Description of the Kamensky potato variety, features of cultivation and care

There are more than 4000 varieties of potatoes today, and each of them is unique in its own way, has individual distinctive features and characteristics. Unfortunately, not all of them managed to prove themselves as Kamensky's potatoes. He easily attracted the attention of a large number of novice gardeners and experienced agronomists. It would seem, what is it about him? A description of the variety and all its advantages will answer this question.

Description of the variety

The early ripe variety was bred by the Ural breeders, who adapted it preferably for the West Siberian, Volgo-Vyatka and Ural regions. It withstands drought well, is easy to care for, and matures in 50-60 days. The average weight of one tuber is from 110 to 130 g; the maximum recorded weight is 180 g. One bush can contain 15–25 tubers, thus, the yield of one hectare reaches 50–55 tons.

The size of the bushes varies from 50 to 70 cm; their leaves are medium-sized, thick, with wavy edges, dark green on the outside and anthocyanin on the inside. The tubers themselves are oval-rounded, red-pink in color, with a mesh skin and small superficial eyes. The pulp is light yellow in color, crispy, with a high starch content - 16-18%.

Distinctive characteristic of the variety:

  • The potato has a double skin.
  • Good taste.
  • It is capable of maintaining integrity during storage up to 97%.
  • It has a stable yield.
  • Due to its early maturity, it begins to germinate at a temperature of +3 ° C.

characteristic of the variety


The first step is to select potatoes for planting or purchase tubers or seeds. If we are talking about the first option, then the tubers are laid still during harvesting. In this case, it is immediately clear whether the bush is affected by a disease, what is the level and quality of its yield. Having selected good specimens of medium size, without damage and rot, they are laid in a shady place.

After they dry out, the seed is placed in a cellar or other similar place separately from the rest of the crop.

2-3 weeks before planting, the potatoes are transferred to a room with a temperature of + 10-20 ° C and placed in one or two layers to prevent further breakage of the sprouts. While the tubers are sprouting, they must be sprayed with a sufficient amount of water. In the first half of May, you already need to choose a place well-lit by the sun, fertilize the soil and plant sprouted potatoes 10-15 cm deep between the bushes at a distance of 30 cm between the bushes and 60 between the rows.

varieties on the table

Care features

As mentioned earlier, the Kamensky potato variety is unpretentious in care and is stable during drought. To achieve good yields, it is enough to timely loosen the soil, remove weeds as they appear and abundant watering during the flowering period of potatoes. But the hilling procedure will not be superfluous:

  • the first time it is carried out when the stems have just appeared, and the length of the shoots has reached 5–10 cm;
  • the second time, this is done when the bushes reach a height of 30 cm.

These actions help to saturate the plant roots with oxygen and promote the growth of new stems, which directly affects the level of yield.

Kamensky variety

Also, the bushes can be fertilized with slurry, previously diluted in water with bird droppings and mineral dressings. As for watering, you just do not need to allow the appearance of cracked earth around the plant.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive properties and features that the Kamensky potato variety has:

  • Immediate ripening of the crop within two months.
  • Potatoes are elite varieties, and their taste was rated at 4.8 points on a five-point scale.
  • Soil type and weather conditions do not have a strong impact on yield indicators.
  • Stores well in winter.
  • Due to the thick peel, the tubers can safely tolerate long-term transportation without noticeable damage.
  • Not afraid of the scorching sun or shaded areas.

planting potatoes

One of the disadvantages of this variety is the ability of tubers to germinate even at a temperature of +3 ° C.

Pests and diseases

What was not mentioned in the list of the variety's merits was its main distinguishing feature - absolute resistance to the attacks of the Colorado potato beetle. This is explained by the fact that the insect is simply not able to bite through the powerful shoots and tough leaves of the plant.

In addition, there is good resistance to diseases such as potato crayfish, common scab, fusarium and various mosaics. But the plant already has an average resistance to late blight.

The main weakness of the variety is considered its vulnerability to golden potato nematode... But here, too, there is a way to avoid crop loss. It will be enough to fertilize the soil with urea, which makes the soil acidic and unsuitable for the development of nematodes, and also not to forget about the crop rotation of the site.

potatoes on the table

Harvesting and storage

Harvesting of the variety "Kamensky" usually takes place 60 days after planting the tubers. It is advisable to do this in sunny or clear weather, when the air temperature is about +20 ° C, then the dug potatoes can be left for some time in the fresh air so that they dry well and do not deteriorate during storage. In addition to sorting the seed, it will be important to select the spoiled product from the rest, so that only whole and healthy tubers are sent for storage. They are stored in a well-ventilated dry room, the temperature of which does not reach +3 ° C.

  1. Olga
    7.07.2018 12:14

    Good afternoon everyone. I ordered Kamensky potatoes in the Sady Rossii store. The Colorado potato beetle turned out not to be "literate", he did not read that this potato variety was not tasty for him. And so he pounced on him with great appetite. Too sorry for the money spent on this seed!

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