Description of the Vineta potato variety, planting in open ground and care

For Russian gardeners, the German Vineta potato became available at the beginning of the 2000s. In 2001 it was included in the register of the Russian Federation as a variety suitable for zoning in two districts: Central and North Caucasus. By appointment, canteen, early. Popular in both large farms and small private farms. Some sources indicate "Veneta".

Distinctive features of the bush and tubers

Bred by German breeders in African Morocco. Spreading plants with light green foliage. Leaf waviness is weak or medium. Blooms in small white corollas with a bright yellow center. Stems are straight, ribbed. Plant height - 0.7 m. The full growing season is 70–75 days.

Description of Vineta potato tubers:

  • oval-round or oblong;
  • average weight 60–90 g;
  • Vineta root crops are devoid of external and internal defects;
  • the eyes on the skin are barely noticeable;
  • starch content 12-15%.

Vineta potatoes have undergone laboratory tests and meet all international quality standards.

Vineta potatoes

The pulp and skin of the fruit is yellow, almost identical in color. A peculiar mesh is barely visible on the peel. Varietal features of potatoes - retains its color during heat treatment, does not boil over. Main purpose: salads, frying, French fries, whole baking. Reviews of taste are high. Good keeping quality (87%) and marketability (up to 97%) are noted.

Growing conditions

Potatoes are genetically resistant to prolonged droughts. The Vineta variety is quite popular in Central Asia, where the climate is not entirely favorable for growing potatoes. Not prone to the following diseases:

root crops varieties

  • curling leaves;
  • nematode golden;
  • mosaic viruses (banded, wrinkled);
  • potato crayfish.

Susceptible to late blight in wet, damp weather.

eyes on the skin

The Vineta potato variety is undemanding to the composition of the soil. Gives high yields on infertile, poorly fertilized soils. Prefers well-lit places. Reacts to the increased nitrogen content in the soil by building up the tops, which delays the harvest time. It is not recommended for cultivation in places with constant stagnation of moisture and on heavy clay soils.

Well suited for beginner summer residents and gardeners who do not have much experience in growing potatoes. The first digging of the Vineta potato variety is done 45 days after germination.

rolling leaves

Preparing tubers for planting

To shorten the growing season, potato tubers are germinated. For this, the selected material is sprinkled in an even layer in a room with t + 15 ° C.The moisture level is at least 90% so that the potatoes do not dry out.

The place is chosen light so that the "eyes" grow faster. At this stage, all rotten, gnarled roots are discarded. Leave small potatoes weighing no more than 70 g.

mosaic viruses

The process of germinating Vineta potatoes takes about a month. The first shoots will appear in 15-16 days. Seeds are treated with growth preparations:

  • Planriz.
  • Poteytin.
  • Epin.

Processing is carried out one day before planting. For the disinfection of tubers, Vineta potatoes are sprayed with a solution of manganese, copper sulfate or wood ash.

sprouting potatoes

If there is not much seed, then the tubers are cut into shares 3 days before planting. Leave 2-3 shoots in each part. The minimum weight of each part is 35 g. The divided tubers are dried in slices upwards.

Outdoor planting and care

The early ripe Vineta variety is planted in early May. Works are performed in dry weather after precipitation. As fertilizer, humus and ash are used, which are embedded in the aisle. The seeds are placed to a depth of 7-10 cm. 55-60 cm are left between the bushes, 40 cm between the ridges.


Seedlings of Vineta potatoes appear 10–12 days after planting the germinated material. The first harrowing of the field is carried out 5–6 days before. A rake is used in small areas, a cultivator in large areas. Harrowing will destroy the threadlike shoots of weeds, loosen and saturate the soil with moisture. Post-emergence harrowing is carried out several times.

For the formation of a larger number of tubers with high commercial properties, potatoes are spud. Several approaches are taken over the season:

  1. The height of the stems is more than 5 cm. Earthen embankment to protect young plants from external factors.
  2. The height of the stems is 15–20 cm. Before the corollas appear, the potatoes are spud a second time.

Vineta variety

It is possible to carry out additional hilling when the stems of the bushes are too elongated.

Vineta needs artificial irrigation if the soil has dried out deeper than 8 cm.In regions with hot and dry summers in the absence of the possibility of irrigation, spud potatoes not necessary.

In addition to spring fertilizers, additional fertilizing is usually not done. If the soil is poor, then liquid organic support is possible. Potassium fertilizers can be applied before flowering.

commodity properties

Pest control and harvesting

Vineta is rarely affected by diseases, which marks the description of the variety. Susceptibility to late blight is compensated by proper agricultural technology and care. Do not overgrow the furrows with weeds, follow the rules of crop rotation. The best predecessors for early potatoes are: cabbage, cucumbers, onions, any legumes. It is permissible to plant after corn, root crops (carrots, beets, turnips).

Some gardeners carry out preventive spraying of Vineta potatoes with preparations:

poor soil

  • Acrobat.
  • Ridomil-gold.

Fungicides will prevent dangerous fungal spores from growing.

Planting legumes along the edge of the plot will protect the potato field from the activity of the Colorado potato beetle. Many phytoncide plants are known, the smell of which scares away pests: marigolds, parsley, peppermint, geranium. Striped beetles are eaten by sparrows, starlings, crows and domestic chickens.


The main characteristics of Vineta are similar in many properties to the German variety Adretta. Interestingly, yellow potatoes were previously only used for animal feed. The varieties presented by the breeders made a splash and became the best among the premium class.

Some of the disadvantages of the Vineta variety include the spread of stolons at a large distance from the mother liquor. When harvesting potatoes, this can cause certain inconveniences.

spreading stolons

With the massive wilting of the tops, the upper part of Vinet's potatoes is mowed. The skin on the tubers becomes rougher at this time, which helps to avoid damage during harvesting.Before putting the crop in storage, the potatoes are dried, sorted, and injured fruits are discarded.

wilting tops

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