Instructions for the use of the herbicide Adengo and the mechanism of action

The herbicide Adengo is an innovative product that is suitable for both pre-emergence and post-emergence treatments. The drug fights against both one- and two-year-old weeds growing in corn and gets rid of them for a long time. It is for this reason that Adengo is popular among gardeners. Below you will find information about its composition and application features.

Composition and form of release of weed killer

Adengo is a suspension concentrate that is used to control the growth of various types of weeds in corn crops. It is very effective in action due to its content of 3 main substances:

  1. Isoxaflutol. It penetrates through the roots and shoots of the weed into its seedlings and seeds. Penetration efficiency depends on soil moisture level.
  2. Thiencarbazone-methyl. Moves freely throughout the weed after being absorbed by the roots. The essence of its action lies in the fact that it leads to the death of the plant as a result of a violation of protein synthesis.
  3. Cyprosulfamide. It acts on the corn itself, thereby protecting it from the action of other substances.

herbicide Adengo

Pros and cons

Benefits of Adengo:

  1. Control over 100 species of dicotyledonous weeds for a long time.
  2. When processing is carried out during the growing season, it begins to control weeds.
  3. Prevents the next batch of weeds from emerging.
  4. The drug is used both before and after the emergence of corn.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  1. Inability to use Adengo in conjunction with nitrogen fertilizers.
  2. Prior to use, determine compatibility with other tools.
  3. As a result of pre-emergence treatment, chlorosis may appear on the leaves, which does not affect the further harvest.
  4. After using Adengo, it is not recommended to plant other plants in this place for 1-2 years.

herbicide Adengo

Mechanism of action

The drug has a double action. The first step is that the active substances discolor the weeds. With proper watering, the plants either do not germinate or die at an early stage.

The second action is that when thiencarbazone-methyl gets in, the work of the protein is disrupted, as a result of which the grass is not able to multiply.

Time of protective action

The time of protective action depends on many factors, for example, on soil moisture. However, the norm is considered from 8 weeks until harvest.Sensitive weed control starts from the first treatment.

During dry periods, weeds may appear, but rain will restore Adengo's effect. Weeds that have reached 5 cm in height die within 10 days. After the activity of the drug has resumed, the action of the herbicide continues for a decade.

herbicide Adengo

Calculation of consumption for different plants

Consumption for corn is 0.5 l / ha, and the rate of water application is 200 l / ha. Droplet spraying is recommended.

Preparation of working solution

The working solution is prepared as follows. The required amount of the drug is poured into the bucket, then ¼ of the water is added. Then the solution is stirred and the remaining water is poured. Then everything is poured into a sprayer and processing begins.

work with herbicides

Further use

Instructions for using the drug are very simple:

  1. Spraying of crops is carried out before or after the emergence of corn, when it has 2-3 leaves, and the weeds are at an early stage of development. Spraying is carried out evenly.
  2. Beets, buckwheat and other sensitive crops cannot be planted in this place next year. The best option would be to plant the corn again.
  3. Provided the soil is well moistened, 2 years pass before sowing sensitive crops, and the land is plowed deeply.

Security measures

Herbicides are considered non-hazardous to humans, but precautions must be taken:

  1. Be sure to use a protective suit, glasses and gloves.
  2. Do not use hand sprayers.
  3. Do not treat the area where there are children.

work with herbicides in the field


At high temperature conditions, as well as sharp changes in temperature, leaf chlorosis is observed. However, it disappears soon without damaging the crop.

Compatibility with other products

Adengo destroys various weeds that appear in corn. But to combat bindweed, mixtures with other herbicides are used.

The only condition is that initially the compatibility of the drugs is checked.

Storage conditions and periods

Adengo is stored at temperatures from -5 to +30 degrees. In such conditions, the drug is stored for 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Herbicide Adengo packaging

Are there any analogues?

At the moment, there is no information on the availability of analogues of the herbicide Adengo.

This drug has many advantages that a number of other drugs do not have, so it cannot be replaced.

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