The benefits and harms of potatoes for human health

It is impossible to imagine a single festive table without potatoes, potato dishes are a familiar diet for most of the inhabitants of Russia. But besides the benefits, there is also the harm of potatoes to the body. This is especially true for green potatoes, the use of which can cause severe poisoning. But there are also a lot of useful substances necessary for the body in its composition. The main thing is to properly prepare dishes from this vegetable so that they are healthy.

Why potatoes are useful

The beneficial properties of potatoes are manifested only if they are boiled or baked. Or eaten raw. But in its raw form, few people will eat potatoes, but drinking fresh potato juice is very beneficial for the body.

There is a myth that besides vitamin C, starch and potassium, potatoes do not contain any nutrients. But this is far from the case.

What trace elements are still found in potatoes?

Useful properties of potatoes:

trace elements and properties

  • The vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin B6.
  • It has a high content of trace elements such as potassium, copper, phosphorus and nicotinic acid.
  • A source of dietary fiber.
  • It is an antioxidant for the body, as it contains a phytonutrient that removes harmful compounds.
  • The proteins contained in the vegetable contribute to the elimination of free radicals.
  • The tubers are high in fiber, which prevents constipation and promotes regular bowel movements.
  • Due to the high content of vitamin C, collagen is produced in the body with regular consumption of potatoes. It influences the beauty and elasticity of the skin, prevents premature aging.
  • It also contains folic acid, which prevents the development of cancers and mutations in DNA.

The benefits and harms of potatoes for the body depends only on the area in which the vegetable grew and how it was prepared. But it is impossible to overestimate the beneficial properties for humans when using this vegetable.

vitamin B6

What determines the composition

The benefits and harms of potatoes depend on their chemical composition. Like any other plant, the composition of a potato depends on where it grows. Plants do not have an excretory system, so all toxic and dangerous substances for humans accumulate and remain in the leaves, roots or tubers.

If potatoes grew in an unfavorable ecological area, then it will be very harmful to humans. Such tubers cannot be eaten, otherwise you can get severe poisoning. It is possible to grow a vegetable in ecologically clean areas far from settlements and roadways.

composition depends

Also, the composition of the vegetable depends on the variety. Various types of nutrients are contained in different quantities.But if the tubers are exposed to sunlight for a long time, then solanine and chlorophyll begin to form in them in large quantities. These substances are very dangerous for humans and, if ingested, can even lead to death.

Depending on how the potatoes were originally prepared, they can be both harmful and healthy food for humans. For example, jacket potatoes are very healthy and contain a lot of nutrients. Especially if you eat it with the peel. But fried potatoes will not bring any benefit to humans. On the contrary, such a dish contains a large amount of calories, cholesterol and fat. These potatoes are very harmful.

different quantities

Are potatoes good for your diet?

Are potatoes good for your diet? This question is of interest to many people who want to lose a few extra pounds. Steamed or oven-baked potatoes will not harm those who follow the figure. But fried potatoes should be discarded. It contains a large amount of fat and carbohydrates, which lead to weight gain.

The benefits and harms to human health on a diet of potatoes also depend on how much and at what time of the day they are eaten. In the evening, it is better to refrain from dishes cooked from potatoes. It is desirable to eat them in the morning or at lunchtime.

potatoes on a diet

Why potatoes are useful for the human body

The benefits and harms of potatoes for the body lies in the correct preparation. This has already been said earlier.

It is especially useful to drink potato juice. It can be drunk for constipation, nausea, heartburn and dyspepsia. It can also help cope with migraines. It is recommended to drink it for people suffering from stomach ulcers and gastritis. Within 2 weeks before meals, you need to drink half a glass of potato juice. This is especially important to do in the fall, when all chronic diseases are exacerbated.

useful potatoes

The choline contained in the composition has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. It helps to reduce chronic inflammation, normalizes sleep, has a beneficial effect on muscle tone and maintains the structure of cell membranes. Choline also absorbs excess fats and helps in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Eating potatoes is beneficial for people who suffer from high blood pressure. Due to the high content of potassium, calcium and magnesium, the blood vessels dilate.

potato juice

Potatoes also have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. The tubers contain a large amount of fiber, which removes cholesterol from the blood.

Beneficial features:

  • Helps the stomach and intestines work.
  • Removes toxic compounds from the body.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Helps improve liver function.
  • Thanks to potassium, eating potato dishes removes excess water.

stomach work

Also, regular consumption of potato dishes helps to strengthen blood vessels.

Helps potatoes and stress and depression. If you include boiled or stewed potatoes in your diet, you can increase performance and resistance to stress.

eating food

Potatoes will also help in the treatment of radiculitis. For this you need to boil pink potatoes, knead it and add a small amount of iodine. Compresses should be made from the resulting puree. Put the puree on a cloth, apply to the diseased area of ​​the body and wrap it with cellophane. Leave it overnight.

Potatoes are a valuable product that is rich in microelements useful for the human body, but they cannot be abused. Otherwise, it can negatively affect health. This is especially true for fried potatoes and fries, which contain a lot of unhealthy fats.

strengthening blood vessels

Harm and contraindications

Potatoes have both benefits and harms... First of all, the plant contains in its composition the poisonous substance corned beef. In green fruits, its amount significantly exceeds the norm. This substance can adversely affect the respiratory system and heart, blood vessels, cause migraines and muscle spasms, and provoke diarrhea.

In the course of scientific experiments, it has been proven that when a vegetable is cooked at temperatures exceeding 125 degrees, acrylamide toxin is formed in it. It has also been found in plastics, dyes, glue, and cigarette smoke. This substance can cause significant harm to human health. Scientists have found that it contributes to the development of some forms of cancerous tumors.

harm and contraindications

Acrylamide has neurotoxic effects as well as negative effects on the reproductive system and genes. Chips, French fries, and fries are abundant in this substance, so it is best to avoid these foods to maintain your health.

Do not forget about the dangers of potatoes for people who are taking medications from the beta-blocker group. Most often they are prescribed for cardiovascular diseases. Such drugs cause an increase in the level of potassium in the blood, and if you eat food rich in potassium, this can lead to negative consequences.

neurotoxic effects

High potassium levels can also negatively affect people with liver and kidney disease. The kidneys cannot remove excess potassium from the body, which, in turn, can lead to serious complications, up to and including death.

What other useful properties of potatoes

What other beneficial properties are there for humans? Potato juice will help get rid of eczema and dermatitis. Also, potato juice whitens the skin of the face.

beneficial features

This vegetable also plays an important role in cosmetology. Masks from young potatoes promote rejuvenation, eliminate wrinkles and smooth the skin of the face. And if you add a small amount of milk to the mask, then it will moisturize the skin.

assistance in cosmetology

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