Instructions for the use of the fungicide Antracol and the mechanism of action

On a small plot of land, summer residents plant cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplants. While weeding the beds, gardeners find that the leaves on some plants have begun to curl and turn yellow, which signals a late blight infection. If the crops are not treated with special preparations, it is useless to count on the harvest. Anthrakol fungicide helps to prevent the development of diseases in plants, in the instructions for use the consumption rate, the number of sprays is indicated separately for different crops.

Release form and purpose of the product

The drug, developed several years ago by Bayer, is packaged in various bag sizes and sold in granules and powder. A contact fungicide is used to combat fungal diseases in fruit trees and vegetables. Spraying apple trees and plums with "Antracol" helps to prevent the appearance of scab, processing tomatoes prevents the development of late blight.

Active ingredient and mechanism of action

The fungicide does not accumulate in plant cell membranes, but remains on the leaf surface. The propinide contained in the product prevents fungal spores from multiplying, since it inhibits the enzymes involved in this process. The substance blocks the development of the disease. If the consumption rates are observed, "Antrakol" does not harm plants, it improves the composition of the soil. The drug is used to prevent a large number of diseases caused by pathogenic fungi.

Advantages and disadvantages of the fungicide "Antracol"

During processing, the chemical does not enter the plant, but protects the surface of the tops and leaves from fungal infection.

fungicide Antracol

Contact fungicide has many advantages:

  1. The composition is not washed off during watering and rain, since a film forms during spraying.
  2. Trace elements contained in the basic substance are absorbed by the soil.
  3. The drug is not addictive to pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. "Antrakol" is not dangerous for people, birds, beneficial insects.

Fungicide alternates with other drugs used to combat crop diseases. The product does not have a negative impact on the surrounding nature.

preparation for vegetables

How to properly prepare a working solution

To prevent the activation of fungi, to cope with the disease, fruit trees and vegetables are sprayed with Antrakol. Before using the fungicide, you must carefully read the annotation.The powder from the package is poured into a bucket of water, mixed and used when it dissolves. The consumption rate of the drug per one hundred square meters of land is 15 g for processing:

  • apple trees - from scab;
  • potatoes - from phytophthora;
  • cucumbers - from gray rot;
  • tomatoes - from Alternaria.

For grapes, the solution is prepared in a slightly different way. The granule is combined with a liter of water. The fungicide effectively fights mildew and gray mold, prevents the appearance of anthracnose.

prepare solution

Instructions for use

The prepared solution is filled into the container of a garden sprayer and the composition is sprayed over the surface of the plants. The procedure is started in clear and calm weather. On a windy day, "Antrakol" can get on other crops without covering the leaves with a film.

The fungicide takes effect after 2 hours. With three spraying, apple trees are not affected by scab, vineyards are not affected by black spot.

Potatoes and tomatoes are treated with "Antracol" once every 2 weeks, cucumbers - twice a summer. The procedures for combating fungi on trees are completed a month before the fruits ripen, on grapes - 50 days before harvest.

intended use

Safety when working with the tool

It is necessary to use gloves to prepare the Antrakol solution and spray the crops. Wearing a mask is recommended to protect the respiratory tract.

The rest of the packaging must be disposed of.


Fungicide is a drug of the 3rd hazard class. Subject to the rules of use, the product does not harm plants, does not cause intoxication in humans. "Antrakol" does not have a negative effect on birds, animals, insects pollinating gardens.

Compatibility with other products

The drug, developed by the specialists of the Bayer concern, can be combined with all fungicides that are used to combat fungal diseases. "Antrakol" is used together with "Aktellik", "Ridomil", combined with "Topsin", "Topaz".

sachet Actellic

Storage of the drug

The contact fungicide has a long shelf life, it is indicated on the packaging. The prepared solution must be used within a day. "Antrakol" must be stored in a dry and dark place, out of the reach of pets and children.

The drug loses its effectiveness when frozen.


For the prevention of fungal infection in vegetable crops and fruit trees and for the treatment of diseases, instead of Anthracnol, contact fungicides Polycarbacin, Ridomil Gold, Acrobat MC can be used. The drugs have a different composition, but belong to the same group, they act in a similar way.

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