Description of the potato variety Aurora, features of cultivation and care

Aurora potatoes are a high-yielding variety that many summer residents dream of seeing in their garden. This is an unpretentious variety, has advantages, it is not afraid of sudden weather changes. The tubers are stored for a long time, which allows you to provide the family with tasty potatoes until spring.

More about the variety

The characteristic of the variety can tell what potato tubershow it is grown and looked after. This variety is mid-season, the roots are harvested three months after planting.

This crop is very high yielding. Up to 350 centners of potatoes can be obtained from one hectare. Gardeners collect 10-18 tubers from one bush. Productivity largely depends on the terrain, weather conditions, and how fertile the land is. The bush stretches high up. This variety is growing rapidly, so a supportive support is sometimes required.

potato aurora

The variety is stored for a long time in basements and garages almost until spring. At the same time, the presentation is perfectly preserved, the tubers almost do not rot.

The tubers are elongated and large in size. One potato weighs 100-200 grams. The pulp has a beige tint. When boiled, potatoes are very crumbly, tasty, soft. Brews quickly. It has a delicious flavor when fried.

The rind is thin, smooth. Has a light brown color. The presentation of the tubers is suitable for sale. The eyes have a red tint. The inflorescences are purple, the leaves are large, dark green.

stored in basements

The variety is immune to many diseases and is not afraid of changes in weather conditions. Due to the fact that potatoes have such properties, they are a favorite among summer residents.

Growing features

For summer residents, it is important to know information on how to plant this variety. Indeed, without this knowledge, it is impossible to properly grow potatoes.

grow potatoes

Potatoes are planted with tubers pre-processed and germinated in May or June. The soil should already be warmed up, plowed and fertilized.

They begin to prepare the land already in the fall. It is dug up, manure is added, sprayed from pests, weeds are removed. In the spring, superphosphate and humus are added to the ground before planting.

mid-season variety

The site of the site is changed every two to three years. This way the potatoes will yield more abundant crops. Tubers can be cut into pieces before planting if they are very large.

The place should be warm and open. The tubers are processed, sorted out. It should be planted evenly along the furrows, retreating space between each pits. It is basically 15 centimeters. There should be 50-60 centimeters between the rows.

process and iterate


The description of the Aurora potato variety allows you to learn how to properly care for it. It is not enough to know the standard ways of caring for potato fields. After all, each variety is unique and has its own characteristics.

The main requirement is to properly water, care for the land and feed. If you follow all the care requirements, then the culture will delight you with large tasty tubers that will not hurt or dry out.

potato fields

Before planting, you can water the earth, loosen it with a rake. Then leave until sprouts sprout. When the first shoots appear, you can pour warm water in a week. Aurora prefers watering to be abundant and of good quality. One bush will take about three liters of water. It must be clean, free of impurities. When the tops bloom, you also need to water. The amount of water then increases.

It is better to water in dry weather in the evening. Watering is carried out from a hose or from a watering can. Water at the root, not on the leaves.

before boarding

It is important to constantly loosen the ground, huddle the beds with potatoes... The first time they spud after germination, then when the plant blooms. One must remember to remove weeds near the beds. They promote the reproduction of harmful insects, and also take away strength from cultivated vegetables.

When growing potatoes you must not forget about fertilizers. When planting, you can add chicken droppings or manure directly to the tuber hole. Also add urea, ammonium nitrate, phosphorus. It must be remembered that too much fertilizer must not be added. Overkill can be detrimental to cultures. Nitrogen fertilizers are used only before the plant blooms. For correct assimilation, bird droppings are best added to liquid. The drug is sold in specialized stores.

huddle the beds

The opinions of summer residents

This potato variety has very positive reviews. Everyone who once planted Aurora is trying to save the tubers for the next year. Because it is tasty, has strong immunity, does not require complex maintenance.

Marina: A neighbor once gave several tubers of the domestic variety Aurora. Now we plant only this variety. A very large harvest. We got 600 kilograms per hundred square meters. This is an incredibly delicious crumbly potato. We fry in a skillet, bake, and make mashed potatoes from it. Non-liquid, cooks quickly. Our family loves and eats with gusto. Stored during winter until early spring. Does not rot, does not deteriorate. No worms were seen on the tubers.

crumbly potatoes

Ksenia: We are satisfied with this variety. From mid-season Russian varieties, this is a suitable option. Potatoes were stored for a long time, and those that were undernourished were sold on the market. The tubers are even, smooth. Large in size. High-yielding variety. It is a resistant variety. There are no worms or beetles on the bushes. Does not suffer from any diseases. Potatoes are unusually sweet, crumbly, and boil quickly. Not watery. Thanks to those who created this strain.

The Aurora potato variety is popular in the European part of Russia and in the southern regions. It is easy to grow by studying the rules and requirements for caring for it.

smooth tubers

  1. Natalia
    3.03.2018 10:28

    In my opinion, mashed potatoes and fried potatoes are the most delicious from this potato variety. I use a growth activator when growing BioGrow - the harvest is excellent, and we dig early enough.

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