Description of the Gulliver potato variety, features of cultivation and yield

Gulliver potatoes were bred by Russian breeders. In 2014, it was added to the State Register. Among farmers, this variety is one of the highest in popularity. The ideal place for its cultivation is the central regions of Russia, where the lands are rich in nutrients.

Description of the variety

This table variety of potatoes ripens early. As his description notes, the first tubers can be dug up already 60–70 days after planting. By this time, the weight of the fruit is 130-150 g. In shape, they resemble an elongated oval. The interior is creamy. The upper skin is yellow, smooth and shiny.

In one bush, usually 5 to 11 tubers are formed. Productivity from one bush is about 2 kg. Accordingly, farmers collect 500-700 centners of root crops from 1 hectare. The starch content of the variety is 11-14%.


When growing potatoes, you must follow the basic agro-technological methods. It is preferable to plant it in fertile light soil. Seed material is preliminarily greened by laying it out for a while under the sun's rays. This can be done in the fall prior to winter storage.

In spring, 3-4 weeks before planting, the tubers are placed in shallow boxes and placed in a warm room for germination. It is enough if the temperature in such a room is about 16-18 degrees. It can be planted in the soil if its temperature at a depth of 15 cm is warmed up to 8 degrees Celsius.

In autumn, during plowing, organic fertilizers (rotted cow dung) are applied. At the time of planting, a handful of ash and a pinch of mineral fertilizers can be added to the hole.

In areas with a close location of groundwater, root crops are planted on high ridges. To do this, they break through small furrows in which they spread seed potatoes, and then a soil ridge about 15 cm high is poured on top.

potato care

Care features

The main methods for caring for planted potatoes are:

  • loosening the soil;
  • weed removal;
  • hilling;
  • compliance with the irrigation regime;
  • pest control;
  • carrying out dressings.

After the shoots reach 10-15 cm, the first hilling is carried out with the simultaneous removal of weeds. The earthen mound is poured in such a way that only the leaves remain open, and the stem is covered with earth. As the bushes grow, a second hilling is carried out.

Potatoes need watering for normal development. It is most demanding of moisture during the growth of tubers. Regular loosening of the soil helps to provide root crops with oxygen.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive characteristics of Gulliver potatoes:

gulliver potatoes

  1. Good presentation.
  2. High taste.
  3. The appearance does not deteriorate during transportation or storage.
  4. Unpretentiousness when growing.
  5. Disease resistance.

No flaws were found in this potato. Only the reviews of some gardeners note that these root crops have a decrease in the percentage of keeping quality when stored in winter.

Pests and diseases

The plant is quite resistant to fungal diseases. Sometimes fruits can infect nematodes. To cope with this problem, copper-containing treatments are used.

potato pests

A common occurrence, the Colorado potato beetle infestation, can be prevented using one of the many tools available in gardening stores or on the internet. Sometimes for this purpose, tubers are treated before planting, which subsequently scares the beetle away from the aerial part of the plant.

Harvesting and storage

This is an early variety, you can start digging it in 90–110 days after planting in the soil. Farmers collect up to 500-700 centners of root crops from 1 hectare. After harvesting at the stage of full ripening and placing it for storage, the potatoes have a high keeping rate - 95%.

Gardeners reviews

Maria Petrovna, Kuban: “We planted Gulliver's potatoes on our site. There were no particular difficulties in growing. Of course, we had to sprinkle, water, and spray from the Colorado potato beetle in a timely manner ”.

Nelly Vasilieva, Moscow region: “The taste of Gulliver potatoes is excellent. All dishes with it have a pleasant taste, the tubers are smooth, without deep eyes. As a disadvantage, I want to note that in my cellar, for some reason, some tubers of this variety, placed in storage, wither. "

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