Description of the Juvel potato variety, its characteristics and yield

Juvel potatoes, which were bred by German breeders, were liked by summer residents and gardeners with a short growing season, smooth and even tubers, and good taste. The vegetable is one of the main food products, it is used for the preparation of salads and soups, frying and cooking in Russia and in many other European countries. No family can do without potatoes.

Characteristics of the variety

The stunted plant has a straight stem, on which dark green leaves with wavy edges are located. The inflorescences are characterized by a purple color. Up to 20 potatoes are harvested from the bush:

Juvel potatoes

  • oval;
  • with yellow skin and pulp;
  • with small eyes.

The tuber, which weighs on average about 100 g, contains up to 15% starch, a large percentage of carotene and vegetable proteins. The potatoes are dug out 50 days after the sprouts appear. This characteristic of the variety suits summer residents who grow Juvel for their own consumption, and attracts farmers to plant this vegetable for sale. The tubers retain their presentation, do not rot, do not dry out before harvesting.

percentage of carotene

With proper care on fertile land, up to 800 kg of potatoes are harvested per hectare, which, thanks to their pleasant taste, smooth peel, is used to make soups, chips, mashed potatoes. After cooking, the pulp crumbles, does not lose its beautiful shade.


Thanks to the hard work of breeders, the resulting Juvel variety is not only appreciated for the early ripening of tubers, but also for its resistance to short-term drought, heat and low temperatures. This potato is grown in regions with different climates; in the southern regions, the crop is harvested twice, planting the tubers in April and early July.

attracts farmers

You can use seed material for more than one year, since the variety does not regenerate for a long time. The crop loves the sun, and small potatoes ripen in shaded areas. Place the tubers in the ground at a distance of 30 cm, leave 70 between the rows.

Planting can be done even when the ground has not yet fully warmed up. Small frosts are not dangerous for the plant.

Juvel potatoes are grown on different types of soils, but large tubers are obtained with sufficient moisture and feeding. The crop area is usually prepared and fertilized in the fall. It grows well after winter wheat or mustard.

seed material

Seed preparation

Planting tubers are selected when dug up for storage. For a week, the potatoes are left in the sun, turning over until the sides acquire the same greenish tint.After that, it is sent to storage in a cellar or basement, where the temperature is about 4 degrees Celsius. Tubers of the same size are laid separately on seeds, before planting they are treated in a solution of potassium permanganate or urea and germinated in warmth for three weeks.

dug for storage


In the spring, the soil under the potato bed is fed with organic matter, cultivated to a depth of 30 cm. Summer residents plant tubers under a shovel, making holes 10 centimeters long if the ground is light, 5 centimeters for heavy clay soil. In the middle lane, potatoes are sent to the ground in the second decade of April or early May, in the northern regions a week later.

The tubers are placed in the holes along with the ash. Instead, organic fertilizers or chalk are used on acidic soils. Rotted manure or superphosphate is placed in the holes along with the potatoes. The land is leveled, some summer residents immediately shovel up the soil, which allows you to save young shoots from the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle. Other gardeners prefer trench or smooth planting.

potato bed

Care features

Despite the fact that the Juvel variety normally tolerates drought, high air temperature, and low humidity, tubers do not grow large. In the absence of rain, potatoes should be watered. Drip irrigation is best suited for this purpose. Excess moisture negatively affects the taste of potatoes. It becomes watery, does not boil over. It helps to grow an excellent harvest:

  1. Hilling bushes.
  2. Top dressing with mineral fertilizers and organic matter.
  3. Timely pest control.

low humidity

The culture reacts positively to the introduction of manure, poultry droppings. This must be done at least 2 times per season. Juvel potatoes grow on poor soils, microorganisms help to improve their fertility, which promote the absorption of useful components.

To increase the number of these bacteria, a biological fertilizer called Agromax is introduced into the soil. After its application, nitrates in the potato tubers of the Juvel variety do not accumulate. This concentrate contains humic acids that strengthen the plants. It contains blood meal, which saturates cells with nutrients, bioactive water, which promotes the reproduction of microorganisms.

grow large

Advantages and disadvantages

The description of the Juvel variety was of interest not only to summer residents planting tubers under a shovel, but also to farmers, for whom commercial characteristics are of primary importance. The indisputable advantages of potatoes are called:

  • good taste;
  • long-term storage;
  • rapid maturation;
  • resistance to drought and frost;
  • high productivity.

long-term storage

Juvel is grown on light sandy soils, and on loams, and on black soil.

The variety is rarely affected by late blight, common scab, nematodes, does not have time to get sick with Alternaria, when the tubers are covered with spots, and the pulp turns black. With a large amount of moisture, the taste of the product deteriorates, in the absence or insufficient watering, small potatoes grow.

insufficient watering

Diseases and pests

Juvel variety is not afraid of late blight, since the tubers ripen quickly. If they remain in the soil, the bushes are attacked by a fungus. To prevent this from happening, the land is cultivated before planting potatoes. The tops are sprayed with Fitosporin. For many years, farmers and gardeners have been unsuccessfully struggling with various methods with the Colorado potato beetle, which adores nightshade plants. In small areas, summer residents are trying to manually collect the larvae; next to the beds they sow legumes, calendula, and mustard.

Farmers spray the fields with fungicides such as "Anti-Zhuk", "Calypso", "Karate", "Inta-Vir", "Tanrek" and treat the tubers with "Prestige" before planting. Negatively affects the nervous system of pests, causing paralysis "Gulliver". This insecticide also speeds up the growth of bushes.

small areas

Harvesting and storage

A couple of weeks before digging out the tubers, you need to stop watering the potatoes, cut the tops. Juvel has a very thin skin that can be damaged easily. Harvesting carefully. Farmers use for this purpose combines equipped with side grippers. From the largest bushes, tubers are chosen for seed. The potatoes are dried and only then lowered into the cellar, where they are perfectly stored.

Even beginners can grow the Juvel variety. The yield of the crop decreases with unfavorable weather, lack of potassium and phosphorus in the soil, when using bad seeds.

lateral grip

With proper irrigation, timely hilling and feeding, large potatoes grow, which are used to prepare various dishes. The taste of tubers deteriorates with stagnant water.

Despite the fact that the Juvel variety does not regenerate, the place for the garden needs to be changed. If you plant potatoes after mustard, oil radish, beans and beans, the yield increases, the number of pests decreases.

a place for a garden

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