood.

strawberry vima zanta

To eliminate difficulties in the growing process, it is necessary to revise the rules for caring for the plant. Very often, the wrong neighbors, such as raspberries and currants, take all the necessary useful components from the soil and lead to strawberry diseases. This fact must be taken into account before boarding.

Also, strawberries very quickly deplete the soil, so after 4-5 years a transplant is needed, a new place of growth.

INimportant. To prevent the berries from being damaged or rotted, it is recommended to use a layer of mulch made from sawdust or pine needles.

Collection and storage of the harvest of garden strawberries

The first harvest is in early June. The fruits are large, so deep containers are not used. Wooden boxes are considered suitable, in which strawberries are folded no more than 2 layers and placed in a cool place. It is not recommended to pour the berries and subject them to vibration, otherwise the presentation will deteriorate.

Garden strawberries have distinctive taste and are used for fresh consumption and as preparations for the winter. In order for the yield to not decrease, it is necessary to follow simple rules for caring for the plant, which will allow you to enjoy the berries in the first year after planting.

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