Description and characteristics of the Pineberry strawberry variety, cultivation and care

The unusual color and pronounced pineapple taste of Pineberry strawberries have won the attention of gardening enthusiasts. The hybrid was bred by breeder Hans de Jonge from the Netherlands, his parental pair was Virginia and Chilean strawberries. To grow this interesting plant and get a rich harvest, you need to familiarize yourself in more detail with its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the intricacies of planting and care.

General information

Pineberry strawberry belongs to the remontant varieties of culture, in one place it can grow for 5 years without transplanting. Harvesting takes place from May to July. Seasonal productivity indicators reach 1 kilogram per 1 square meter, provided that they are grown in greenhouse complexes. The height of the bush is 20-30 cm.

The berries are distinguished by a white color, the pulp is also creamy, small in size (2.5 centimeters in diameter). The attention is drawn to the grain of Pineberry strawberry - red color, which indicates the achievement of consumer ripeness of the fruit. Not only the taste characteristics of this hybrid are at a high level, but also marketable.

Pineberry strawberries have other names - White Dream, Pineapple, White Pineapple.

Repaired garden strawberries form only female flowers, which requires cross-pollination. Other varieties should be planted nearby so that the Pineberry harvest is not only qualitative, but also quantitative.

White strawberry

Main pros and cons

Experienced gardeners distinguish among the positive characteristics of Pineberry strawberries:

  • increased immunity to major diseases;
  • ripe fruits do not attract feathered guests;
  • does not cause difficulties when growing;
  • excellent taste and aroma;
  • hypoallergenic (there is no Fra a1 protein in the composition);
  • frost resistance (up to -25 degrees);
  • universal purpose of berries (for fresh consumption, as raw materials for winter preparations);
  • perspective (suitable for a home business for the cultivation of exclusive garden strawberries).

White berry

Of the minuses of Pineberry strawberries, they note:

  • the crop is afraid of long-distance transportation;
  • does not tolerate excessive moisture, the fruits begin to rot during the period of prolonged rains, if irrigation is not organized correctly;
  • relatively small size of berries.

Despite some drawbacks, the Pineberry strawberry still holds the leading position in the category of the most unique varieties of garden strawberries.

The nuances of growing pineberry strawberries

A smart approach to planting strawberries with white berries increases the chances of a bountiful harvest during the season.

Ripe berries

Where and when to plant

Since the pineberry strawberry is a thermophilic plant, it is recommended to choose glades that are slightly shaded, but well warmed up by the sun's rays, protected from through winds and not close to groundwater (from 60 centimeters) for planting it. If planted in open, sunny areas, the fruits will have a pinkish tint. Alternatively, you can use agrofibre shading over the berry plantation.

Planting works are carried out either in the spring, when the threat of return frosts has passed, or in the fall (mid-August-mid-September). Preparation of soil for autumn planting is performed 15-20 days before planting date, and for spring planting - in autumn.

Strawberry seedlings

Selection of seedlings

Before purchasing planting material, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the sheet plates. They should be bright green, not elongated, without traces of damage and disease. The optimal length of the root system is 7 centimeters. Pineberry strawberry roots should completely surround the entire earthy coma.

Planting process

You can plant pineberry strawberries in rows, maintaining a distance between them of 70-80 centimeters, and between plants 20-25 centimeters. But it is better to use a square-nested planting method, with which the berries grow larger. Such nests are formed at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other, in each 3 seedlings are determined, maintaining an interval of 9-10 centimeters between them.

The soil for planting pineberry strawberries is prepared in advance by introducing an organic composition (5 kilograms), mineral mixtures (40 grams) per 1 square meter. The optimum acidity of the soil on the site should be in the range of 5-6.5. Deep digging of the earth improves the water and nutritional regime for the development of the underground part of the bush.

0.5 liters of water is poured into the prepared holes, allowed to soak and the seedling is placed in the center. Its roots are straightened, sprinkled with fertile soil and lightly tamped. The root collar of Pineberry strawberries should be at ground level.

Planting strawberries

At the end of planting work, I mulch the plants with peat to prevent the development of rot on the fruits.

How to properly care for the variety

Among the main activities for the care of Pineberry strawberries, they note: irrigation, removal of weeds, weeding, loosening, and protective measures against diseases and pests.

Watering and feeding

Repaired strawberries are moisture-loving, but excessive moisture in the soil should not be allowed. Treatments should be regular and in moderate dosage. The frequency of watering is determined by weather conditions: in hot weather - up to three times a week. Stop irrigating the Pineberry strawberries 2 days before harvest day.

The hybrid responds with gratitude to feeding with organic (cow, bird manure) and mineral fertilizers. The first procedure is performed in early spring, the second - before the flowering phase, the third - during the formation of ovaries.

Berry seedlings

To lay a bountiful harvest for the next season, strawberries are fed again after harvesting. Nutrient mixes should be rotated.

Loosening and weeding the soil

To reduce the likelihood of the appearance of various uninvited guests in the form of parasitic individuals, as well as the development of diseases, it is necessary to regularly monitor the cleanliness in the aisles. It is imperative to remove weeds. It is recommended to loosen the soil to a depth of 3-5 centimeters to avoid damage to the strawberry roots.


To preserve moisture in the soil and to reduce labor costs for processing the site, it is effective to mulch Pineberry strawberries.For these purposes, it is good to use rotted sawdust, straw, peat. In addition, this agricultural technique minimizes the contact of berries with the ground.

Mulching berries

Disease and pest control methods

Often, strawberry bushes are affected by:

  • Gray rot, which is detected by the presence of brown weeping spots on the leaf plates of the bush, still forms a fluffy gray bloom on them. Sick berries should be removed and disposed of. In order to prevent the development of the disease on Pineberry strawberries, it is necessary not to overflow the soil, to plant seedlings in well-lit glades.
  • Verticillosis, characterized by rapid wilting of plants without obvious signs of disease. It is almost impossible to cure such specimens; they should be removed from the ground and burned.

Of the harmful insects, Pineberry strawberries are attacked by a bear, spider mite, slug, nematode, weevil. It is possible to avoid such troubles by planting next to the culture of marigolds, observing the distance between plantings, using Eco-gel. Actellik, Fufanon are effective against the weevil.

Strawberries in the palms

Breeding methods

According to the description of the variety, Pineberry strawberries are propagated by means of divisions and mustaches. For the first method of reproduction, you need to choose an adult plant and divide it into parts. Each section should contain a point of growth, 3 leaves and healthy roots. One Pineberry strawberry bush is divided into 2-3 equal parts.

The second method involves rooting discarded shoots. The first, strongest mustache is used, which is placed in suitable containers, sprinkled with earth and regularly moistened. After 60 days, a root system will form in the young bush, after which it is separated from the mother bush and determined to a permanent place.

Cleaning and storage of garden strawberries

It is desirable to harvest in the evening or morning hours, leaving on it a "hat" with a short stem. So that the berries do not rot in the garden, the collection should be done in a timely manner. Pineberry strawberries are stored in plastic or wooden boxes, containers with holes for ventilation. To bookmark in the freezer, the fruits are sorted out, washed, and then just laid out on a tray and sent to the refrigerator.

Pineberry strawberry is a rather exotic plant with white fruit color and pineapple flavor. Even a beginner gardening enthusiast can cope with it. The main thing is to use healthy seedlings and adhere to the rules of agricultural technology.

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