Description of the potato variety Uladar, features of cultivation and care

Today, most gardeners prefer early varieties of potatoes, featuring a high yield percentage. The Uladar potato belongs to the early category. The variety was bred and grown on the territory of Belarus, which testifies to the quality and justified popularity among gardeners. Next, we will consider its characteristics and features, methods of cultivation and storage, as well as the advantages of the species.

Description of the variety

This variety was cultivated by Belarusian scientists by crossing two types of potatoes: Kolya and Zhivitsa. The variety is relatively young, and will receive wide recognition and use a couple of years ago. Suitable for growing on different types of soil, but the greatest result is observed when planting in medium-granular soil.

The plant is a medium-sized bush, reaching a height of 55–65 centimeters. The stem is semi-straight and thin. The foliage is green, with slight waviness at the edges. Inflorescences of purple shades, sometimes with an admixture of red.

The tubers look like this:

  • Oval, oval-round shape of the root crop.
  • The peel is thin, yellow in color.
  • The pulp is light yellow, darkens after heat treatment.
  • The eyes of the root crop are small and inconspicuous.
  • The mass of tubers varies between 90-180 g.

uladar potatoes

The Uladar potato variety has an early harvest. Already 45-50 days after planting, the first fruits are harvested. The growing season reaches 65–75 days.


Before planting, the potatoes are first germinated. For this, the prepared tubers are first washed with water. Then they are left in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 13–16 ˚С. After 2-2.5 weeks, as soon as the shoots appear, start planting.

Potatoes are planted in soil pre-fertilized with compost, the temperature of which is approximately 11 ° C.

The main rule of a good harvest: this potato variety needs regular and frequent fertilization with minerals. Following this rule leads to an increase in the number of fruits in each bush.planting potatoes

The planting process consists of digging holes of the correct depth within 5-9 centimeters. The minimum distance between them is 30–35 centimeters. If the ground is too dry, the pits deepen by 8-10 centimeters. Previously prepared and germinated tubers are planted sprouts up, then sprinkled with compost-fertilized soil.

Care features

The Uladar variety has some characteristics such as the need for a large amount of oxygen after planting. That is why the plowing of the land is carried out after the first shoots come out. This should be done very carefully so as not to harm the growing potatoes.

Weed periodically to get rid of weeds. Another way to saturate the bushes with oxygen is to push the earth back to the stems using special garden tools.

potato care

Uladar is resistant to dry periods and does not require frequent watering. It is watered immediately after planting and during the entire ripening process at intervals of 2–2.5 weeks. It is best to pour water between the beds, as it can wash off the near-root soil, and thereby harm the further maturation of the plant.

The lack of moisture in a plant quickly affects its appearance: the leaves curl, and the stem withers and bends towards the ground.

If external signs do not indicate a problem, then the dryness of the soil is checked by another method - the earth at the roots of the potato is dug up and the condition of the fruits is assessed. If the tubers are shriveled, and there are few roots, or they are practically absent, the plant urgently needs watering.

watering potatoes

Of great importance in the care is spraying plants with special preparations against pests, mainly from the Colorado potato beetle, since this type of potato is often attacked by pests. Spraying is carried out at least 2-4 times during the season, and its condition must be carefully monitored.

Advantages and disadvantages

Uladar potatoes have a lot of advantages:

  • The main advantage of the Belarusian variety is a large yield percentage. If you follow all of the above recommendations for planting and subsequent care, then the grown potatoes yield twice a season.
  • It grows in almost any type of soil, and is also not too susceptible to climate change.
  • Resistant to popular diseases and most pests.
  • This type of potato belongs to the table variety, so gardeners appreciate it for its excellent taste and different cooking variations. Great for boiling, frying and making chips.
  • Almost 95% of the harvest is preserved.

sacks of potatoes

The biggest drawback of this potato variety is the tendency to be infected with rhizoctonia and planting by Colorado beetles.

Pests and diseases

The Uladar variety is not prone to potato crayfish... There is immunity to viruses of different origins, mosaics and potato nematode.

There is a slight tendency to leaf rolling and rotting.

Of all the pests, the Colorado potato beetle is considered the main enemy of the species. In the middle of ripening, the number of insects increases sharply and there is a need for urgent disposal of them by using drugs.

Colorado beetle

Due to these features, Uladar is in great demand among gardeners and entrepreneurs for growing on a small and large scale.

Harvesting and storage

Given the above description, harvesting is done twice per season. Basically the first digging young potatoes falls at the beginning of summer - June, the second time occurs in August - September. The ability to harvest twice depends a lot on the soil in which Uladar is planted, and proper care to avoid damage to the fruit.

It is necessary to dig it out at a time when the leaves and the plant itself have wilted, and the stem still retains its green color. During this period, the root crop is ideal for further consumption. He has not yet had time to fade from lack of nutrients, the size is large enough, and the peel does not turn green or yellow from excessive exposure to the sun.

picking potatoes

Once the potatoes have been dug up and harvested, they must be peeled and allowed to dry before being stored in baskets and boxes for long-term storage. After this stage, it must be sorted: get rid of the rotten and spoiled ones, leaving only suitable fruits.

Potatoes are stored for a long time and does not require special conditions - only a dry and dark room.Perfectly retains its taste and appearance, so it is used for various dishes. It does not become soft during boiling and does not lose its flavor after frying.

Reviews of gardeners

Such a characteristic of the Belarusian variety cannot but attract a large number of both amateur gardeners and entrepreneurs for large-scale purposes. Further reviews will be presented, after which you can understand exactly whether it is worth buying these potatoes or not.

potato harvest

Elena, a gardener for more than 10 years, writes: “For the first time I was skeptical about such a volume of Uladar's advantages and just a couple of shortcomings. But she decided to take the risk and was never disappointed. I really did harvest twice a season, which is good news. And in terms of taste, it is included in the best table varieties. I will definitely plant in the future. "

Vitaly reports: “I decided to buy this potato exclusively at the request of my wife. After following all the recommendations, we landed only 7 rows, but the result was not long in coming and exceeded all my expectations. We collected about 2 bags, so I recommend everyone to take note of this variety. You will not regret".

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