Description and characteristics of the Syria strawberry variety, cultivation and care

Syria strawberry is considered one of the most popular varieties among Russian gardeners. The plant has earned its demand due to its many advantages compared to other varieties. From the description of the Syria garden strawberry variety, it can be seen that it is suitable for both domestic and industrial cultivation.

Characteristics and description of strawberry Syria

When describing the variety of garden strawberry Syria, first of all, it should be noted its wonderful taste and aroma, as well as its attractive appearance. Syria strawberry belongs to a non-renovated mid-season variety for universal use. Breeders from Italy have bred a species suitable for use in a continental climate. The plant calmly tolerates heat, frost, and moderate drought.

Bushes of the plant are powerful, with many leaves, medium spreading. Berries weighing up to 25 g are held on strong peduncles. Leaf plates are dark green, with wrinkles. The number of tendrils in strawberries is moderate. The open ground of the middle lane is most suitable for reproduction.

The variety has a rich, sour-sweet taste with a pronounced strawberry aroma. Juicy fruits are red, conical, elongated. The variety tolerates transportation well, which is why gardeners often plant it for sale.

productive variety

Positive and negative sides of strawberry Syria

From the description of the Syria garden strawberry variety, it follows that it has a number of advantages:

  • frost resistance;
  • large-fruited;
  • versatility;
  • excellent taste and pleasant aroma;
  • good transportability;
  • resistance to fungal diseases and pests;
  • industrial breeding.

The plant perfectly tolerates a long period of rains and prolonged drought. The advantage of Syria is also the stability of fruiting - the berry does not become smaller even in the 3rd year of cultivation. The first harvest of fruits from a bush is approximately 300 g, and in subsequent years - up to 1 kg.

fruit box

Strawberry berries contain vitamins A, B, C, E, which normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels, support the immune system, produce collagen, and fight cancer. The presence of many trace elements in fruits regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood, normalizes the pressure and functions of the digestive system.

The berries can be eaten by people with diabetes. The fruits of the garden strawberry Syria are used in cooking and for the manufacture of cosmetics.

Among the disadvantages should be noted the susceptibility of the plant to some bacterial diseases.

Variety cultivation rules

The Syria variety is propagated by seedlings, occasionally by seeds. Before planting, a site is selected and prepared for placing the planting material.

container for sale

Pick up time and place

Plants are planted in early spring, at the end of frost. The site should be chosen in advance in order to have time to prepare it for planting seedlings, in 1.5-2 months. It is not recommended to plant strawberries in the place where zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkin, peppers, zucchini grew, as it is possible for plants to become infected with similar diseases.

The place for placing bushes should be open, without shading. It is imperative to choose a flat area, without slope, groundwater should be at a depth. Plants grow well on light, loose, permeable soil, which contains many nutrients. Sandy loam, loamy, slightly acidic soils are ideal for plants.

If the soil is poor, then 1.5-2 months before planting the seedlings, additional fertilizing is introduced (ash, humus). Ash is introduced during planting planting material into the hole.

large fruits

Preparation of planting material

If the planting takes place by seedlings, then the material should have root outgrowths of about 8 cm, leaves at least 3. It should be planted in moist soil.


The two-line method is most suitable for planting garden strawberries. Strawberry Syria has a well-developed root system, so deep holes are needed for it. The distance between the holes is at least 50 cm, between the rows up to 70 cm.

Specificity of care

In order for the plant to develop well and bear fruit, it needs special care.

berries lie


It is best to have drip irrigation as irrigation. But if there is none, you need to moisturize 1-2 times a week, in the morning and evening hours. Warm water is used for better plant adaptation.


Feeding garden strawberries is carried out in several stages:

  • the formation of the first leaves;
  • in spring, when the ovaries are formed;
  • in the second half of summer, at the end of berry picking;
  • in the autumn.

For full growth, the following fertilizers are required:

  • Organic. Ash, compost, mullein, horse manure, chicken droppings are suitable as organic matter.
  • Mineral. These include various trace elements: potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. They have a positive effect on the indicators of plant productivity, form the taste of fruits, their color and size.
  • Microfertilizers. These are the solutions with which the plants are sprayed. They contain iodine, copper, magnesium, boron.

flowering bed

Gardeners often use complex fertilizing that combines all the nutrients and trace elements.

Weeding and loosening

Weeding the strawberries is done as the weeds appear. After irrigation and drying of the soil, loosening is carried out to increase air access to the roots.


Mulching is carried out both in spring and autumn. Mulch is used to preserve moisture in the soil, keep berries clean and eliminate weeding. For mulching, apply:

  • chopped straw;
  • coniferous paws;
  • peat;
  • sawdust.

the ground is covered

Important! Peat and spruce branches increase soil acidity. If this material is selected as mulch, then the soil is covered with a thin layer of lime.


In preparation for wintering, loosening of the soil is required, as well as prevention against pests. It is better to cover the plants with straw, dry grass or needles, if suddenly there is not enough snow in winter.

first shoots

Diseases and pests

Garden strawberries are resistant to many diseases, but if white spots appear on the leaves, they should be removed immediately. Strawberries are often attacked by pests.It is affected by ticks, leaf beetles, ants, nematodes, slugs.

It is good to combine planting strawberries with plants that have a pungent smell that repels all kinds of pests. To combat, special preparations are produced, which should be used in accordance with the instructions. There are also effective folk remedies for pest control.

Reproduction of Syria

The plant propagates by rooted tendrils, seeds, dividing the bush. The most commonly used option is with mustache rooting.

ideal grade

Cleaning and storage rules

Harvesting occurs mainly in the month of June. Picking strawberries is easy, ripe berries are quite easy to separate from the flower stalks. You can store the fruits frozen; strawberries are used to make jam, jams, compotes.

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